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Created February 2, 2022 23:06
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Preact: esbuild vs custom Rollup + Terser config
var N = 1 << 0,
S = 1 << 1,
A = 1 << 2,
le = 1 << 3,
T = 1 << 4,
Y = N | S,
P = A | le | T,
h = 1 << 5,
d = 1 << 6,
D = 1 << 7,
j = 1 << 8,
W = 1 << 9,
a = 1 << 10,
q = 1 << 11,
C = 1 << 12,
z = 1 << 13,
x = 1 << 14,
I = 1 << 15,
F = ~(h | d | D | j | a | z | I),
he = h | d | C,
me = [],
O = void 0;
function ye(e, t) {
for (; (t = t.i); )
if (t.flags & P && ~t.flags & a)
try {
if (
(t.type.getDerivedStateFromError &&
t.r.componentDidCatch && t.r.componentDidCatch(e),
t.flags & x)
) {
t.flags |= W;
} catch (o) {
e = o;
throw e;
var De = { p: ye },
n = De;
function k(e, t) {
e.hehe == null && (e.hehe = []), e.hehe.push(t);
function K(e, t) {
n.O && n.O(t, e),
e.some(o => {
try {
for (e = o.hehe.length; e--; ) o.hehe.shift()();
} catch (r) {
n.p(r, o);
var Me = 0;
function L(e, t, o) {
let r = {},
for (s in t)
s == 'key' ? (f = t[s]) : s == 'ref' ? (i = t[s]) : (r[s] = t[s]);
if (arguments.length > 3)
for (o = [o], s = 3; s < arguments.length; s++) o.push(arguments[s]);
return arguments.length > 2 && (r.children = o), v(e, r, f, i, 0);
function v(e, t, o, r, f) {
let i = {
type: e,
props: t,
key: o,
ref: r,
constructor: void 0,
o: f || ++Me
return n.vnode != null && n.vnode(i), i;
function $(e) {
return e == null || typeof e == 'boolean'
? null
: typeof e == 'object'
? Array.isArray(e)
? v(M, { children: e }, null, null, 0)
: e
: typeof e == 'function'
? e
: e + '';
function Se() {
return { current: null };
function M(e) {
return e.children;
var de = e => e != null && e.constructor === O;
function U(e, t, o, r) {
if (e !== t) {
e && U(null, e, null, r);
try {
typeof t == 'function' ? t(o) : t && (t.current = o);
} catch (f) {
n.p(f, r);
function J(e, t, o) {
t[0] === '-' ?, o) : ([t] = o == null ? '' : o);
function H(e, t, o, r, f) {
let i;
e: if (t === 'style')
if (typeof o == 'string') J(e, 'cssText', o);
else {
if ((typeof r == 'string' && J(e, 'cssText', (r = '')), r))
for (t in r) (!o || !(t in o)) && J(e, t, '');
for (t in o) (!r || o[t] !== r[t]) && J(e, t, o[t]);
else if (t[0] === 'o' && t[1] === 'n')
if (
((i = t !== (t = t.replace(/Capture$/, ''))),
t.toLowerCase() in e ? (t = t.toLowerCase().slice(2)) : (t = t.slice(2)),
e.E || (e.E = {}),
(e.E[t + i] = o),
) {
if (!r) {
let s = i ? xe : Te;
e.addEventListener(t, s, i);
} else {
let s = i ? xe : Te;
e.removeEventListener(t, s, i);
else if (t !== 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') {
if (f) t = t.replace(/xlink[H:h]/, 'h').replace(/sName$/, 's');
else if (
t !== 'href' &&
t !== 'list' &&
t !== 'form' &&
t !== 'tabIndex' &&
t !== 'download' &&
t in e
try {
e[t] = o == null ? '' : o;
break e;
} catch (s) {}
typeof o == 'function' ||
(o != null && (o !== !1 || (t[0] === 'a' && t[1] === 'r'))
? e.setAttribute(t, o)
: e.removeAttribute(t));
function Te(e) {
this.E[e.type + !1](n.event ? n.event(e) : e),
this.g &&
(this.value != null &&
(e.type === 'input' || e.type === 'change') &&
(this.value = this.u),
this.checked != null && e.type === 'change' && (this.checked = this.u));
function xe(e) {
this.E[e.type + !0](n.event ? n.event(e) : e);
function Z(e, t, o, r) {
let f,
s = t.type,
p = e ? e.props : t.props;
if (
(t && t.r
? (f = t.r)
: ((t.r = f = {
props: p,
context: r,
