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Last active July 24, 2017 12:20
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Allows you to install new Craft
* Download Craft Plugins
* @package generator-mh-boilerplate
* @author Martin Herweg <>
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const download = require('download');
const ProgressBar = require('progress');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const extend = require('deep-extend');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
// path to tmp folder
const tmpFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp');
// path to the craft plugin folder, defined in the package.json with fallback to the default folder if the setting is not there
const craftPluginFolder = `${path.resolve(__dirname, `../${pkg.distPaths.pluginFolder}`)}/` || path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/craft/plugins/');
* Function to get a list with all files including those in subfolders in the given dir
* @param dir (String)
* @returns {Array.<T>}
function readDirR(dir) {
return fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory() ? Array.prototype.concat(...fs.readdirSync(dir).map(f => readDirR(path.join(dir, f)))) : dir;
* Doing all the Magic to Download the Plugin
* @param pluginUrl (String)
* @returns {Promise.<T>|*}
async function downloadPlugin(pluginUrl) {
// // Check the Craft Plugin folder for installed Plugins
// // Using fs to get all files in the Folder, returns array with all files
// // filter them for just the directories
// const installedPlugins = fs.readdirSync(craftPluginFolder).filter(file => fs.lstatSync(path.join(craftPluginFolder, file)).isDirectory());
// // split the given plugin url to get an array so we can get the plugin name by url
// let url = pluginUrl.split('/');
// // get the last element of the array (should be the name, maybe needs better check)
// // split the name by the dashes to replace those, then join the string and replace undescores
// // gets us a clean string we can work with
// url = url[url.length - 1].split('-').join('').replace('_', '');
// // convert the url to all lower case and replace craft or cms or craftcms, now we should get the clean plugin name
// // which is also used in the plugin folder as Folder name
// url = url.toLowerCase().replace(/(craft)(cms)*/gi, '');
// // find an item in the installedPlugins array which includes the string we just created
// const isInstalled = installedPlugins.find(item => item.includes(url));
const isInstalled = findPlugin(pluginUrl);
// if there is an item return here so we don't download a installed plugin again.
if (isInstalled !== undefined && isInstalled.length > 0) {
// set a willUpdate Variable to Check if the user wants to update the Plugin
let willUpdate = false;
// check if the script is called with --update flag
// update will Update variable
if (argv.update) {
willUpdate = true;
} else {
console.log(`${}Plugin ${isInstalled} is already installed${chalk.styles.yellow.close}`);
// check if the user wants to install one single Plugin or uses the update Flag
if (!argv.scripts && !argv.update) {
await inquirer
type: 'confirm',
name: 'update',
message: `Do you want to update ${isInstalled}?`,
.then((answers) => {
if (answers.update) willUpdate = true;
if (!willUpdate) return;
return downloadFile(pluginUrl);
* Check the Craft Plugin Folder for Installed Plugins and return the folder names as array
* @param craftPluginFolder
* @returns array
function installedPlugins(craftPluginFolder) {
return fs.readdirSync(craftPluginFolder).filter(file => fs.lstatSync(path.join(craftPluginFolder, file)).isDirectory());
* Find a Plugin in the Craft Plugins Folder and return its name
* @param pluginUrl
function findPlugin(pluginUrl) {
// Check the Craft Plugin folder for installed Plugins
// Using fs to get all files in the Folder, returns array with all files
// filter them for just the directories
const installedPluginsList = installedPlugins(craftPluginFolder);
// split the given plugin url to get an array so we can get the plugin name by url
let url = pluginUrl.split('/');
// get the last element of the array (should be the name, maybe needs better check)
// split the name by the dashes to replace those, then join the string and replace undescores
// gets us a clean string we can work with
url = url[url.length - 1].split('-').join('').replace('_', '');
// convert the url to all lower case and replace craft or cms or craftcms, now we should get the clean plugin name
// which is also used in the plugin folder as Folder name
url = url.toLowerCase().replace(/(craft)(cms)*/gi, '');
// find an item in the installedPlugins array which includes the string we just created
const pluginName = installedPluginsList.find(item => item.includes(url));
return pluginName;
* Function to Download the Plugin Files
* @param pluginUrl
* @returns {*|Promise.<T>}
function downloadFile(pluginUrl) {
console.log(`${}Downloading ${pluginUrl}${}`);
// construct the Plugin Url (just github)
const pluginZip = `${pluginUrl}/archive/`;
