NB: I am not using this setup anymore, and will not update the config and code if it breaks. I recommend Pi-hole instead, which gives many features such as web UI, statistics, DNS-over-HTTPS, and definitely better written code ;)
This will show you how to use your EdgeRouter as a local DNS server and blocking DNS queries to domains that hosts ads and malware.
The blocklist used is:
There used to be more blocklists in this script, but these were deprecated. I take no responsibility for the default blocklist and it might get deprecated or poisoned with malicious stuff.
- WAN interface is eth0 and is using DHCP
- All other interfaces are for LAN
- EdgeRouter has a DHCP server named 'LAN' with subnet '' and router IP '' (default ERX config)
- EdgeRouter is using firmware 1.9.7 or higher (to use 'forwarding except-interface' instead of 'forwarding listen-on')
Connect to EdgeRouter using PowerShell
PS > ssh <username>@<edgerouter IP address>
Enter configure mode and set system nameservers. The system DNS servers will later be used for DNS forwarding.
I'm using Cloudflare and OpenDNS
admin@ERX:~$ configure
admin@ERX:~$ set system name-server
admin@ERX:~$ set system name-server
admin@ERX:~$ set system name-server
admin@ERX:~$ set system name-server
Stop EdgeRouter from adding extra system DNS servers from eth0 DHCP (the ones your ISP wants you to use)
admin@ERX:~$ set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcp-options name-server no-update
Renew DHCP for eth0. This will remove the ISP DNS servers from EdgeRouter system
admin@ERX:~$ run renew dhcp interface eth0
Commit and save the new config
admin@ERX:~$ commit
admin@ERX:~$ save
Based on Ubiquiti guide to setup EdgeRouter as DNS server with forwarding enabled.
Enable DNS cache (EdgeRouter forum post discussing cache sizes)
admin@ERX:~$ set service dns forwarding cache-size 3000
Set eth0 to not listen for DNS queries coming from your ISP or the internet. This is better for privacy.
Using 'except-interface' setting allows incoming queries from all other interfaces
admin@ERX:~$ set service dns forwarding except-interface eth0
Forward unknown/uncached DNS queries to the EdgeRouter system DNS servers
admin@ERX:~$ set service dns forwarding system
Make DHCP clients use EdgeRouter as DNS server
admin@ERX:~$ set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet dns-server
Commit and save the new config. Exit the configuration tool.
admin@ERX:~$ commit
admin@ERX:~$ save
admin@ERX:~$ exit
Renew DHCP on a client in your LAN
PS > ipconfig /release
PS > ipconfig /renew
Confirm DNS server is set to EdgeRouter and DNS works
PS > nslookup
Default Server: UnKnown
> github.com
Server: UnKnown
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: github.com
Check the correct forwarding nameservers are used
admin@ERX:~$ show dns forwarding nameservers
Nameservers configured for DNS forwarding
----------------------------------------------- available via 'optionally configured' available via 'optionally configured' available via 'optionally configured' available via 'optionally configured'
Generate some traffic on your network. Afterwards show DNS statistics
admin@ERX:~$ show dns forwarding statistics
Cache statistics
Cache size: 3000
Queries forwarded: 472
Queries answered locally: 316
Total DNS entries inserted into cache: 1381
DNS entries removed from cache before expiry: 0
Nameserver statistics
Queries sent: 205
Queries retried or failed: 8
Queries sent: 162
Queries retried or failed: 3
Queries sent: 248
Queries retried or failed: 6
Queries sent: 202
Queries retried or failed: 7
Switch to the root user and create a bash script with vi
in root
home directory.
root@ERX:~# sudo -i
root@ERX:~# vi ~/update-adblock-dnsmasq.sh
Enable insert in 'vi' by pressing 'i'. Paste the following to the bash script
# Blocklists pre-formatted as e.g. " ads.google.com"
# NB: the script implies blocklists use as the blackhole IP. If you change blocklists you need to change the code.
# Blackhole/IP to respond to DNS query if domain is on blocklist
# IP "" is a black hole. Per RFC 1122, section "This host on this network. MUST NOT be sent, except as a source address as part of an initialization procedure by which the host learns its own IP address."
# Block configuration to be used by dnsmasq
# Temp blocklists
# Make sure we're starting with empty blocklists
rm -f $tmp_blocklist
# Blocklists pre-formatted as e.g. " ads.google.com"
# NB: the script implies blocklists use as the blackhole IP. If you change blocklists you need to change the code.
# You could use regex matches to make this prettier and more flexible.
for i in "${blocklist_urls[@]}"
curl -s "$i" | sed "s/0\.0\.0\.0 //" >> $tmp_blocklist
# Remove any comment lines/lines containing '#'
sed -i "/#.*$/d;/^$/d" $tmp_blocklist
# Format raw blocklist
# Add to start of all lines: '/address='
sed -i "s/^/address=\//g" $tmp_blocklist
# Add to end of all lines: '/$blackhole_ip'
sed -i "s/$/\/$blackhole_ip/" $tmp_blocklist
# Keep only unique entries
sort $tmp_blocklist | uniq > $blocklist
# Clean up temp blocklists
rm -f $tmp_blocklist
# Restart dnsmasq to load new config
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq force-reload
Save the bash file by hitting escape, ':wq', and enter.
Make sure you're root, chmod the script, and run the script.
root@ERX:~# sudo -i
root@ERX:~# chmod a+x ~/update-adblock-dnsmasq.sh
root@ERX:~# ~/update-adblock-dnsmasq.sh
Make sure no errors were written to the console. Then add the script to crontab. Contab will generate a new blocklist everyday from your blocklist sources.
root@ERX:~# (crontab -l ; echo "20 4 * * * /root/update-adblock-dnsmasq.sh") | crontab -
Disconnect from the router
root@ERX:~# logout
admin@ERX:~# exit
Visit the following sites to confirm the ad-blocker is working:
Thank you. I have added a known blocklist and removed any others. Did some quick changes to the code too. I don't have the setup to test the new code, so fingers crossed an use at own risk.