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Created February 13, 2018 10:16
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a script to compute the number of subwords in a given raw bi-text, useful for estimating the number of training epochs in T2T
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tensor2tensor.data_generators import text_encoder
import tensorflow as tf
import sys
flags = tf.flags
flags.DEFINE_string("vocab", None, "Path to the subword vocabulary")
flags.DEFINE_string("src", None, "Path to the source-language text")
flags.DEFINE_string("trg", None, "Path to the target-language text")
# TODO print the actual subwords, use vocab._subtoken_id_to_subtoken_string() instead of _subtoken_ids_to_tokens()
flags.DEFINE_bool("print", False, "Print a character for each subword?")
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def words_subwords(vocab, string):
#subwords = vocab._subtoken_ids_to_tokens([x]) for x in vocab.encode(string)]
n_words = len(string.split())
n_subwords = len(vocab.encode(string))
return n_words, n_subwords
s_words, t_words, m_words = 0, 0, 0
s_subws, t_subws, m_subws = 0, 0, 0
sents = 0
def print_stats():
global s_words, t_words, m_words, s_subws, t_subws, m_subws, sents
eprint("\ntotal: sents=%d words=%d subwords=%s subwords/words %.4f" % (sents, m_words, m_subws, m_subws/m_words))
eprint("source: words=%d subwords=%d" % (s_words, s_subws))
eprint("target: words=%d subwords=%d" % (t_words, t_subws))
def main(_):
global s_words, t_words, m_words, s_subws, t_subws, m_subws, sents
vocab = text_encoder.SubwordTextEncoder(FLAGS.vocab)
with open(FLAGS.src, encoding="utf-8") as src, open(FLAGS.trg, encoding="utf-8") as trg:
for s, t in zip(src, trg):
sents += 1
s = s.strip()
t = t.strip()
s_w, s_s = words_subwords(vocab, s)
t_w, t_s = words_subwords(vocab, t)
s_words += s_w
t_words += t_w
m_words += max(s_w, t_w)
s_subws += s_s
t_subws += t_s
m_subws += max(s_s, t_s)
if sents % 100000 == 0:
if FLAGS.print:
print("a" * max(s_s, t_s))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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