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Created April 17, 2017 22:05
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Sync/Backup script based on Robocopy
@echo off
echo ************************************************
echo **** Martok's Syncrotron ****
echo ************************************************
echo **** 1: Copy from this machine to exHDD ****
echo **** 2: Copy from exHDD to this machine ****
echo **** anything else: exit ****
echo ************************************************
set /p select="Choose option: "
set action=
if "%select%"=="1" set action=from
if "%select%"=="2" set action=to
if "%action%"=="" goto :error_noaction
set logfile=.\syncrotron_%COMPUTERNAME%_%action%.log
set cfgpath=.\%COMPUTERNAME%\%action%\
if not exist %cfgpath%*.rcj goto :error_nojobs
if exist %logfile% del %logfile%
echo Action: copy %action% this machine
echo Press any key to continue...
pause > nul
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir /ON /B "%cfgpath%*.rcj"`) do robocopy /job:defaults "/job:%cfgpath%%%f" /TEE /LOG+:%logfile%
echo Done.
pause > nul
goto :eof
echo No (valid) action specified, exiting.
goto :eof
echo No job files found in %cfgpath%, exiting.
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