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Created May 19, 2017 09:40
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Yii custom UrlManager. I am not the author of this class it was extract from another public project, but I have forgotten the real source.
namespace app\components;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\web\Cookie;
use yii\web\UrlManager as BaseUrlManager;
* UrlManager
* This class extends Yii's UrlManager and adds features to detect the language from the URL
* or from browser settings transparently. It also can persist the language in the user session
* and optionally in a cookie. It also adds the language parameter to any created URL.
class UrlManager extends BaseUrlManager
* @var array list of available language codes. More specific patterns should come first, e.g. 'en_us'
* before 'en'. This can also contain mapping of <url_value> => <language>, e.g. 'english' => 'en'.
public $languages = [];
* @var bool whether to enable locale URL specific features
public $enableLocaleUrls = true;
* @var bool whether the default language should use an URL code like any other configured language.
* By default this is `false`, so for URLs without a language code the default language is assumed.
* In addition any request to an URL that contains the default language code will be redirected to
* the same URL without a language code. So if the default language is `fr` and a user requests
* `/fr/some/page` he gets redirected to `/some/page`. This way the persistet language can be reset
* to the default language.
* If this is `true`, then an URL that does not contain any language code will be redirected to the
* same URL with default language code. So if for example the default language is `fr`, then
* any request to `/some/page` will be redirected to `/fr/some/page`.
public $enableDefaultLanguageUrlCode = false;
* @var bool whether to detect the app language from the HTTP headers (i.e. browser settings).
* Default is `true`.
public $enableLanguageDetection = true;
* @var bool whether to store the detected language in session and (optionally) a cookie. If this
* is `true` (default) and a returning user tries to access any URL without a language prefix,
* he'll be redirected to the respective stored language URL (e.g. /some/page -> /fr/some/page).
public $enableLanguagePersistence = true;
* @var bool whether to keep upper case language codes in URL. Default is `false` wich will e.g.
* redirect `de-AT` to `de-at`.
public $keepUppercaseLanguageCode = false;
* @var string the name of the session key that is used to store the language. Default is '_language'.
public $languageSessionKey = '_language';
* @var string the name of the language cookie. Default is '_language'.
public $languageCookieName = '_language';
* @var int number of seconds how long the language information should be stored in cookie,
* if `$enableLanguagePersistence` is true. Set to `false` to disable the language cookie completely.
* Default is 30 days.
public $languageCookieDuration = 2592000;
* @var array configuration options for the language cookie. Note that `$languageCookieName`
* and `$languageCookeDuration` will override any `name` and `expire` settings provided here.
public $languageCookieOptions = [];
* @var array list of route and URL regex patterns to ignore during language processing. The keys
* of the array are patterns for routes, the values are patterns for URLs. Route patterns are checked
* during URL creation. If a pattern matches, no language parameter will be added to the created URL.
* URL patterns are checked during processing incoming requests. If a pattern matches, the language
* processing will be skipped for that URL. Examples:
* ~~~php
* [
* '#^site/(login|register)#' => '#^(login|register)#'
* '#^api/#' => '#^api/#',
* ]
* ~~~
public $ignoreLanguageUrlPatterns = [];
* @var string the language that was initially set in the application configuration
protected $_defaultLanguage;
* @inheritdoc
public $enablePrettyUrl = true;
* @var string if a parameter with this name is passed to any `createUrl()` method, the created URL
* will use the language specified there. URLs created this way can be used to switch to a different
* language. If no such parameter is used, the currently detected application language is used.
public $languageParam = 'language';
* @var \yii\web\Request
protected $_request;
* @var bool whether locale URL was processed
protected $_processed = false;
* @inheritdoc
public function init()
if ($this->enableLocaleUrls && $this->languages) {
if (!$this->enablePrettyUrl) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Locale URL support requires enablePrettyUrl to be set to true.');
$this->_defaultLanguage = Yii::$app->language;
* @return string the `language` option that was initially set in the application config file,
* before it was modified by this component.
