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Last active August 18, 2018 22:09
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ICER 2017

ICER is a computer science education conference. I am interested in submitting a paper here. To see if my paper would be a good fit, I gathered a list of all the research papers published last year, ICER 2017. I read the abstracts and tried to summarized the work using bullet points. Where the abstract was too abstract, I skimmed sections of the paper to make better sense. Even so, any summary may be incomplete and even incorrect.

Recent acceptance rates:

Year Submissions Accepted Rate
2015 96 25 26%
2016 102 26 25%
2017 180 29 16%


Novice Programmers

Comprehension First: Evaluating a Novel Pedagogy and Tutoring System for Program Tracing in CS1

  • Proposed a formal theory of program tracing knowledge based on control flow paths through an interpreter' source code.
  • Proposed a new comprehension-first pedagogy.
  • Built PLTutor, a tutorial system with a fixed curriculum of example programs.

Sometimes, Rainfall Accumulates: Talk-Alouds with Novice Functional Programmers

  • How do novice functional programmers choose which high-level program schema to apply to the Rainfall problem.
  • A talk-aloud study in which novice functional programmers worked on Rainfall.
  • Results on which criteria used to select a high-level program schema.
  • Points where students realized that their chosen schema was not working.

Using Learner's Self-Explanations of Subgoals to Guide Initial Program Solving in App Inventor

  • Prompt learners to self-explain the subgoals of a problem solving process.
  • Learners who were scaffolded with their own explanations performed better on later problem solving than those scaffolded with experts' explanations or no scaffolding.

Student Perceptions, Conceptions, Reactions

Students' Emotional Reactions to Programming Projects in Introduction to Programming: Measurement Approach and Influence on Learning Outcomes

  • A basic emotional reactions survey with a large class of undergraduate students.
  • Results on how these reactions affect students' course outcomes over the short and longer term.

The "Art" of Programming: Exploring Student Conceptions of Programming through the Use of Drawing Methodology

  • Analyzed 396 drawings by first-year students in response to the question "What does programming mean to you?".
  • Recorded recurring artefacts, actors, activities, aspiration and affect.

Social Perceptions in Computer Science and Implications for Diverse Students

  • Focus on social perceptions for students in grades 7-12 in the U.S.
  • Surveys of nationally representative samples of 1,672 students, 1,677 parents, 1,008 teachers, 9,805 principals, and 2,307 superintendents.

When Things Go Wrong

Taking Advantage of Scale by Analyzing Frequent Constructed-Response, Code Tracing Wrong Answers

  • Analyzed incorrect constructed responses from code-tracing questions to investigate whether a small subsample of such responses could provide enough information.
  • 5% of the most frequent wrong answers cover 60% of the wrong constructed responses.

Investigating Static Analysis Errors in Student Java Programmers

  • 10 million static analysis errors found in over 500,000 program submissions.
  • Static checks that identify coding flaws that are likely to be errors are strongly correlated with producing correct programs.

On Novices' Interaction with Compiler Error Messages: A Human Factors Approach

  • Enhanced compiler error messages with English explanations and examples.
  • Quantitative results show not helpful.
  • Qualitative results show helpful.

Tool-mediated Learning

Theorem Provers as a Learning Tool in Theory of Computation

  • Investigation on whether Coq can be used to help undergraduate CS students learn mathematical proving within theory of computation.
  • Students "profitted" strongly from the system's immediate feedback and scaffolding.

RoboBUG: A Serious Game for Learning Debugging Techniques

  • RoboBUG is a game to help students learn effective debugging techniques and to provide students a more enjoyabble and motivating experience.
  • To Read

Students and Teachers Use an Online AP CS Principles Ebook Differently: Teacher Behavior Consistent with Expert Learners

  • Created two eBooks containing interactive content for Advance Placement CS Principles.
  • Characterized how student use differs from teacher use.
  • Teachers resemble expert learners.

