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Created August 18, 2012 11:32
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A simple clojure portlet
(:gen-class :implements [javax.portlet.Portlet]
:init construct
:main false
:state state)
(:import (javax.portlet ActionRequest PortletMode)))
(defn- include-path [this path request response]
(let [state @(.state this)
config (:config state)
context (.getPortletContext config)
request-dispatcher (.getRequestDispatcher context path)]
(.include request-dispatcher request response)))
(defn -construct []
[[] (ref {:count 0})])
(defn -init [this config]
(let [state (.state this)]
(alter state #(assoc %1 :config config)))))
(defmulti -processAction
(fn [this request response]
(keyword (.getParameter request ActionRequest/ACTION_NAME))))
(defmulti -render
(fn [this request response]
(.getPortletMode request)))
(defn -destroy [this]
(let [state (.state this)]
(alter state #(apply dissoc %1 (keys %1))))))
(defmethod -processAction :increment [this request response]
(let [state (.state this)]
(alter state #(assoc %1 :count (inc (:count %1)))))))
(defmethod -processAction :reset [this request response]
(let [state (.state this)]
(alter state #(assoc %1 :count 0)))))
(defmethod -render PortletMode/HELP [this request response]
(include-path this "/help.jsp" request response))
(defmethod -render PortletMode/VIEW [this request response]
(let [state @(.state this)
count (:count state)]
(.setAttribute request "count" count))
(include-path this "/view.jsp" request response))
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