// create an empty tmp dir
// initialize node-progress
const bar = new ProgressBar('[:bar] :percent :etas', {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
width: 20,
total: 0,
// use the donwload package which returns a promise to download the file
// extract it to the tmpfolder
* @param url (String)
* @param destination (String)
return download(pluginZip, tmpFolder, {
extract: true,
mode: '775',
.on('response', (res) => { = res.headers['content-length'];
res.on('data', data => bar.tick(data.length));
.then(() => {
// Recursive read all Files in the tmp Folder
const files = readDirR(path.resolve(__dirname, tmpFolder));
// find the File which includes `Plugin.php` to get the Folder which contains the Plugin
const PluginFile = files.find(dataItem => dataItem.includes('Plugin.php'));
const PluginFileDirectory = path.dirname(PluginFile);
// get the Folder name the Plugin is located in
let PluginFolder = path.basename(PluginFileDirectory);
// check again for the existence of the Plugin Folder and return if true
if (fs.pathExistsSync(craftPluginFolder + PluginFolder)) return;
// if the plugin folder is located in the root it often contains -master from the zip
// we replace it here
if (PluginFolder.includes('-master')) {
PluginFolder = PluginFolder.replace('-master', '');
// finally move the Plugin Folder to the Craft Plugin Folder with the name of the Plugin
fs.moveSync(PluginFileDirectory, craftPluginFolder + PluginFolder, {
overwrite: argv.update ? true : false,
// Remove the Plugin Folder
console.log('Plugin downloaded and extracted, please activate it in the Backend'));
.catch(error => console.error(error));
// if the command line has an option --scripts don't go any further
// here we check the package.json for an array of Links and download all of them with our Download Plugin Function
if (argv.scripts) {
// Get all Plugin Urls and execute or downloadPlugin function
return Promise.all( => downloadPlugin(x)))
.then(() => {
// If everything is downloaded remove the tmp Folder.
console.log(`${}removed ${tmpFolder}${}`);
.catch(e => console.error(e));
// if we call the script with --update flag return a list of all plugins and update the chosen one
if (argv.update) {
// get an array with all plugin names to use them as choices for inquirer
const pluginList = installedPlugins(craftPluginFolder);
return inquirer
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'pluginList',
message: 'Choose Plugins you want to update',
choices: pluginList,
.then((answers) => {
const pluginUrls = {}; => {
pluginUrls[plugin] = pkg.craftPlugins.find((url) => {
// split the given plugin url to get an array so we can get the plugin name by url
let checkUrl = url.split('/');
// get the last element of the array (should be the name, maybe needs better check)
// split the name by the dashes to replace those, then join the string and replace undescores
// gets us a clean string we can work with
checkUrl = checkUrl[checkUrl.length - 1].split('-').join('').replace('_', '');
// convert the checkUrl to all lower case and replace craft or cms or craftcms, now we should get the clean plugin name
// which is also used in the plugin folder as Folder name
checkUrl = checkUrl.toLowerCase().replace(/(craft)(cms)*/gi, '');
return checkUrl.match(new RegExp(plugin, 'gi'));
// loop through the object and delete the ones we could not match
// display which could not match so the user could update them by hand
for(const prop in pluginUrls) {
if(pluginUrls[prop] === null || pluginUrls[prop] === undefined) {
console.log(`${}Plugin ${prop} could not correctly matched, please update by hand${}`);
delete pluginUrls[prop];
// map all the object keys to the downloadPlugin Function
return Promise.all(Object.keys(pluginUrls).map(x => downloadPlugin(pluginUrls[x])))
.then(() => {
// If everything is downloaded remove the tmp Folder.
console.log(`${}removed ${tmpFolder}${}`);
.catch(e => console.error(e));
// If the --scripts option is not present we get an Command Line Prompt to paste a Plugin Url
// we Use Inquirer.js which is also used by Yeoman
type: 'input',
name: 'pluginUrl',
message: 'Please provide the URL to the github Repo',
validate(input) {
if (!input.includes('')) {
console.error('Please provide a vald Github URL');
return false;
return true;
.then(async (answers) => {
// get the current package.json so we can extend it with javascript
const extendPkg = await fs.readJsonSync('./package.json');
// if the craftPlugins array in the package.json does not contain the current Plugin
// push the URL to the array
if (!extendPkg.craftPlugins.includes(answers.pluginUrl)) {
// write the new package.json
try {
await fs.writeJsonSync('./package.json', extendPkg, {
spaces: 2,
} catch (e) {
// download the Plugin
.catch(e => console.error(e));
"scripts": {
"install:craftPlugins": "node scripts/downloadPlugin.js --scripts",
"install:craftPlugin": "node scripts/downloadPlugin.js",
"update:craftPlugins": "node scripts/downloadPlugin.js --update",
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