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Created January 31, 2012 12:20
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[perl] Script that tracks log files and domain registrations and alerts on problems
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
use threads;
use Tracker;
use Domains;
use Logs;
use constant NAME => 'alert';
use constant VERSION => '1.0';
my %track = (
'/var/log/xenctrlserver/xenctrlserver.log' => \&Logs::base,
'/var/log/wwdserver/wwdserver.log' => \&Logs::base
die 'Usage: '.NAME."\n" if ($#ARGV != -1);
# Disable starting multiple instances
sysopen RUN, '/var/run/'.NAME.'.pid', O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600;
flock(RUN, Fcntl::LOCK_EX | Fcntl::LOCK_NB)
or die NAME.": Application already running\n";
# Daemonize
exit if fork;
chdir '/';
umask 0;
# Write PID to a file
truncate RUN, 0;
print RUN "$$\n";
open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null';
open STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null';
sysopen STDERR, '/var/log/'.NAME.'.log', O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY, 0600;
select STDERR;
$| = 1; # Disable output buffering
# Ignore signals that may terminate the program
# Start a separate thread to track each file
my @threads = ();
foreach my $filename (keys %track)
my $handler = $track{$filename};
my $tracker = Tracker::new($filename);
if (!defined($tracker))
Report::log(NAME.": Unable to track $filename");
push @threads, threads->new(sub {$tracker->track($handler);});
# Watch domain registrations and renewals
# Avoid program termination if the main thread reaches this point
# Sleep endlessly so that the other threads can do their job
sleep while 1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
package Domains;
our $VERSION = '1.0';
use DBI;
use Net::Whois::Raw;
use Report;
use constant SQL_SERVER => 'DBI:mysql:schema';
use constant SQL_USERNAME => 'username';
use constant SQL_PASSWORD => 'password';
use constant SECONDS_HOUR => 3600;
use constant RETRY_INTERVAL => 60;
$Net::Whois::Raw::OMIT_MSG = 1;
$Net::Whois::Raw::TIMEOUT = 8;
sub tld
(shift =~ /\.([a-z]+$)/i)[0];
# Returns expiration date as (year, month, day)
sub extract_date
sub month_to_number
my %months = qw(
jan 1
feb 2
mar 3
apr 4
may 5
jun 6
jul 7
aug 8
sep 9
oct 10
nov 11
dec 12
my $month = lc(shift);
$months{$month} or $month;
my $response = shift;
my @match;
# TODO: handle two digit years
# Find the expiration date. Look for several different formats
@match = ($response =~ /expir.*?(\d{2}|\d{4})[\/-](\d{2}|\w{3})[\/-](\d{2}|\d{4})/i);
return 0 if (!@match);
@match = reverse(@match) if ($match[0] < 100);
$match[0] = 2000 + $match[0] % 100;
$match[1] = month_to_number($match[1]);
sub sooner
my ($new, $old) = @_;
return (($new->[0] > $old->[0]) or ($new->[1] > $old->[1]) or ($new->[2] > $old->[2]));
sub expire_date
my $domain = shift;
my @result = (`/root/wwdsoapserver/wwdserver expire $domain 2> /dev/null` =~ /EXPIRE="(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)"/);
return @result;
sub watch
my ($db_query, $db_update, @db_result);
my @errors;
# Check domains every hour
my $start = time;
while (1)
if (!$db)
Report::log('Unable to connect to database');
# Check the newly registered domains
$db_query = $db->prepare('select domain_name from domains_owner where date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour)>=Registered and Registered>=date_sub(now(), interval 25 hour)');
@db_result = @{$db_query->fetchall_arrayref};
foreach my $row (@db_result)
if (!expire_date($row->[0]))
my $message = "Not registered: $row->[0]";
push @errors, $message;
sleep 1; # Wait to avoid overloading the server
# Check the renewed domains
$db_query = $db->prepare('select domain,date_old from checkrenew where date_old=date_new and checked=0');
@db_result = @{$db_query->fetchall_arrayref};
foreach my $row (@db_result)
#my $tld = Domains::tld($domain);
#exit if ($tld eq 'eu');
#my @date_expire = extract_date(whois($row->[0]));
my @date_expire = expire($row->[0]);
if (sooner(@date_expire, split(/-/, $row->[1])))
my $expire = join('-', @date_expire);
$db_update = $db->prepare('update checkrenew set checked=1,date_new=? where domain=?');
$db_update->execute($expire, $row->[0]);
$db_update = $db->prepare('update domains_owner set Expires_On=? where domain_name=?');
$db_update->execute($expire, $row->[0]);
my $message = "Not renewed: $row->[0]";
push @errors, $message;
sleep 1; # Wait to avoid overloading the server
if (@errors)
Report::email('[ALERT] Domains', join("\n", @errors));
@errors = ();
# WARNING: This assumes that one iteration of the cycle takes less than 1 hour
sleep(SECONDS_HOUR - (time - $start) % SECONDS_HOUR);
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
package Logs;
our $VERSION = '1.0';
use Report;
sub base
my ($filename, $log) = @_;
my @errors;
foreach (@$log)
# Remember and log each line containing errors
when (/error/i)
push @errors, $_;
# If errors were found, report them via email
Report::email("[ALERT] $filename", join("\n", @errors)) if @errors;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
package Report;
our $VERSION = '1.0';
use constant EMAIL_HOST => 'localhost';
use constant EMAIL_FROM => '';
use constant EMAIL_TO => '';
use Net::SMTP;
sub email
my ($subject, $message) = @_;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(EMAIL_HOST);
$smtp->datasend('From: '.EMAIL_FROM."\n");
$smtp->datasend('To: '.EMAIL_TO."\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
sub log
my @months = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month) = localtime(time);
print sprintf("[%s %02u %02u:%02u:%02u] %s\n", $months[$month], $day, $hour, $min, $sec, shift);
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
package Tracker;
our $VERSION = '1.0';
use Fcntl;
use File::stat;
use constant REFRESH_INTERVAL => 5;
use constant RESTART_INTERVAL => 60;
sub new
my $filename = shift;
# Remember file size and modification time. We have to look only for newly added lines.
my $stat = stat($filename);
return undef unless defined $stat;
bless {'filename' => $filename, 'size' => $stat->size, 'mtime' => $stat->mtime};
# Restart tracking when necessary
sub restart
my $self = shift;
my $stat;
# Retry to stat until it succeeds
$stat = stat($self->{'filename'});
} until (defined($stat));
$self->{'size'} = $stat->size;
$self->{'mtime'} = $stat->mtime;
# Finds newly added to the log file lines
sub refresh
my $self = shift;
my $stat = stat($self->{'filename'});
return undef unless defined $stat;
# Open the file only if the modification time changed
if ($stat->mtime > $self->{'mtime'})
open INPUT, '<'.$self->{'filename'};
# If file length has decreased, it's probably a new file so read the whole file
$self->{'size'} = 0 if ($self->{'size'} > $stat->size);
# Read from the position where the new content starts
seek INPUT, $self->{'size'}, Fcntl::SEEK_SET;
my @lines = <INPUT>;
map chomp, @lines; # Drop the line feeds at the end of each line
close INPUT;
# Remember size and modification time
$self->{'size'} = $stat->size;
$self->{'mtime'} = $stat->mtime;
return \@lines;
return [];
sub track
my ($self, $handler) = @_;
while (1)
# Check for new content in the log file
my $recent = $self->refresh;
if (!defined($recent))
Report::log("alert: Unable to track $self->{'filename'}");
Report::log("alert: Tracking $self->{'filename'} restarted");
$handler->($self->{'filename'}, $recent);
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