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Created April 14, 2015 10:09
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary
SYSTEM 'file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd'>
<suite code="????" description="Common classes and commands for most applications." name="Standard Suite">
<command code="aevtodoc" description="Open an alias." name="open">
<direct-parameter description="The alias to be opened." type="file"/>
<command code="aevtpdoc" description="Print an object." name="print">
<direct-parameter description="The file(s) or document(s) to be printed." type="file"/>
<command code="aevtquit" description="Quit an application." name="quit"/>
<command code="coregetd" description="Get the data for an object." name="get">
<direct-parameter type="any"/>
<result type="any"/>
<command code="coresetd" description="Set an object's data." name="set">
<direct-parameter type="any"/>
<parameter code="data" description="The new value." name="to" type="any"/>
<class code="cobj" description="A scriptable object." name="item" plural="items">
<property access="r" code="pcls" description="The class of the object." name="class" type="type"/>
<property code="pALL" description="All of the object's properties." name="properties" type="record"/>
<class code="capp" description="An application's top level scripting object." name="application" plural="applications">
<element type="document"/>
<element type="window"/>
<property access="r" code="pnam" description="The name of the application." name="name" type="text"/>
<property access="r" code="pisf" description="Is this the frontmost (active) application?" name="frontmost" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="vers" description="The version of the application." name="version" type="text"/>
<class code="colr" description="A color." name="color" plural="colors"/>
<class code="docu" description="A document." name="document" plural="documents">
<property code="ppth" description="The document's path." name="path" type="text"/>
<property access="r" code="imod" description="Has the document been modified since the last save?" name="modified" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pnam" description="The document's name." name="name" type="text"/>
<class code="cwin" description="A window." name="window" plural="windows">
<property code="pnam" description="The full title of the window." name="name" type="text"/>
<property access="r" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the window." name="id" type="integer"/>
<property code="pbnd" description="The bounding rectangle of the window." name="bounds" type="rectangle"/>
<property access="r" code="docu" description="The document whose contents are being displayed in the window." name="document" type="document"/>
<property access="r" code="hclb" description="Whether the window has a close box." name="closeable" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="ptit" description="Whether the window has a title bar." name="titled" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pidx" description="The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering." name="index" type="integer"/>
<property access="r" code="isfl" description="Whether the window floats." name="floating" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="ismn" description="Whether the window can be miniaturized." name="miniaturizable" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pmnd" description="Whether the window is currently miniaturized." name="miniaturized" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="pmod" description="Whether the window is the application's current modal window." name="modal" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="prsz" description="Whether the window can be resized." name="resizable" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pvis" description="Whether the window is currently visible." name="visible" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="iszm" description="Whether the window can be zoomed." name="zoomable" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pzum" description="Whether the window is currently zoomed." name="zoomed" type="boolean"/>
<suite code="Wcst" name="Wirecast Scripting">
<command code="WcstGogo" description="Take the current preview to Live." name="go">
<direct-parameter description="document or layer to perform Go for" type="any"/>
<command code="WcstShM+" description="Adds a new shot to the layer with media" name="AddShotWithMedia">
<direct-parameter description="layer to remove shot_id from." type="layer"/>
<parameter code="Path" description="posix path to media to put into the shot." name="with posix_path" type="any"/>
<command code="WcstSht-" description="Removes a shot from a layer by shot_id" name="RemoveShot">
<direct-parameter description="document or layer to remove shot_id from." type="any"/>
<parameter code="Shot" description="shot to remove." name="with shot" type="any"/>
<command code="WcstMed-" description="Removes media from Wirecast." name="RemoveMedia">
<direct-parameter description="document to remove media from." type="any"/>
<parameter code="Path" description="posix path to media to put into the shot." name="with posix_path" type="any"/>
<command code="WcstBrN+" description="Broadcast the document to the network" name="start broadcasting">
<direct-parameter description="document (or list of documents) to start broadcasting for." type="any"/>
<command code="WcstBrN-" description="Stop broadcasting to the network" name="stop broadcasting">
<direct-parameter description="document (or list of documents) to stop broadcasting for." type="any"/>
<command code="WcstBrD+" description="Start recording to disk" name="start recording">
<direct-parameter description="document (or list of documents) to start recording for." type="any"/>
<command code="WcstBrD-" description="Stop recording to disk" name="stop recording">
<direct-parameter description="document (or list of documents) to stop broadcasting for." type="any"/>
<command code="WcstSSnp" description="Save a snapshot (single frame) of the current output stream to disk." name="save snapshot">
<direct-parameter description="document to save the snapshot of." type="any"/>
<parameter code="Toto" description="file where snapshot image should be saved (as a string path)." name="to" type="any"/>
<command code="WcstPNxt" description="Transitions to the Next shot in the playlist" name="NextShot">
<direct-parameter description="Playlist shot to transition" type="shot"/>
<command code="WcstPPrv" description="Transitions to the Previous shot in the playlist" name="PreviousShot">
<direct-parameter description="Playlist shot to transition" type="shot"/>
<class-extension extends="application" code="Wapp" description="Wirecast's top level scripting object" name="application" plural="applications">
<element type="document"/>
<class-extension extends="document" code="wDoc" description="A Wirecast document" name="document" plural="documents">
<element type="layer"/>
<element type="shot"/>
<property code="wALv" name="auto live" type="boolean"/>
<property code="wTPp" description="The index (1 or 2) of the active transition popup" name="active transition popup" type="integer"/>
<property code="wTSn" description="The speed. One of: {slowest, slow, normal, fast, fastest}" name="transition speed" type="text"/>
<property code="wHBs" name="configured settings" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the document." name="id" type="integer"/>
<property code="wHMu" name="audio muted to speaker" type="boolean"/>
<class code="wLay" inherits="item" name="layer" plural="layers">
<element type="shot"/>
<property code="pSht" name="active shot" type="shot"/>
<property access="r" code="lSht" description="The current shot on the layer that is live. If a playlist is live, this is the current active shot in the playlist." name="live shot" type="shot"/>
<property access="r" code="vSht" description="The current shot on the layer that is in preview (same as active shot). If a playlist shot is in preview, this is the shot in the playlist that is in preview." name="preview shot" type="shot"/>
<property code="pVis" name="visibility" type="boolean"/>
<property code="pnam" name="name" type="text"/>
<property access="r" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the layer." name="id" type="integer"/>
<class code="wSht" inherits="item" name="shot" plural="shots">
<property code="pnam" name="name" type="text"/>
<property access="r" code="live" description="Value indicating whether the shot is currently live" name="live" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="prev" description="Value indicating whether the shot is currently in preview" name="preview" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="plyL" description="Value indicating whether the shot is a Playlist" name="playlist" type="boolean"/>
<property access="r" code="ID " description="The document wide unique identifier of the shot." name="id" type="integer"/>
<suite code="tpnm" description="Hidden terms" hidden="yes" name="Type Names Suite">
<command code="VaraSend" description="send a command -- please do not use" hidden="yes" name="send">
<direct-parameter description="window to execute command" type="window"/>
<parameter code="cmd." description="The command to execute." name="command" type="any"/>
<command code="VaraSnap" description="snapshot an internal view -- please do not use" hidden="yes" name="snapshot">
<direct-parameter description="item to take snapshot of" type="item"/>
<parameter code="Bord" description="A string defining the border 'left,top,right,bottom'." name="with border" type="any"/>
<parameter code="Toto" description="the file to put the snapshot (as a string path)." name="to" type="any"/>
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