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Created January 19, 2012 14:30
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clojure solution to checkout-kata
(ns lean-challenge.core
(:use [midje.sweet]))
; ==== application core
(defn cost [fruit]
({"b" 150 "a" 100 "p" 100 "m" 100 "c" 75} fruit))
(defn csv-to-col [s]
(seq (.split s ",")))
(defn discount [fruits]
(* 20 (quot (count (filter #{"c"} fruits)) 2))
(* 50 (quot (count (filter #{"m"} fruits)) 2))
(* 100 (quot (count (filter #{"p"} fruits)) 3))
(* 100 (quot (count (filter #{"p" "a" "m"} fruits)) 4))
(* 200 (quot (count fruits) 5))
(* (cost "b") (quot (count (filter #{"b"} fruits)) 2))))
(defn basket-price [fruits]
(- (reduce + (map cost fruits))
(discount fruits)))
; === facts about the application
(cost "b" ) => 150
(cost "a" ) => 100
(cost "c" ) => 75)
(fact "adds up the cost of all fruits in the basket"
(basket-price '("a" "c" "b")) => 325)
(fact "discount for every two lots of cherries"
(basket-price '("c" "c")) => (- 150 20)
(basket-price '("c" "c" "c" "c")) => (- 300 40))
(fact "buy two bananas get one for free"
(basket-price '("b" "b")) => (cost "b"))
(fact "3 pommes are 200"
(basket-price '("p" "p" "p")) => 200
(basket-price '("m" "m")) => 150)
(fact "global discounts"
(basket-price '("a", "a" "b", "c" "b" "b")) => 375
(basket-price '("a", "a" "m", "p" )) => 300)
(csv-to-col "a,b,c") => '("a" "b" "c"))
; ===== To run in repl just (use 'lean-challange/core)
; when you're ready for the next client : enter an empty line
(loop [item (read-line) items []]
(println (basket-price (concat (csv-to-col item) items)))
(if (empty? item)
(recur (read-line) (concat (csv-to-col item) items))))
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