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Last active October 1, 2020 14:53
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class Startup {
private static async example_payment() {
const headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('sk_test_RNf1bOpZ1h6nN3tOucucRCMs').toString('base64')
// create a customer
const customer = await fetch(``, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: "description=hello2"
const customer_response = await customer.json()
console.log(await customer_response)
const customer_id =
// create a source method
const source = await fetch(`${customer_id}/sources`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: "source=tok_visa"
const source_response = await source.json()
console.log(source_response )
var source_id =
// charge the method
const charge = await fetch(``, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: `amount=2000&currency=usd&source=${source_id}&customer=${customer_id}&description=My First Test Charge (created for API docs)`
const data = await charge.json()
return data;
// responses:
// customer
{ id: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
object: 'customer',
account_balance: 0,
address: null,
balance: 0,
created: 1601561713,
currency: null,
default_source: null,
delinquent: false,
description: 'hello2',
discount: null,
email: null,
invoice_prefix: '03FD2AAA',
{ custom_fields: null,
default_payment_method: null,
footer: null },
livemode: false,
metadata: {},
name: null,
next_invoice_sequence: 1,
phone: null,
preferred_locales: [],
shipping: null,
{ object: 'list',
data: [],
has_more: false,
total_count: 0,
url: '/v1/customers/cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR/sources' },
{ object: 'list',
data: [],
has_more: false,
total_count: 0,
url: '/v1/customers/cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR/subscriptions' },
tax_exempt: 'none',
{ object: 'list',
data: [],
has_more: false,
total_count: 0,
url: '/v1/customers/cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR/tax_ids' },
tax_info: null,
tax_info_verification: null }
// create method
{ id: 'card_1HXSYvIsq0XLweUpiO7QxvU5',
object: 'card',
address_city: null,
address_country: null,
address_line1: null,
address_line1_check: null,
address_line2: null,
address_state: null,
address_zip: null,
address_zip_check: null,
brand: 'Visa',
country: 'US',
customer: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
cvc_check: null,
dynamic_last4: null,
exp_month: 10,
exp_year: 2021,
fingerprint: 'KoLVoJ9yVwZVENxZ',
funding: 'credit',
last4: '4242',
metadata: {},
name: null,
tokenization_method: null }
{ id: 'ch_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUp2WZk6M17',
object: 'charge',
amount: 2000,
amount_captured: 2000,
amount_refunded: 0,
application: null,
application_fee: null,
application_fee_amount: null,
balance_transaction: 'txn_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUpnCWNwWdo',
{ address:
{ city: null,
country: null,
line1: null,
line2: null,
postal_code: null,
state: null },
email: null,
name: null,
phone: null },
calculated_statement_descriptor: 'TERAPIAPOINT',
captured: true,
created: 1601561714,
currency: 'usd',
customer: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
description: 'My First Test Charge (created for API docs)',
destination: null,
dispute: null,
disputed: false,
failure_code: null,
failure_message: null,
fraud_details: {},
invoice: null,
livemode: false,
metadata: {},
on_behalf_of: null,
order: null,
{ network_status: 'approved_by_network',
reason: null,
risk_level: 'normal',
risk_score: 5,
seller_message: 'Payment complete.',
type: 'authorized' },
paid: true,
payment_intent: null,
payment_method: 'card_1HXSYvIsq0XLweUpiO7QxvU5',
{ card:
{ brand: 'visa',
checks: [Object],
country: 'US',
exp_month: 10,
exp_year: 2021,
fingerprint: 'KoLVoJ9yVwZVENxZ',
funding: 'credit',
installments: null,
last4: '4242',
network: 'visa',
three_d_secure: null,
wallet: null },
type: 'card' },
receipt_email: null,
receipt_number: null,
refunded: false,
{ object: 'list',
data: [],
has_more: false,
total_count: 0,
url: '/v1/charges/ch_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUp2WZk6M17/refunds' },
review: null,
shipping: null,
{ id: 'card_1HXSYvIsq0XLweUpiO7QxvU5',
object: 'card',
address_city: null,
address_country: null,
address_line1: null,
address_line1_check: null,
address_line2: null,
address_state: null,
address_zip: null,
address_zip_check: null,
brand: 'Visa',
country: 'US',
customer: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
cvc_check: null,
dynamic_last4: null,
exp_month: 10,
exp_year: 2021,
fingerprint: 'KoLVoJ9yVwZVENxZ',
funding: 'credit',
last4: '4242',
metadata: {},
name: null,
tokenization_method: null },
source_transfer: null,
statement_descriptor: null,
statement_descriptor_suffix: null,
status: 'succeeded',
transfer_data: null,
transfer_group: null }
// create charge
{ id: 'ch_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUp2WZk6M17',
object: 'charge',
amount: 2000,
amount_captured: 2000, // this was pulled from the card.
amount_refunded: 0,
application: null,
application_fee: null,
application_fee_amount: null,
balance_transaction: 'txn_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUpnCWNwWdo',
{ address:
{ city: null,
country: null,
line1: null,
line2: null,
postal_code: null,
state: null },
email: null,
name: null,
phone: null },
calculated_statement_descriptor: 'TERAPIAPOINT',
captured: true,
created: 1601561714,
currency: 'usd',
customer: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
description: 'My First Test Charge (created for API docs)',
destination: null,
dispute: null,
disputed: false,
failure_code: null,
failure_message: null,
fraud_details: {},
invoice: null,
livemode: false,
metadata: {},
on_behalf_of: null,
order: null,
{ network_status: 'approved_by_network',
reason: null,
risk_level: 'normal',
risk_score: 5,
seller_message: 'Payment complete.',
type: 'authorized' },
paid: true,
payment_intent: null,
payment_method: 'card_1HXSYvIsq0XLweUpiO7QxvU5',
{ card:
{ brand: 'visa',
checks: [Object],
country: 'US',
exp_month: 10,
exp_year: 2021,
fingerprint: 'KoLVoJ9yVwZVENxZ',
funding: 'credit',
installments: null,
last4: '4242',
network: 'visa',
three_d_secure: null,
wallet: null },
type: 'card' },
receipt_email: null,
receipt_number: null,
refunded: false,
{ object: 'list',
data: [],
has_more: false,
total_count: 0,
url: '/v1/charges/ch_1HXSYwIsq0XLweUp2WZk6M17/refunds' },
review: null,
shipping: null,
{ id: 'card_1HXSYvIsq0XLweUpiO7QxvU5',
object: 'card',
address_city: null,
address_country: null,
address_line1: null,
address_line1_check: null,
address_line2: null,
address_state: null,
address_zip: null,
address_zip_check: null,
brand: 'Visa',
country: 'US',
customer: 'cus_I7hyoSROFyS1tR',
cvc_check: null,
dynamic_last4: null,
exp_month: 10,
exp_year: 2021,
fingerprint: 'KoLVoJ9yVwZVENxZ',
funding: 'credit',
last4: '4242',
metadata: {},
name: null,
tokenization_method: null },
source_transfer: null,
statement_descriptor: null,
statement_descriptor_suffix: null,
status: 'succeeded',
transfer_data: null,
transfer_group: null }
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