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Created October 8, 2017 22:09
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Patch for Drupal6 (and Pressflow6 too) cache
diff --git a/www/includes/ b/www/includes/
index 1e70960..d08f3f4 100644
--- a/www/includes/
+++ b/www/includes/
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ function cache_get($cid, $table = 'cache') {
// Garbage collection necessary when enforcing a minimum cache lifetime
$cache_flush = variable_get('cache_flush_'. $table, 0);
- if ($cache_flush && ($cache_flush + variable_get('cache_lifetime', 0) <= time())) {
+ if ($cache_flush + variable_get('cache_lifetime', 0) <= time()) {
// Reset the variable immediately to prevent a meltdown in heavy load situations.
- variable_set('cache_flush_'. $table, 0);
+ variable_set('cache_flush_'. $table, time());
// Time to flush old cache data
db_query("DELETE FROM {". $table ."} WHERE expire != %d AND expire <= %d", CACHE_PERMANENT, $cache_flush);
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