forceUpdate: t.rerender.bind(null, t)
(t.flags |= x)),
e && e.o === t.o)
) {
(f.props = p), (t.flags |= I);
return (
(f.context = r),
(t.props = f.props = p),
(i = n.R) && i(t),
(t.flags &= ~x),
(f.s = t),
(i =, f.props, f.context)),
f.getChildContext != null &&
(t.c = Object.assign({}, o, f.getChildContext())),
function Q(e, t, o, r) {
let f,
E = t.type,
u = e ? e.props : t.props;
if (
(t && t.r
? (f = t.r)
: ((t.r = f = new E(u, r)),
f.state || (f.state = {}),
(i = !0),
(t.flags |= x)),
f.f == null && (f.f = f.state),
E.getDerivedStateFromProps != null &&
(f.f == f.state && (f.f = Object.assign({}, f.f)),
Object.assign(f.f, E.getDerivedStateFromProps(u, f.f))),
(s = f.props),
(p = f.state),
E.getDerivedStateFromProps == null &&
f.componentWillMount != null &&
f.componentDidMount != null && k(t, f.componentDidMount.bind(f));
else {
if (
(E.getDerivedStateFromProps == null &&
u !== s &&
f.componentWillReceiveProps != null &&
f.componentWillReceiveProps(u, r),
(!(t.flags & z) &&
f.shouldComponentUpdate != null &&
f.shouldComponentUpdate(u, f.f, r) === !1) ||
(e && e.o === t.o))
) {
(f.props = u), (f.state = f.f), (t.flags |= I);
f.componentWillUpdate != null && f.componentWillUpdate(u, f.f, r);
return (
(f.context = r),
(t.props = f.props = u),
(f.state = f.f),
(c = n.R) && c(t),
(t.flags &= ~x),
(f.s = t),
(c = f.render(f.props, f.state, f.context)),
(f.state = f.f),
f.getChildContext != null &&
(t.c = Object.assign({}, o, f.getChildContext())),
i ||
(f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != null &&
(l = f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(s, p)),
f.componentDidUpdate != null &&
k(t, () => {
f.componentDidUpdate(s, p, l);
var be = 0,
pe = new Set(),
_e = e => {
pe.delete(e) ||
pe.forEach(t => {
Ne = (e, t) => {
t = '__cC' + be++;
let o = {
T: t,
x: e,
Consumer(r, f) {
return r.children(f);
Provider(r, f) {
return (
? r.value !== this.C && this.h.forEach(V)
: ((this.h = new Set()),
(f = {}),
(f[t] = this),
(this.getChildContext = () => f),
(this.C = r.value),
return (o.Provider.P = o.Consumer.contextType = o);
function ue(e, t, o) {
let r,
f = 0;
if (
(n.unmount && n.unmount(e),
(e.flags |= q),
(r = e.ref) && (!r.current || r.current === e.e) && U(null, r, null, t),
(r = e.r) && (_e(e), r.componentWillUnmount))
try {
} catch (i) {
n.p(i, t);
if ((r = e.t))
for (; f < r.length; f++)
r[f] && ue(r[f], t, o ? ~e.flags & T : e.flags & Y);
!o && e.flags & Y && e.e.remove(), (e.e = null);
function ce(e, t, o, r) {
let f = (o.t && o.t.slice()) || me,
i = f.length,
s = i,
p = 0,
m = [];
for (l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
if (((g = $(t[l])), g == null)) {
m[l] = null;
let R,
y = l + p,
_ = Ye(g, f, y, s);
_ === -1 ? (u = O) : ((u = f[_]), (f[_] = O), s--);
let ge = u == null;
? ((u = B(g, o)), G(e, g, u, r, b(o, y)))
: (u.flags & (h | D)) === (h | D)
? ((R = u.ref), G(e, g, u, r, u.e))
: ((R = u.ref), w(e, g, u, r)),
(c = u.e),
(g.ref || R) &&
(E || (E = []),
(u.ref = g.ref),
E.push(R, g.ref, (u.flags & P && u.r) || c, u));
e: if (ge) {
if ((_ == -1 && p--, u.flags & Y)) {
let X = b(o, y);
e.insertBefore(u.e, X);
} else if (_ !== y) {
if (_ === y + 1) {
break e;
} else if (_ > y)
if (s > t.length - y) {
p += _ - y;
break e;
} else p--;
else _ < y && _ == y - 1 ? (p = _ - y) : (p = 0);
if (((y = l + p), _ == l)) break e;
let X = b(o, y + 1);
u.flags & Y ? e.insertBefore(u.e, X) : ee(u, X, e);
m[l] = u;
