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Created December 8, 2016 22:07
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import Ember from 'ember';
const {observer, on, run} = Ember;
export default Ember.Component.extend({
editor: undefined,
tagName: 'textarea',
_contentChangedListner: null,
// Change the editor content if value changes
valueChanged: observer('value', function() {
let editor = this.get('editor');
if (editor && editor.getContent() !== this.get('value')) {
editor.setContent(this.get('value') || '');
// Change de value if editor content changes
contentChanged(editor) {
this.set('value', editor.getContent());
//Bind events to function
setEvents: observer('editor', function() {
let editor = this.get('editor');
this._contentChangedListner = run.bind(this, ()=> {
run.debounce(this, this.contentChanged, editor, 1)
editor.on('change keyup keydown keypress mousedown', this._contentChangedListner);
// Initialize tinymce
initTiny: on('didInsertElement', observer('options', function() {
let {options, editor} = this.getProperties('options', 'editor');
let customOptions = {
selector: `#${this.get('elementId')}`,
init_instance_callback : (editor) => {
this.set('editor', editor);
this.get('editor').setContent(this.get('value') || ''); //Set content with default text
if (editor){
tinymce.init(Ember.$.extend( customOptions, options ));
// Destroy tinymce editor instance when editor is removed from the page. Otherwise, it won't be
// created again when added back to the page (i.e. navigating away from and back to the route).
cleanUp: on('willDestroyElement', function() {
let editor = this.get('editor');
if (editor) {'change keyup keydown keypress mousedown', this._contentChangedListner);
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