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Last active January 20, 2023 16:38
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Step by step to pass a governance proposal on Alfajores or Baklava Celo testnets
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Imperfect but simple script to pass governance proposals on Celo tesnets (staging, baklava or alfajores)
set -euo pipefail
# Variables to be defined
PROPOSAL_JSON_PATH= # Path for json of the proposal
DESCRIPTION_URL= # Path for the URL containing the proposal
SIGNER= # address that will send the tx
APPROVER= # approver address
# PRIVATE_KEY= # Private key of the approver, safer to define in the command line with `export`
celocli governance:withdraw --from=$SIGNER || echo "There were no pending refunds" # Optional step, getting some deposits back
PROPOSAL_ID=`celocli governance:propose --deposit=100e18 --descriptionURL=$DESCRIPTION_URL --from=$SIGNER --jsonTransactions=$PROPOSAL_JSON_PATH | grep "proposalId:" | grep -oE '[0-9]+'`
echo "Proposal has ID=$PROPOSAL_ID"
echo -e "\a" && sleep 31 &&\
celocli governance:approve --proposalID $PROPOSAL_ID --from $APPROVER --useMultiSig --privateKey $PRIVATE_KEY &&\
echo -e "\a" && sleep 301 &&\
celocli governance:vote --value=Yes --from=$SIGNER --proposalID=$PROPOSAL_ID &&\
echo -e "\a" && sleep 301 &&\
celocli governance:execute --from=$SIGNER --proposalID=$PROPOSAL_ID
# Proposal passed, make some noise
echo -e "\a"
echo -e "\a"
echo -e "\a"
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