if (((o.t = m), s > 0)) for (l = i; l--; ) f[l] != null && ue(f[l], f[l]);
if (E) for (l = 0; l < E.length; l++) U(E[l], E[++l], E[++l], E[++l]);
function Ye(e, t, o, r) {
let f = typeof e == 'string' ? null : e.type,
i = f !== null ? e.key : O,
s = -1,
p = o - 1,
l = o + 1,
c = t[o];
if (c === null || (c != null && c.type === f && c.key == i)) s = o;
else if (r > (c != null ? 1 : 0))
for (;;) {
if (p >= 0) {
if (((c = t[p]), c != null && c.type === f && c.key == i)) {
s = p;
if (l < t.length) {
if (((c = t[l]), c != null && c.type === f && c.key == i)) {
s = l;
} else if (p < 0) break;
return s;
function ee(e, t, o) {
if (e.t != null)
for (let r = 0; r < e.t.length; r++) {
let f = e.t[r];
f &&
((f.i = e),
f.flags & P ? ee(f, t, o) : f.e != t && o.insertBefore(f.e, t));
function Oe(e, t) {
if (((t = t || []), !(e == null || typeof e == 'boolean')))
if (Array.isArray(e)) for (e of e) Oe(e, t);
else t.push(e);
return t;
function w(e, t, o, r) {
let f = o.e,
i = o.flags;
if (i & N) {
t !== o.props && (( = t), (o.props = t));
if (t.constructor !== O) return null;
n.m && n.m(o, t),
i & S &&
(t.o !== o.o && (Ae(f, t, o, r), (o.o = t.o)),
n.diffed && n.diffed(o),
(o.flags &= F));
let s,
p = e;
if (i & T && ((e = t.props.l), o.props.l !== t.props.l)) {
let l = e == p ? b(o) : null;
ee(o, l, e);
try {
o.flags & W && (o.flags ^= W | a);
let l = te(o),
c = t.type.contextType,
E = c && l[c.T],
u = c ? (E ? E.props.value : c.x) : l,
g = !o || !o.r;
if ((o.flags & A ? (s = Q(t, o, l, u)) : (s = Z(t, o, l, u)), o.flags & I))
(o.props = t.props), (o.flags &= ~I), t && t.o !== o.o && (o.flags &= ~x);
else {
let R = s != null && s.type === M && s.key == null ? s.props.children : s;
o.t == null
? oe(
Array.isArray(R) ? R : [R],
(o.flags & (h | D)) === (h | D)
? o.e
: g || o.flags & h
? null
: b(o)
: ce(e, Array.isArray(R) ? R : [R], o, r);
o.hehe != null && o.hehe.length && r.push(o);
} catch (l) {
(o.flags |= l.then ? D : j), n.p(l, o);
n.diffed && n.diffed(o), (o.flags &= F), (o.o = t.o);
function Ae(e, t, o, r) {
let f = o.props,
i = (o.props = t.props),
s = o.flags & C,
for (p in f)
(l = f[p]),
p === 'key' ||
p === 'children' ||
(p === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML'
? (u = l)
: p in i || H(e, p, null, l, s));
for (p in i)
(l = i[p]),
p === 'key' ||
(p === 'children'
? (g = l)
: p === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML'
? (E = l)
: (l !== (c = f[p]) ||
((p === 'checked' || p === 'value') &&
l != null &&
l !== e[p])) &&
H(e, p, l, c, s));
? ((l = E.__html),
(!u || (l !== u.__html && l !== e.innerHTML)) && (e.innerHTML = l),
(o.t = null))
: (u && (e.innerHTML = ''),
ce(e, g && Array.isArray(g) ? g : [g], o, r, e.firstChild)),
i.value != null && e.g
? (e.u = i.value)
: i.checked != null && e.g && (e.u = i.checked);
function se(e, t) {
(this.props = e), (this.context = t);
se.prototype.setState = function(e, t) {
let o;
this.f != null && this.f !== this.state
? (o = this.f)
: (o = this.f = Object.assign({}, this.state)),
typeof e == 'function' && (e = e(Object.assign({}, o), this.props)),
e && Object.assign(o, e),
e != null &&
this.s &&
(t && k(this.s, t.bind(this)), this.s.rerender(this.s));
se.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) {
this.s &&
((this.s.flags |= z),
e && k(this.s, e.bind(this)),
se.prototype.render = M;
function Ie(e) {
if (~e.flags & q && e.flags & x) {
let t = Ee(e),
o = v(e.type, e.props, e.key, e.ref, 0),
