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Last active April 8, 2020 10:30
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  • Save martonlanga/1f7e38880c880d997e19df0e9baceeb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save martonlanga/1f7e38880c880d997e19df0e9baceeb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Translation table (RNA to Amino Acids)
table = {
"UUU": "F",
"UUC": "F",
"UUA": "L",
"UUG": "L",
"UCU": "S",
"UCC": "s",
"UCA": "S",
"UCG": "S",
"UAU": "Y",
"UAC": "Y",
"UAA": "STOP",
"UAG": "STOP",
"UGU": "C",
"UGC": "C",
"UGA": "STOP",
"UGG": "W",
"CUU": "L",
"CUC": "L",
"CUA": "L",
"CUG": "L",
"CCU": "P",
"CCC": "P",
"CCA": "P",
"CCG": "P",
"CAU": "H",
"CAC": "H",
"CAA": "Q",
"CAG": "Q",
"CGU": "R",
"CGC": "R",
"CGA": "R",
"CGG": "R",
"AUU": "I",
"AUC": "I",
"AUA": "I",
"AUG": "M",
"ACU": "T",
"ACC": "T",
"ACA": "T",
"ACG": "T",
"AAU": "N",
"AAC": "N",
"AAA": "K",
"AAG": "K",
"AGU": "S",
"AGC": "S",
"AGA": "R",
"AGG": "R",
"GUU": "V",
"GUC": "V",
"GUA": "V",
"GUG": "V",
"GCU": "A",
"GCC": "A",
"GCA": "A",
"GCG": "A",
"GAU": "D",
"GAC": "D",
"GAA": "E",
"GAG": "E",
"GGU": "G",
"GGC": "G",
"GGA": "G",
"GGG": "G",
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