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Created July 23, 2016 07:03
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class SectionLayoutManager {
//MARK: - Inner Enums
enum LayoutType {
case Profile
case ProfileFollowing
case ProfileFollower
case ProfileFollowingFollower
init(followingCount: Int, followerCount: Int) {
if followingCount > 0 && followerCount > 0 {
self = .ProfileFollowingFollower
} else if followingCount > 0 && followerCount < 1 {
self = .ProfileFollowing
} else if followerCount > 0 && followingCount < 1 {
self = .ProfileFollower
} else {
self = .Profile
enum SectionType {
case Profile
case Following
case Follower
case Unknown
//MARK: - Static constants
private static let ProfileLayout: [SectionType] = [
private static let ProfileFollowingLayout: [SectionType] = [
.Profile, .Following
private static let ProfileFollowerLayout: [SectionType] = [
.Profile, .Follower
private static let ProfileFollowingFollowerLayout: [SectionType] = [
.Profile, .Following, .Follower
private static let SectionLayoutList: [LayoutType: [SectionType]] = [
.Profile : ProfileLayout,
.ProfileFollowing : ProfileFollowingLayout,
.ProfileFollower : ProfileFollowerLayout,
.ProfileFollowingFollower : ProfileFollowingFollowerLayout
//MARK: - Properties
private var layoutType: LayoutType = .Profile
var numberOfSections: Int {
return self.dynamicType.SectionLayoutList[layoutType]?.count ?? 0
subscript(index: Int) -> SectionType {
return self.dynamicType.SectionLayoutList[layoutType]?[index] ?? .Unknown
func setup(followingCount followingCount: Int, followerCount: Int) {
layoutType = LayoutType(followingCount: followingCount, followerCount: followerCount)
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