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Created February 19, 2022 18:01
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Calculates the Plex Required Bitrates for the video track in a video file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os
import json
import math
from subprocess import run, DEVNULL, PIPE
from fractions import Fraction
from multiprocessing import Pool
from itertools import accumulate
version = f"""\
{os.path.basename(__file__)} 2022.02.19
Martin Pickett
help_string = f"""\
Calculate the Plex Required Bitrates for the video track in a video file.
Usage: {os.path.basename(__file__)} [OPTIONS] FILE
-h, --help print help message and exit
-v, --version print version information and exit
Requires FFprobe.
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
parser.add_argument("file", nargs="?")
parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Print version and exit
if args.version:
# Print help and exit
# Checks existence of file
if not os.path.isfile(args.file):
exit(f"Error: File {args.file} does not exist")
# Information for user
print("Information: Reading file...")
# Get list of frame sizes and fps from input file
frames, fps = get_frames(args.file)
# Coarse check for valid input file
if not len(frames) > 0:
exit(f"Error: Input file {args.file} invalid")
# Information for user
print("Information: Starting rate value calculations for Plex buffer sizes...")
# Standard Plex buffer sizes
plex_buffers_nominal = [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500] # in megabytes
plex_buffers_actual = [x*7200000 for x in plex_buffers_nominal] # in bits
# Create removal_time list
t_remove = [5 + n/fps for n in range(len(frames))]
#Calculate rates in parallel and convert to kb/s
args = [ (frames, fps, x, t_remove) for x in plex_buffers_actual ]
with Pool(maxtasksperchild=1) as p:
rates = p.starmap(bisection_method, args)
rates = [math.ceil(rate/1000) for rate in rates]
print(" Plex Buffer (MB): 5 10 25 50 75 100 250 500 ")
print(f"Required Bitrate (kb/s): {rates[0]:6.0f} {rates[1]:6.0f} {rates[2]:6.0f} {rates[3]:6.0f} {rates[4]:6.0f} {rates[5]:6.0f} {rates[6]:6.0f} {rates[7]:6.0f}")
# Bisection Method - Returns minimum rate (float) in bits per second
def bisection_method(frames, fps, buffer, t_remove):
accuracy = 1
# Initial guesses for rate. a = lower limit, b = upper limit
a = (sum(frames) / len(frames)) * fps
b = max(frames) * fps
# Loop and minimise f_c (make f_c as close to zero as possible)
while (b - a) > accuracy:
c = (a + b) * 0.5
f_c = calculate_buffer_size(frames, c, fps, t_remove)
if f_c is None:
a = c
if f_c - buffer > 0:
a = c
b = c
# return the higher of the two bracketing values
return b
# Returns max buffer size in bits (this will always be an integer value)
def calculate_buffer_size(frames, rate, fps, t_remove):
# maximum download rate (maxrate) in bits per second
# Two lists, initial arrival times and final arrival times
t_arrive_i = [t - s/rate for t, s in zip(t_remove, frames)]
t_arrive_f = t_remove.copy()
# Adjust arrival time lists to eliminate any overlapping between frames
for i in range(len(t_arrive_i)-1, 0, -1):
if t_arrive_i[i] < t_arrive_f[i-1]:
t_arrive_i[i-1] = t_arrive_i[i] - frames[i-1]/rate
t_arrive_f[i-1] = t_arrive_i[i]
# If we have moved first initial arrival time -'ve then stream invalid
if t_arrive_i[0] < 0:
return None
# Create empty timeline and frame to remove counter
timeline = []
f_remove = 0
# This speeds up the next loop, which is good
timeline_append = timeline.append
# Create timeline of +size and -size values
for t_ai, t_af, size in zip(t_arrive_i, t_arrive_f, frames):
while t_ai >= t_remove[f_remove]:
f_remove = f_remove + 1
if t_af <= t_remove[f_remove]:
s1 = round((t_remove[f_remove] - t_ai) * rate)
f_remove = f_remove + 1
timeline_append(size - s1)
# Calculate maximum buffer size
buffer_accumulation = list(accumulate(timeline))
max_buffer_size = max(buffer_accumulation)
# Return maximum buffer size
return max_buffer_size
# Returns list of frame sizes and fps for input file
def get_frames(input_file):
# Scan ffprobe data for frame rate and frame sizes
# Note: ffprobe stores size data in bytes and we want it in bits hence the
# multiplication by 8
command = [
"-loglevel", "quiet",
"-select_streams", "v:0",
"-show_entries", "stream=avg_frame_rate:packet=size",
"-print_format", "json",
media_info = json.loads(run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL).stdout)
fps = float(Fraction(media_info["streams"][0]["avg_frame_rate"]))
frames = [int(packet["size"]) * 8 for packet in media_info["packets"]]
return frames, fps
if __name__ == "__main__":
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