r = [];
w(t, o, e, r), K(r, e);
var fe = [],
Ue = Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve());
function V(e) {
((!(e.flags & x) && (e.flags |= x) && fe.push(e) && !re._++) ||
ne !== n.debounceRendering) &&
((ne = n.debounceRendering), (ne || Ue)(re));
function re() {
for (; (Re = re._ = fe.length); )
for (fe.sort((e, t) => e.y - t.y); Re--; ) Ie(fe.shift());
var Re = (re._ = 0);
function B(e, t) {
let o = null,
s = t ? t.flags & he : 0,
p = NaN;
typeof e == 'string'
? ((s |= N), (r = e))
: e.constructor !== O
? ((s |= N), (r = ''))
: ((o = e.type),
(r = e.props || {}),
(f = e.key),
(i = e.ref),
(p = e.o),
(s |=
typeof o == 'function'
? o.prototype && 'render' in o.prototype
? A
: r.l
? T
: le
: S),
s & S && o === 'svg'
? (s |= C)
: t && t.flags & C && t.type === 'foreignObject' && (s &= ~C));
let l = {
type: o,
props: r,
key: f,
ref: i,
data: typeof o == 'function' ? {} : null,
rerender: V,
flags: s,
t: null,
i: t,
o: p,
e: null,
r: null,
c: null,
y: t ? t.y + 1 : 0
return n.s && n.s(l, e), l;
var Ce = e => e.flags & P && (!(e.flags & T) || e.props.l == Ee(e.i));
function b(e, t) {
if (t == null) return b(e.i, e.i.t.indexOf(e) + 1);
let o = Pe(e, t);
return o || (e.i && Ce(e) ? b(e) : null);
function Pe(e, t) {
if (e.t == null) return null;
for (t = t || 0; t < e.t.length; t++) {
let o = e.t[t];
if (o != null) {
if (o.flags & Y) return o.e;
if (Ce(o)) {
let r = Pe(o);
if (r) return r;
return null;
function te(e) {
let t = e.c,
o = e.i;
for (; t == null && o; ) (t = o.c), (o = o.i);
return t;
function Ee(e) {
let t = e.flags & T ? e.props.l : null,
o = e.i;
for (; t == null && o; )
o.flags & T ? (t = o.props.l) : o.flags & S && (t = o.e), (o = o.i);
return t;
function G(e, t, o, r, f) {
n.m && n.m(o, t);
let i;
try {
if (o.flags & P) {
let s = f,
p = e;
o.flags & T && ((e = t.props.l), e !== p && (f = null));
let l = te(o),
c = t.type.contextType,
E = c && l[c.T],
u = c ? (E ? E.props.value : c.x) : l;
E && E.h.add(o),
o.flags & A ? (i = Q(null, o, l, u)) : (i = Z(null, o, l, u));
let m = i != null && i.type === M && i.key == null ? i.props.children : i;
(i = oe(e, Array.isArray(m) ? m : [m], o, r, f)),
o.hehe != null && o.hehe.length && r.push(o),
o.flags & T && p !== e && (i = s);
} else {
let s = o.flags & (h | d) ? f : null;
i = Fe(s, o, r);
n.diffed && n.diffed(o), (o.flags &= F);
} catch (s) {
(o.o = 0),
(o.flags |= s.then ? D : j),
o.flags & h && ((i = f && f.nextSibling), (o.e = f)),
n.p(s, o);
return i;
function Fe(e, t, o) {
let r = t.props,
f = t.type,
p = t.flags,
l = p & C,
c = ~p & h;
if (p & (h | d))
for (; e && (f ? e.localName !== f : e.nodeType !== 3); ) e = e.nextSibling;
let E = e == null;
if (p & N)
E ? (e = document.createTextNode(r)) : !== r && ( = r),
(t.e = e);
else {
if (
(E &&
? (e = document.createElementNS('', f))
: (e = document.createElement(f, && r)),
(t.flags = p &= F),
(c = 1)),
p & d)
for (i = 0; i < e.attributes.length; i++)
(s = e.attributes[i].name), s in r || e.removeAttribute(s);
let u, g, m;
(t.type === 'input' || t.type === 'textarea' || t.type === 'select') &&
(r.onInput || r.onChange) &&
(r.value != null
? ((e.g = !0), (e.u = r.value))
: r.checked != null && ((e.g = !0), (e.u = r.checked)));
for (i in r)
(s = r[i]),
i === 'key' ||
(i === 'children'
? (m = s)
: i === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML'
? (u = s)
: i === 'value'
? (g = s)
: s != null &&
