(by @andrestaltz)
If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming.
import os | |
import re | |
import subprocess | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
import rules | |
def replacer(url, html): | |
new = html | |
reload(rules) |
// wp-content/themes/shop-isle-child/functions.php | |
// add class 'tinvwl-product-in-list' custom css class | |
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'add_a_custom_button', 11 ); | |
function add_a_custom_button() { | |
global $product; | |
$wlButton = do_shortcode("[ti_wishlists_addtowishlist product_id=".$product->id."]"); | |
$dom = new DOMDocument; | |
$dom->loadHTML($wlButton); | |
$dataTinvWlList = ''; |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Instal php5.6 with phpbrew on ubuntu 18.04 | |
# Install all dependencies | |
sudo apt update | |
sudo apt install wget php build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libmcrypt-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev autoconf | |
wget https://github.com/phpbrew/phpbrew/raw/master/phpbrew | |
chmod +x phpbrew | |
mv phpbrew /usr/local/bin |
ddns-update-style none; | |
deny bootp; #default | |
authoritative; | |
include "/etc/dhcp/ipxe-option-space.conf"; | |
# GREEN (private network) | |
subnet netmask { | |
range; | |
option subnet-mask; |
(by @andrestaltz)
If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming.
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<?php | |
$dir = '/reports'; | |
$key_name = 'file'; | |
$key_imei = 'imei'; | |
if(isset($_FILES[$key_name]) && !is_null($file = $_FILES[$key_name]) && !is_null($imei = $_POST[$key_imei])) { | |
$now = new \DateTime('NOW'); | |
$date_dir = sprintf("%s/%s/%s", $now->format('Y'),$now->format('m'),$now->format('d')); | |
$full_path_dir = sprintf("%s/%s/%s",getcwd(), $dir, $date_dir); |
========================HOW TO HOST UPLOAD SCRIPT with DOCKER======================== | |
1. Make sure docker was installed and running | |
2. Get proper image | |
Kita akan menggunakan image web server nginx yang sudah terinistall | |
dan terkonfigurasi dengan php-fpm. | |
Image yang akan kita gunakan adalah richarvey/nginx-php-fpm dari https://hub.docker.com/r/richarvey/nginx-php-fpm/ | |
untuk mendownload image dari registry (repo hub.docker.com) jalankan |
<?php | |
$dir = 'public/report'; | |
$key_name = 'file'; | |
if(!is_null($file = $_FILES[$key_name])) { | |
$now = new \DateTime('NOW'); | |
$date_dir = sprintf("%s/%s/%s", $now->format('Y'),$now->format('m'),$now->format('d')); | |
$full_path_dir = sprintf("%s/%s/%s",getcwd(), $dir, $date_dir); |
<?php | |
namespace backend\models; | |
use Yii; | |
/** | |
* This is the model class for table "registrasi". | |
* | |
* @property integer $id |