public function getDefaultLanguage()
return $this->_defaultLanguage;
* @inheritdoc
public function parseRequest($request)
if ($this->enableLocaleUrls && $this->languages) {
$process = true;
if ($this->ignoreLanguageUrlPatterns) {
$pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
foreach ($this->ignoreLanguageUrlPatterns as $k => $pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $pathInfo)) {
Yii::trace("Ignore pattern '$pattern' matches '$pathInfo.' Skipping language processing.", __METHOD__);
$process = false;
if ($process && !$this->_processed) {
$this->_processed = true;
return parent::parseRequest($request);
* @inheritdoc
public function createUrl($params)
if ($this->ignoreLanguageUrlPatterns) {
$params = (array) $params;
$route = trim($params[0], '/');
foreach ($this->ignoreLanguageUrlPatterns as $pattern => $v) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $route)) {
return parent::createUrl($params);
if ($this->enableLocaleUrls && $this->languages) {
$params = (array) $params;
if (isset($params[$this->languageParam])) {
$language = $params[$this->languageParam];
$languageRequired = true;
} else {
$language = Yii::$app->language;
$languageRequired = false;
// Do not use prefix for default language to prevent unnecessary redirect if there's no persistence and no detection
if (
$languageRequired && $language===$this->getDefaultLanguage() &&
!$this->enableDefaultLanguageUrlCode && !$this->enableLanguagePersistence && !$this->enableLanguageDetection
) {
$languageRequired = false;
$url = parent::createUrl($params);
// Unless a language was explicitely specified in the parameters we can return a URL without any prefix
// for the default language, if suffixes are disabled for the default language. In any other case we
// always add the suffix, e.g. to create "reset" URLs that explicitely contain the default language.
if (!$languageRequired && !$this->enableDefaultLanguageUrlCode && $language===$this->getDefaultLanguage()) {
return $url;
} else {
$key = array_search($language, $this->languages);
if (is_string($key)) {
$language = $key;
if (!$this->keepUppercaseLanguageCode) {
$language = strtolower($language);
// Remove any trailing slashes unless one is configured as suffix
if ($this->suffix!=='/') {
if (count($params)!==1) {
$url = preg_replace('#/\?#', '?', $url);
} else {
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
// /foo/bar -> /de/foo/bar
// /base/url/foo/bar -> /base/url/de/foo/bar
// /base/index.php/foo/bar -> /base/index.php/de/foo/bar
// ->
$needle = $this->showScriptName ? $this->getScriptUrl() : $this->getBaseUrl();
// Check for server name URL
if (strpos($url, '://')!==false) {
if (($pos = strpos($url, '/', 8))!==false || ($pos = strpos($url, '?', 8))!==false) {
$needle = substr($url, 0, $pos) . $needle;
} else {
$needle = $url . $needle;
$needleLength = strlen($needle);
return $needleLength ? substr_replace($url, "$needle/$language", 0, $needleLength) : "/$language$url";
} else {
return parent::createUrl($params);
* Checks for a language or locale parameter in the URL and rewrites the pathInfo if found.
* If no parameter is found it will try to detect the language from persistent storage (session /
* cookie) or from browser settings.
* @var \yii\web\Request $request
protected function processLocaleUrl($request)
$this->_request = $request;
$pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
$parts = [];
foreach ($this->languages as $k => $v) {
$value = is_string($k) ? $k : $v;
if (substr($value, -2)==='-*') {
$lng = substr($value, 0, -2);
$parts[] = "$lng\-[a-z]{2,3}";
$parts[] = $lng;
} else {
$parts[] = $value;
$pattern = implode('|', $parts);
if (preg_match("#^($pattern)\b(/?)#i", $pathInfo, $m)) {
$request->setPathInfo(mb_substr($pathInfo, mb_strlen($m[1].$m[2])));
$code = $m[1];
if (isset($this->languages[$code])) {
// Replace alias with language code
$language = $this->languages[$code];
} else {
// lowercase language, uppercase country
list($language,$country) = $this->matchCode($code);
if ($country!==null) {
if ($code==="$language-$country" && !$this->keepUppercaseLanguageCode) {
$this->redirectToLanguage(strtolower($code)); // Redirect ll-CC to ll-cc
} else {
$language = "$language-$country";
if ($language===null) {
$language = $code;
Yii::$app->language = $language;
Yii::trace("Language code found in URL. Setting application language to '$language'.", __METHOD__);
if ($this->enableLanguagePersistence) {
Yii::$app->session[$this->languageSessionKey] = $language;
Yii::trace("Persisting language '$language' in session.", __METHOD__);
if ($this->languageCookieDuration) {
$cookie = new Cookie(array_merge(
['httpOnly' => true],
'name' => $this->languageCookieName,
'value' => $language,
'expire' => time() + (int) $this->languageCookieDuration,
Yii::trace("Persisting language '$language' in cookie.", __METHOD__);
// "Reset" case: We called e.g. /fr/demo/page so the persisted language was set back to "fr".
