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Created July 26, 2013 18:49
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PrioritizedQueue class
import haxe.ds.ObjectMap;
Simple prioritized queue. Throw objects at it and you'll always get back things according
to a priority you set. Priorities are retained internally, so you don't need to modify your
// create a queue:
var q = new PrioritizedQueue();
// add three things to the queue
q.enqueue(100, 'first');
q.enqueue(-5, { test: 23 } );
q.enqueue(20, 'third');
// grab next items off the queue
assertTrue(q.dequeue() == 'first');
var obj:Dynamic = q.dequeue();
assertTrue(obj.test == 23);
assertTrue(q.dequeue() == 'third');
class PrioritizedQueue
private var objects:Array<{}>;
// we remember priorities in a separate map for resorting
private var priorities:ObjectMap<{}, Int>;
public function new()
public function init()
objects = new Array();
priorities = new ObjectMap<{}, Int>();
// Add an object onto the queue
public function enqueue(priority:Int, object:{})
priorities.set(object, priority);
// Resort the array according to the object priorities
public function sort()
objects.sort(function(a:{}, b:{}):Int { return priorities.get(a) - priorities.get(b); });
// Get the next prioritized item off the queue (removes it)
public function dequeue()
var first = objects.shift();
priorities.remove(first); // remove the corresponding meta data
return first;
public function length()
return objects.length;
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