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//Grab coefficients from here
//Grab NI Media from here
class StreamedSample {
StreamedSample(juce::String newfilePath) {
filePath = newfilePath;
astream = std::make_unique<audio::ifstream>(newfilePath.toStdString());
numSamples = astream->info().num_samples();
sourceSampleRate = astream->info().sample_rate();
numChannels = astream->info().num_channels();
~StreamedSample() {
double sourceSampleRate{44100.0};
size_t numSamples{4096};
size_t numChannels{2};
size_t numFrames{2};
std::unique_ptr<audio::ifstream> astream;
juce::String filePath;
//Use this instead much easier and faster
class SampleReader {
SampleReader(const std::string& filename){
stream = audio::ifstream(filename);
num_frames =;
num_samples =;
num_channels =;
sample_rate =;
fm = boost::interprocess::file_mapping(filename.c_str(), boost::interprocess::read_only);
mr = boost::interprocess::mapped_region(fm, boost::interprocess::read_only);
mr.advise( boost::interprocess::mapped_region::advice_willneed);
mr.advise( boost::interprocess::mapped_region::advice_sequential);
mm = static_cast<char*>(mr.get_address()) + 44;
rt_fmt = pcm::make_format(pcm::signed_integer,pcm::_24bit, pcm::little_endian);
rt_it = pcm::make_iterator<float>(mm, rt_fmt);
void readSample(uint32_t position) {
dleft = *(rt_it+position);
dright = *(rt_it+position+1);
float dleft;
float dright;
boost::interprocess::file_mapping fm;
boost::interprocess::mapped_region mr;
pcm::format rt_fmt;
pcm::iterator<float, char*> rt_it;
char * mm;
audio::ifstream stream;
size_t num_frames;
size_t num_samples;
size_t num_channels;
double sample_rate;
double imp1x[NBR_PHASES][FIR_LEN_1X];
double imp2x[NBR_PHASES][FIR_LEN_2X];
double dif1x[NBR_PHASES][FIR_LEN_1X];
double dif2x[NBR_PHASES][FIR_LEN_2X];
void startNote (int midiNoteNumber, float velocity,
juce::SynthesiserSound* sd,
int /*currentPitchWheelPosition*/) override
if(auto * sound = static_cast<SampSound*>(sd)) {
envUp = 0.0f;
envDown = 0.0f;
phasor = 0.0;
sourceSamplePosition = 0;
if(sound->SAMPLER_KEYTRACK == true) {
pitchRatio = std::pow (2.0, ((midiNoteNumber-60+sound->SAMPLER_TRANSPOSE)) / 12.0 )
* sound->sourceSampleRate / sampleRate;
pitchRatio = std::pow (2.0, (sound->SAMPLER_TRANSPOSE)/12.0 )
* sound->sourceSampleRate / sampleRate;
lastMidiNote = midiNoteNumber;
int pos = sourceSamplePosition;
*sound->getSample()->astream >> l_data_ptr;
void setImpulse() {
double next_coef_dbl = 0.0;
for (int fir_pos = FIR_LEN_1X - 1; fir_pos >= 0; --fir_pos)
for (int phase_cnt = NBR_PHASES - 1; phase_cnt >= 0; --phase_cnt)
const int imp_pos = fir_pos * NBR_PHASES + phase_cnt;
const double coef_dbl = fir_interpolator_1[imp_pos];
const float coef = static_cast <float> (coef_dbl);
const float dif = static_cast <float> (next_coef_dbl - coef_dbl);
const int table_pos = FIR_LEN_1X - 1 - fir_pos;
imp1x[phase_cnt][table_pos] = coef;
dif1x[phase_cnt][table_pos] = dif;
next_coef_dbl = coef_dbl;
next_coef_dbl = 0.0;
for (int fir_pos = FIR_LEN_2X - 1; fir_pos >= 0; --fir_pos)
for (int phase_cnt = NBR_PHASES - 1; phase_cnt >= 0; --phase_cnt)
const int imp_pos = fir_pos * NBR_PHASES + phase_cnt;
const double coef_dbl = fir_interpolator_2[imp_pos];
const float coef = static_cast <float> (coef_dbl);
const float dif = static_cast <float> (next_coef_dbl - coef_dbl);
