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Last active February 17, 2017 11:11
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BNF for JayHorn intermediate language
The JayHorn Grammar.
A first attempt.
You have to install cabal (a Haskell thingy) with apt-get or brew.
Then you have to do:
cabal install alex
cabal install happy
cabal install bnfc
Then you can generate the parser using:
mkdir parser
bnfc -java jayhorn_bnf.bnfc -o parser/
entrypoints ProgramFile;
JhPrg. ProgramFile ::= [Decl];
TDecl. Decl ::= "type" TypeName "{" [FieldDeclaration] "}";
MDecl. Decl ::= TypeNameList MethodDecl MethodBody;
separator Decl "";
TList1. TypeNameList ::= TypeName ;
TList2. TypeNameList ::= "<" [TypeNames] ">";
Types. TypeNames ::= TypeName;
separator nonempty TypeNames ",";
Dvar. FieldDeclaration ::= TypeName [VarDecl] ";";
separator FieldDeclaration "";
VDecl. VarDecl ::= Ident;
separator nonempty VarDecl ",";
DeclName. DeclaratorName ::= Ident;
Mth. MethodDecl ::= DeclaratorName "(" [Parameter] ")";
Param. Parameter ::= TypeName DeclaratorName;
Pfinal. Parameter ::= "final" TypeName DeclaratorName;
separator Parameter ",";
-- Method Body
IBody. MethodBody ::= ";";
MBody. MethodBody ::= Body;
XBody. Body ::= "{" [LVarStatement] "}";
LVar. LVarStatement ::= TypeName [VarDecl] ";";
LVarf. LVarStatement ::= "final" TypeName [VarDecl] ";";
Statem. LVarStatement ::= Stm;
separator LVarStatement "";
-- Statements
Lbl. Stm ::= Ident ":";
Asg. Stm ::= Ident "=" Exp ";";
NewSt. Stm ::= Ident "=" "new" TypeName ";";
Cal. Stm ::= [CommaIdentList] "=" Ident "(" [CommaExpList] ")" ";" ;
LV. Stm ::= "{" [LVarStatement] "}";
Grd. Stm ::= GuardStm;
Jmp. Stm ::= JumpStm;
Iter. Stm ::= IterStm;
Sel. Stm ::= SelectionStm;
Hps. Stm ::= HeapStm;
CommaExp. CommaExpList ::= Exp;
separator nonempty CommaExpList ",";
CommaId. CommaIdentList ::= Ident;
separator nonempty CommaIdentList ",";
-- Guard Statements
Asrt. GuardStm ::= "assert" "(" Exp ")" ";";
Asme. GuardStm ::= "assume" "(" Exp ")" ";";
-- Jump Statements
Glabel. JumpStm ::= "goto" [CommaIdentList] ";";
Return. JumpStm ::= "return" ";";
ReturnExp. JumpStm ::= "return" [CommaExpList] ";";
-- Iter Statements
While. IterStm ::= "while" "(" Exp ")" Stm;
Do. IterStm ::= "do" Stm "while" "(" Exp ")";
-- Selection Statements
Ifone. SelectionStm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm [Elseif];
If. SelectionStm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm [Elseif] "else" Stm;
EIf. Elseif ::= "else" "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm;
terminator Elseif "";
-- Heap Statements (pull, push, havoc)
PullSt. HeapStm ::= [CommaIdentList] "=" "pull" "(" [CommaExpList] ")" ";" ;
PushSt. HeapStm ::= "push" "(" [CommaExpList] ")" ";" ;
HavocSt. HeapStm ::= "havoc" [CommaIdentList] ";" ;
-- Literals
BuiltIn. TypeName ::= BasicType;
ClassType. TypeName ::= Ident;
-- Expression
Etype. Exp ::= Exp14 "instanceof" TypeName;
Econdition. Exp2 ::= Exp3 "?" Exp ":" Exp2;
Elor. Exp3 ::= Exp3 "||" Exp4;
Eland. Exp4 ::= Exp4 "&&" Exp5;
Ebitor. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "|" Exp6;
Ebitexor. Exp6 ::= Exp6 "^" Exp7;
Ebitand. Exp7 ::= Exp7 "&" Exp8;
Eeq. Exp8 ::= Exp8 "==" Exp9;
Eneq. Exp8 ::= Exp8 "!=" Exp9;
Elthen. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "<" Exp10;
Egrthen. Exp9 ::= Exp9 ">" Exp10;
Ele. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "<=" Exp10;
Ege. Exp9 ::= Exp9 ">=" Exp10;
Eleft. Exp10 ::= Exp10 "<<" Exp11;
Eright. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">>" Exp11;
Etrip. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">>>" Exp11;
Eplus. Exp11 ::= Exp11 "+" Exp12;
Eminus. Exp11 ::= Exp11 "-" Exp12;
Etimes. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "*" Exp13;
Ediv. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "/" Exp13;
Emod. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "%" Exp13;
Epreop. Exp14 ::= Unary_operator Exp15;
Especname. Exp15 ::= SpecName;
Efld. Exp15 ::= TupleAcc;
Econst. Exp15 ::= Constant;
Evar. Exp16 ::= Ident;
coercions Exp 16;
-- field access
Tplvar. TupleAcc ::= SpecExp "." Ident;
Cep. SpecExp ::= "(" Exp ")";
Cnp. SpecExp ::= SpecExpNP;
Cthis. SpecExp ::= SpecName;
CNLit. SpecExpNP ::= Constant;
CNPfld. SpecExpNP ::= TupleAcc;
SSnull. SpecName ::= "null";
-- basic types
Tint. BasicType ::= "int";
Tlong. BasicType ::= "long";
Tfloat. BasicType ::= "float";
Tdouble. BasicType ::= "double";
TVoid. BasicType ::= "void";
Tboolean. BasicType ::= "boolean";
-- primitive constants
Edouble. Constant ::= Double;
Eint. Constant ::= Integer;
Etrue. Constant ::= "true";
Efalse. Constant ::= "false";
-- operators
Plus. Unary_operator ::= "+" ;
Negative. Unary_operator ::= "-" ;
Complement. Unary_operator ::= "~" ;
Logicalneg. Unary_operator ::= "!" ;
there is a problem with comments...
the first 2 commented out directives fail to work.
some alex hacking is probably in order to get a full
java parser; i've noticed the unbalanced /*'s appear
enough to be annoying
--comment "/**" "*/" ;
--comment "/*" "**/" ;
comment "/**" "**/" ;
comment "/*" "*/" ;
comment "//";
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