Social Interaction and Support

Describing Elementary Students' Interactions in K-5 Puzzle-based Computer Science Environments using the Collaborative Computing Observation Instrument (C-COI)

  • Focused on how elementary school students interacted with each other during puzzle-based CS instruction.
  • Analyzed video using Collaborative Computing Observation Instrument (C-COI).

Understanding Student Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Computing Activities

  • Infused computing into high school statistics using the R programming language.
  • Balance of multiple learning goals and negotiation with peers.
  • Analyzed video data from two pairs of students.
  • One pair balanced and negotiated well. The other did not.

Factors Influencing Students' Help-Seeking Behavior with Programming with Human and Computer Tutors

  • How and why students seek and avoid help when programming, and how this process differs when the help is provided by a human or a computer.
  • Qualitative analysis of 15 students' interviews.

Teacher Conceptions and Experiences

Conceptions and Misconceptions About Computational Thinking among Italian Primary School Teachers

  • Asked 972 Italian primary schoool teachers to provide a definition of "computational thinking".
  • Very few, 10.8%, provided an acceptably complete definition.
  • 43.4% included some elements of computational thinking.

Folk Pedagogy: Nobody Doesn't Like Active Learning

  • Analyzed how "active learning" is described in the computing-education literature.
  • Suggest making clear distinctions between teaching techniques and active learning.

Understanding the "Teacher Experience" in Primary and Secondary CS Professional Development

  • Study of ten teachers (9 middle and 1 high school) who attended a summer CSE professional development course.
  • Analyzed their written daily journals for themes and for lesson sentiment.

External Representations for Understanding & Learning Trajectories

Using Tracing and Sketching to Solve Programming Problems: Replicating and Extending an Analysis of What Students Draw

  • Students who don't sketch on code reading problems have a lower success rate.
  • Categorized sketching strategies on new problem types.
  • Different types of sketching are used on these problems.

The Affordances and Constraints of Diagrams on Students' Reasoning about State Machines

  • Asked 24 students to transform a finite state machines into a synchronous, sequential logic circuits.
  • Students conceive of computers as input-output systems rather than state-based systems.

K-8 Learning Trajectories Derived from Research Literature: Sequence, Repetition, Conditionals

  • Review of K-8 learning trajectories from 100 CS Education articles.
  • Describe three learning trajectories for Sequence, Repetition, and Conditionals.

Students' User of Time in Programming

Quantifying Incremental Development Practices and Their Relationship to Procrastination

  • Analyzed 6.3 million Eclipse events.
  • Students who start working earlier on projects get better scores.

Comparison of Time Metrics in Programming

  • Effort metrics can be collected from different data source like logs and self-reports.
  • Metrics from the same data source tend to be highly correlate.

Validating Assessments & Dual Modality Teaching

Principled Assessment of Student Learning in High School Computer Science

  • Identified skills to measure.
  • Developed and piloted CS assessments with 941 students.
  • Assessments appear to be reliable.

An Instrument to Assess Self-Efficacy in Introductory Algorithms Courses

  • Developed and conceptually validate an instrument to assess self-efficacy in the context of an algorithms course.

Dual Modality Code Explanations for Novices: Unexpected Results

  • Does altering the modality (text, oral, both) of code explanations improve student learning as measured by retention and transfer questions?
  • No.

Outside the Conventional Classroom

Computing Mentorship in a Software Boomtown: Relationships to Adolescent Interest and Beliefs

  • First study showed that interest in computing was related to having mentorship.
  • Second study showed that taking a class from an instructor who wants to become a mentor increases interest.

Barriers Faced by Coding Bootcamp Students

  • Analysis of interviews of 26 boot camp participants.
  • Discussion of barriers faced by participants during and after bootcamp. Examining How College Hackathons are Perceived by Student Attendees and Non-Attendees

  • Why do students attend hackathons? What is the learning environment like? What factors discourage some students from attending?
  • Semi-structured interviews of 6 hackathon attendees.
  • Direct observations of a hackathon.
  • 256 survey responses.
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