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Created January 9, 2020 21:02
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// Option 1: Math.min()
const findSmallestIntUsingMathMin = args => {
return Math.min(...args);
console.log(findSmallestIntUsingMathMin([1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5]));
// Option 2: Array.reduce()
const reducer = (minValue, currentValue) =>
minValue < currentValue ? minValue : currentValue;
const findSmallestIntUsingReduce = args => {
return args.reduce(reducer);
console.log(findSmallestIntUsingReduce([1, 2, -3, 4, 5]));
const findSmallestIntUsingMathMin = args => {
return Math.min(...args)
const findSmallestInt = args => {
return args.sort((a,b) => a - b)[0]
console.log(findSmallestInt([1, 2, 3, 4, -10, 5]));
// Martin's preferred solution:
function romanize(num) {
const romanMatrix = {
M: 1000,
CM: 900,
D: 500,
CD: 400,
C: 100,
XC: 90,
L: 50,
XL: 40,
X: 10,
IX: 9,
V: 5,
IV: 4,
I: 1
let roman = "";
for (let key of Object.keys(romanMatrix)) {
const quotient = Math.floor(num / romanMatrix[key]);
num -= quotient * romanMatrix[key];
roman += key.repeat(quotient);
return roman;
// Top StackOverflow Solution:
function romanize (num) {
if (isNaN(num))
return NaN;
var digits = String(+num).split(""),
key = ["","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM",
roman = "",
i = 3;
while (i--)
roman = (key[+digits.pop() + (i * 10)] || "") + roman;
return Array(+digits.join("") + 1).join("M") + roman;
// Second StackOverFlow Solution:
function romanize(num) {
var lookup = {M:1000,CM:900,D:500,CD:400,C:100,XC:90,L:50,XL:40,X:10,IX:9,V:5,IV:4,I:1},roman = '',i;
for ( i in lookup ) {
while ( num >= lookup[i] ) {
roman += i;
num -= lookup[i];
return roman;
function romanize(num) {
const lookup = {
M: 1000,
CM: 900,
D: 500,
CD: 400,
C: 100,
XC: 90,
L: 50,
XL: 40,
X: 10,
IX: 9,
V: 5,
IV: 4,
I: 1
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