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Last active June 1, 2021 14:54
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  • Save martinklepsch/ff497c4dc5c484001cf4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(defn listen-file-drop
([el] (listen-file-drop el (chan)))
([el out & {:keys [concat]
:or {concat true}}]
(let [handler (events/FileDropHandler. el true)]
(events/listen el events/FileDropHandler.EventType.DROP
(fn [e] (let [files (event->files e)]
(.log js/console "dropped")
(.log js/console (-> (-source-event e) .-dataTransfer .-files prim-seq))
(if concat
(doseq [f files] (put! out f))
(put! out files))))))
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