const int table_pos = FIR_LEN_2X - 1 - fir_pos;
imp2x[phase_cnt][table_pos] = coef;
dif2x[phase_cnt][table_pos] = dif;
next_coef_dbl = coef_dbl;
outBuffer[fir_pos] = 0.0;
void renderNextBlock (juce::AudioBuffer<float>& outputBuffer, int startSample, int numSamples) override
if (auto * sound = static_cast<SampSound*> (getCurrentlyPlayingSound().get()))
jassert (sound->getSample() != nullptr);
if(sound->SAMPLER_KEYTRACK == true) {
pitchRatio = pow(2,(lastMidiNote-60+sound->SAMPLER_TRANSPOSE) / 12.0) * sound->getSample()->sourceSampleRate / sampleRate;
pitchRatio = pow(2,(sound->SAMPLER_TRANSPOSE+24.0)/12.0) * sound->getSample()->sourceSampleRate / sampleRate;
float* LL = outputBuffer.getWritePointer (0, startSample);
float* RR = outputBuffer.getNumChannels() > 1 ? outputBuffer.getWritePointer (1, startSample) : nullptr;
auto numChannels = sound->getSample()->numChannels;
auto numFrames = sound->getSample()->numFrames;
int r = 0;
int N = numSamples;
int a = 0;
pitchRatio = 1.0;
while(--numSamples >= 0){
int pos = sourceSamplePosition;
double q = (sourceSamplePosition - pos);
int ph = (sourceSamplePosition - pos) * 63;
int M = std::fmax(pitchRatio,1);
int s = 0;
double c_0 = 0.0;
double c_1 = 0.0;
c_0 += (imp2x[ph][0] + dif2x[ph][0] * q) * l_data_ptr[0];
c_1 += (imp2x[ph][1] + dif2x[ph][1] * q) * l_data_ptr[2];
c_0 += (imp2x[ph][2] + dif2x[ph][2] * q) * l_data_ptr[4];
c_1 += (imp2x[ph][3] + dif2x[ph][3] * q) * l_data_ptr[6];
c_0 += (imp2x[ph][4] + dif2x[ph][4] * q) * l_data_ptr[8];
c_1 += (imp2x[ph][5] + dif2x[ph][5] * q) * l_data_ptr[10];
c_0 += (imp2x[ph][6] + dif2x[ph][6] * q) * l_data_ptr[12];
c_1 += (imp2x[ph][7] + dif2x[ph][7] * q) * l_data_ptr[14];
c_0 += (imp2x[ph][8] + dif2x[ph][8] * q) * l_data_ptr[16];
c_1 += (imp2x[ph][9] + dif2x[ph][9] * q) * l_data_ptr[18];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][10] + dif2x[ph][10] * q) * l_data_ptr[20];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][11] + dif2x[ph][11] * q) * l_data_ptr[22];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][12] + dif2x[ph][12] * q) * l_data_ptr[24];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][13] + dif2x[ph][13] * q) * l_data_ptr[26];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][14] + dif2x[ph][14] * q) * l_data_ptr[28];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][15] + dif2x[ph][15] * q) * l_data_ptr[30];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][16] + dif2x[ph][16] * q) * l_data_ptr[32];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][17] + dif2x[ph][17] * q) * l_data_ptr[34];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][18] + dif2x[ph][18] * q) * l_data_ptr[36];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][19] + dif2x[ph][19] * q) * l_data_ptr[38];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][20] + dif2x[ph][20] * q) * l_data_ptr[40];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][21] + dif2x[ph][21] * q) * l_data_ptr[42];
c_0 +=(imp2x[ph][22] + dif2x[ph][22] * q) * l_data_ptr[44];
c_1 +=(imp2x[ph][23] + dif2x[ph][23] * q) * l_data_ptr[46];
for(int w = 23; w >= 0; w-- ){
l_data_ptr[(w-1)*2] = l_data_ptr[w*2];
*sound->getSample()->astream >> l_data_ptr[46];
float l = c_0 + c_1;
sourceSamplePosition += pitchRatio;
*LL++ = l;
*RR++ = l;
if(sourceSamplePosition > numFrames){
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