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Last active June 8, 2016 23:35
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import { Component, $, when, State } from 'diamond-alpha';
import request from 'superagent';
export class Todos extends Component {
static template({ Todo, TextInput }) {
return todos => $`
${ (todo, i) => $`
<${Todo(todo)} on-remove=${() => todos.splice(i, 1)}/>
<${TextInput()} on-add=${task => todos.push({ task, done: false })}/>
static get components() {
return { Todo, TextInput };
super( request.get('api/todos') );
.insert( todo =>`api/todos`).send(todo) )
.update( todo => request.put(`api/todos/${}`).send(todo) )
.remove( todo => request.del(`api/todos/${}`) );
class Todo extends Component {
static get state() {
return {
editing: false
static template(){
return ({ task, done = false }) => $`
<div class="todo" class-done=${done}>
<input type="checkbox" checked=${done}>
${when( this.editing, () => $`
<input value="${task}"
on-render=${({ node }) => node.focus()}
on-blur-enterKey=${({ node }) => {
task = node.value;
this.editing = false;
}}>`, () => $`
<span on-click=${() => this.editing = true}>${task}</span>
<button on-click=${() =>'remove')}>X</button>
class TextInput extends Component {
static get state() {
return {
editing: false
static template() {
const state = new State({ newItem: '' });
return () => $`
<form on-submit=${() => { 'add', state.newItem.trim() );
state.newItem = '';
}} onsubmit="return false;">
<input value=${state.newItem}>
<button type="submit">add</button>
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