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Last active January 17, 2022 02:27
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embed tracking pixel

Example Tracking Pixel: Tickaroo

The lengthy <img> tag in the index.html contains a simple tracking application that 1% of the time pings a remote server which in turn removes additional data that would help with de-anonymizing, such as the URL and the exact timestamp, before storing the ping. The parameters recorded are

  • l document.location
  • r document.referrer
  • p partner, in this example Tickaroo
  • _d sample rate. Only one in _d pings (selected randomly) will get sent. In other words: % _d has to be 0, otherwise the ping does not get sent.

Please also see

Another example: To track every outgoing click of a page, you could include this <img> tag somewhere in the body.

<img style="width: 1px; height: 1px; visibility:hidden;" src="" data-src="" id="dataless" />

Afterwards, you could just install an event handler to target all the clicks on <a> tags, like so

    function ping_dataless(element, p) {
        let s=element.getAttribute('data-src'); 
        if (s) {

    document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
                let t =;
                if (t.tagName === "A") {
                    ping_dataless(document.getElementById("dataless"), t.getAttribute("href"));

<h2>Example Embed Tracking Pixel</h2>
<img style="width: 1px; height: 1px; visibility:hidden;" onload="var s=this.getAttribute('data-src'); if (s && (( % 100)==0)) { this.setAttribute('data-src',''); this.setAttribute('src', s+'?_d=100&p=tckr&r='+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)+'&l='+encodeURIComponent(document.location)) ; }" src="" data-src="" />
<!-- see it live at -->
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