// Now we can redirect to the URL without language prefix, if default prefixes are disabled.
if (!$this->enableDefaultLanguageUrlCode && $language===$this->_defaultLanguage) {
} else {
$language = null;
if ($this->enableLanguagePersistence) {
$language = Yii::$app->session->get($this->languageSessionKey);
$language!==null && Yii::trace("Found persisted language '$language' in session.", __METHOD__);
if ($language===null) {
$language = $request->getCookies()->getValue($this->languageCookieName);
$language!==null && Yii::trace("Found persisted language '$language' in cookie.", __METHOD__);
if ($language===null && $this->enableLanguageDetection) {
foreach ($request->getAcceptableLanguages() as $acceptable) {
list($language,$country) = $this->matchCode($acceptable);
if ($language!==null) {
$language = $country===null ? $language : "$language-$country";
Yii::trace("Detected browser language '$language'.", __METHOD__);
if ($language===null || $language===$this->_defaultLanguage) {
if (!$this->enableDefaultLanguageUrlCode) {
} else {
$language = $this->_defaultLanguage;
// #35: Only redirect if a valid language was found
if ($this->matchCode($language)===[null, null]) {
$key = array_search($language, $this->languages);
if ($key && is_string($key)) {
$language = $key;
$this->redirectToLanguage($this->keepUppercaseLanguageCode ? $language : strtolower($language));
* Tests whether the given code matches any of the configured languages.
* If the code is a single language code, and matches either
* - an exact language as configured (ll)
* - a language with a country wildcard (ll-*)
* this language code is returned.
* If the code also contains a country code, and matches either
* - an exact language/country code as configured (ll-CC)
* - a language with a country wildcard (ll-*)
* the code with uppercase country is returned. If only the language part matches
* a configured language, that language is returned.
* @param string $code the code to match
* @return array of [language, country], [language, null] or [null, null] if no match
protected function matchCode($code)
$language = $code;
$country = null;
$parts = explode('-', $code);
if (count($parts)===2) {
$language = $parts[0];
$country = strtoupper($parts[1]);
if (in_array($code, $this->languages)) {
return [$language, $country];
} elseif (
$country && in_array("$language-$country", $this->languages) ||
in_array("$language-*", $this->languages)
) {
return [$language, $country];
} elseif (in_array($language, $this->languages)) {
return [$language, null];
} else {
return [null, null];
* Redirect to the current URL with given language code applied
* @param string $language the language code to add. Can also be empty to not add any language code.
protected function redirectToLanguage($language)
$result = parent::parseRequest($this->_request);
if ($result === false) {
throw new \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'Page not found.'));
list ($route, $params) = $result;
$params[$this->languageParam] = $language;
// See Yii Issues #8291 and #9161:
$params = $params + $this->_request->getQueryParams();
array_unshift($params, $route);
$url = $this->createUrl($params);
// Required to prevent double slashes on generated URLs
if ($this->suffix==='/' && $route==='') {
$url = rtrim($url, '/').'/';
Yii::trace("Redirecting to $url.", __METHOD__);
// Response::redirect($url) above will call `Url::to()` internally. So to really
// test for the same final redirect URL here, we need to call Url::to(), too.
throw new \yii\base\Exception(\yii\helpers\Url::to($url));
} else {
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