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Created May 15, 2019 05:32
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Boot tasks and helper functions to create Sentry releases and attach source maps to them
(ns dev.boot-sentry
(:require [boot.util :as util]
[boot.core :as boot]
[ :as json]
[org.httpkit.client :as http]))
(def sentry-key "abc")
(def org "my-org")
(def project "frontend")
(def test-release "test-release-delete-me")
(defn delete-release' [org project version]
(str "" org "/" project "/releases/" version "/")
{:headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " sentry-key)}}))
(defn create-release [org project release]
(str "" org "/" project "/releases/")
{:headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " sentry-key)
"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:body (json/write-str {:version release})}))
(defn upload-source-map [org project release file remote]
(str "" org "/" project "/releases/" release "/files/")
{:headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " sentry-key)}
:multipart [{:name "name" :content remote}
{:name "file" :content file :filename (.getName file)}]}))
(boot/deftask sentry-release
[o org ORG str "Sentry organization identifier"
p project PROJECT str "The Sentry project slug"
r release RELEASE str "The release identifier to use in Sentry"
f files REMOTE=FILE {str str}"Full path to the source map file inside the fileset"]
(boot/with-pre-wrap fs
(assert org "org option is required")
(assert project "project option is required")
(assert release "release option is required")
(util/info "Creating Sentry release in project %s\n" project)
(util/info "• creating release %s\n" release)
(let [release-resp (create-release org project release)]
(if (= 201 (:status release-resp))
(doseq [[remote file] files]
(util/info "• uploading source map file %s as %s... " file remote)
(let [candidates (boot/output-files fs)
map-file (first (boot/by-path [file] candidates))
res (upload-source-map org project release (boot/tmp-file map-file) remote)]
(util/info "HTTP Status: %s\n" (:status res))
(when-not (= 201 (:status res))
(util/fail "Failed to upload %s\n" res))))
(util/fail "Failed to create release %s\n" release-resp)))
(boot/deftask delete-release
[o org ORG str "Sentry organization identifier"
p project PROJECT str "The Sentry project slug"
r release RELEASE [str] "The release identifier to use in Sentry"]
(boot/with-pre-wrap fs
(util/info "Deleting Sentry release\n")
(doseq [r release]
(util/info "• deleting release %s\n" r)
(delete-release' org project r))
(sentry-release :release "0.0.1234" ;app-version
:files {"~/" "public/"
"~/" "public/"})
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