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Last active February 3, 2023 12:42
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
// @title ENS: Ethereum Naming system
// @author Johnson MArvelous (Prime)
// @use a local blockchain i.e Ganache cli for a faster transaction and a better user experience
contract ENS_Registry {
// @notice this data type holds the mapped address and the owner of the domain name
struct ENS {
address owner;
address mapAddress;
// @notice this maps a node -> ENSrecord
// @dev the hashing algorithm used is keccak256
mapping(bytes32 => ENS) public ENSRecord;
// @notice this function maps a domain name to an address
// @params _domain is the domain name
// @params _address is the address mapped to the domain name
// @dev person who deployed the smart contract is the defualt owner
function addDomainName(string calldata _domain, address _mapAddress) public {
ENS storage newDomain = ENSRecord[node(_domain)];
require(newDomain.mapAddress == address(0), "Domain is aleady in use");
newDomain.owner = msg.sender;
newDomain.mapAddress = _mapAddress;
emit Log(_domain, _mapAddress, "The domain is mapped to this address");
// @notice this function transfer ownership of the domain name to another address
// @param _domain is the domain name
// @param _newOwner is the address of the new owner
// @dev only the owner can call the transferOwnership func
function transferOwnership(string calldata _domain, address _newOwner) public onlyOwner(_domain){
ENS storage myRecord = ENSRecord[node(_domain)];
myRecord.owner = _newOwner;
emit Log(_domain, _newOwner, "The owner of the domain name is transfered!");
// @notice this func transfers ownership to anothe address
// @params _domain is the domain name
// @params _newAddress is the current address of the owner
// @dev only the owner can call this function
function changeAddress(string calldata _domain, address _newAddress) public onlyOwner(_domain) {
ENS storage myRecord = ENSRecord[node(_domain)];
myRecord.mapAddress = _newAddress;
emit Log(_domain, _newAddress, "The address of the domain name is has been changed!");
// @notice this function convey the address assigned to the domain name
// @param _domain is the domain name
// @return mapAddress of the owner
function getAddress(string calldata _domain) public view returns(address) {
return ENSRecord[node(_domain)].mapAddress;
// @notice this regulates access to a function to only owners
// @params _domain is the domain name
modifier onlyOwner(string calldata _domain) {
require(msg.sender == ENSRecord[node(_domain)].owner);
// @notice This functions hashes the domain name
// @params _domain is the domain name
// @return the node uses the keccack256 hashing algorithm
function node(string calldata _domain) public pure returns(bytes32) {
return keccak256(bytes(_domain));
// @notice this function emtis after every function is executed
event Log(string _domain, address indexed _address, string message);
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