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Created January 30, 2015 12:15
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leftist heap
(declare insert)
(declare find-min)
(declare delete-min)
(declare empty-heap)
(declare is-empty?)
(declare heap-seq)
(deftype LeftistHeap [^Integer rank ^Integer elem left right]
(peek [this]
(find-min this))
(pop [this]
(delete-min this))
(cons [this e]
(insert e this))
(count [this]
(count (seq this)))
(empty [this]
(equiv [this o]
(= (seq this) (seq o)))
(seq [this]
(when-not (is-empty? this)
(heap-seq this)))
(toString [this]
(clojure.string/join " " (seq this)))
(hashCode [this]
(if (nil? this) 1
(+ (.hashCode elem) (.hashCode rank) (.hashCode left) (.hashCode right))))
(equals [this o]
(identical? this o)
(and (instance? LeftistHeap o)
(= (.hashCode this) (.hashCode o))))))
(defn is-empty? [h]
(nil? (.elem h)))
(defn rank [h]
(.rank h))
(defn make-node [e h1 h2]
(if (>= (rank h1) (rank h2))
(->LeftistHeap (inc (rank h2)) e h1 h2)
(->LeftistHeap (inc (rank h1)) e h2 h1)))
(defn empty-heap []
(->LeftistHeap 0 nil nil nil))
(defn heap-merge [h1 h2]
(cond (is-empty? h1) h2
(is-empty? h2) h1
:else (let [x (.elem h1)
a1 (.left h1)
b1 (.right h1)
y (.elem h2)
a2 (.left h2)
b2 (.right h2)]
(if (<= x y)
(make-node x a1 (heap-merge b1 h2))
(make-node y a2 (heap-merge h1 b2))))))
(defn insert [e h]
(heap-merge (->LeftistHeap 1 e (empty-heap) (empty-heap)) h))
(defn find-min [h]
(when-not (is-empty? h)
(.elem h)))
(defn delete-min [h]
(when-not (is-empty? h)
(heap-merge (.left h) (.right h))))
(defn leftist-heap [& xs]
(reduce conj (empty-heap) xs))
(defn heap-seq [h]
(when-not (is-empty? h)
(cons (find-min h) (heap-seq (delete-min h))))))
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