(c || typeof s == 'function') &&
H(e, i, s, null, l));
(t.e = e),
? (c && u.__html && (e.innerHTML = u.__html), (t.t = null))
: m != null &&
oe(e, m && Array.isArray(m) ? m : [m], t, o, E ? null : e.firstChild),
c && g != null && H(e, 'value', g, null, 0);
return E ? null : e.nextSibling;
function oe(e, t, o, r, f) {
let i = (o.t = []),
for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
if (((p = $(t[s])), p == null)) {
i[s] = null;
(l = B(p, o)),
(i[s] = l),
(E = G(e, p, l, r, f)),
(c = l.e),
l.flags & P || c == f ? (f = E) : c != null && e.insertBefore(c, f),
l.ref && U(null, l.ref, l.r || c, l);
if (o.flags & (h | d) && o.flags & S)
for (; f; ) (s = f), (f = f.nextSibling), s.remove();
return f;
function ie(e) {
let t,
f = 0;
function i(s) {
n.n && n.n(s, e),
(s = L(M, { l: e }, [s])),
(r = e.firstChild),
(o = []),
? w(e, s, t, o)
: ((t = B(s)),
(e.t = t),
r && (f = f || d),
e.ownerSVGElement !== O && (f |= C),
(t.flags |= f),
(t.c = {}),
G(e, s, t, o, r)),
K(o, t);
return {
hydrate(s) {
(f |= h), i(s);
render: i
function ke(e, t) {
let o = t && t.n;
o || (o = ie(t)), o.render(e), (t.n = o);
function Le(e, t) {
let o = t && t.n;
o || (o = ie(t)), o.hydrate(e), (t.n = o);
function ve(e, t, o) {
let r = Object.assign({}, e.props),
for (s in t)
s == 'key' ? (f = t[s]) : s == 'ref' ? (i = t[s]) : (r[s] = t[s]);
if (arguments.length > 3)
for (o = [o], s = 3; s < arguments.length; s++) o.push(arguments[s]);
return (
arguments.length > 2 && (r.children = o),
v(e.type, r, f || e.key, i || e.ref, 0)
function He(e) {
return e.children;
function Ge(e, t) {
return L(He, { l: t }, e);
export {
se as Component,
M as Fragment,
ve as cloneElement,
Ne as createContext,
L as createElement,
Ge as createPortal,
Se as createRef,
ie as createRoot,
L as h,
Le as hydrate,
de as isValidElement,
n as options,
ke as render,
Oe as toChildArray
const n = [],
l = {
__e(n, l) {
for (; (l = l.__); )
if (28 & l.flags && 1024 & ~l.flags)
try {
if (
(l.type.getDerivedStateFromError &&
l.__c.componentDidCatch && l.__c.componentDidCatch(n),
16384 & l.flags)
return void (l.flags |= 512);
} catch (l) {
n = l;
throw n;
function t(n, l) {
null == n.__h && (n.__h = []), n.__h.push(l);
function e(n, t) {
l.__c && l.__c(t, n),
n.some(t => {
try {
for (n = t.__h.length; n--; ) t.__h.shift()();
} catch (n) {
l.__e(n, t);
let u = 0;
function i(n, l, t) {
let e,
f = {};
for (i in l)
'key' == i ? (e = l[i]) : 'ref' == i ? (u = l[i]) : (f[i] = l[i]);
if (arguments.length > 3)
for (t = [t], i = 3; arguments.length > i; i++) t.push(arguments[i]);
return arguments.length > 2 && (f.children = t), r(n, f, e, u, 0);
function r(n, t, e, i, r) {
const f = {
type: n,
props: t,
key: e,
ref: i,
constructor: void 0,
__v: r || ++u
return null != l.vnode && l.vnode(f), f;
function f(n) {
return null == n || 'boolean' == typeof n
? null
: 'object' == typeof n
? Array.isArray(n)
? r(c, { children: n }, null, null, 0)
: n
: 'function' == typeof n
? n
: n + '';
function o() {
return { current: null };
function c(n) {
return n.children;
const s = n => null != n && void 0 === n.constructor;
function h(n, t, e, u) {
if (n !== t) {
n && h(null, n, null, u);
try {
'function' == typeof t ? t(e) : t && (t.current = e);
} catch (n) {
l.__e(n, u);
function a(n, l, t) {
'-' === l[0] ?, t) : ([l] = null == t ? '' : t);
function y(n, l, t, e, u) {
let i;
n: if ('style' === l)
if ('string' == typeof t) a(n, 'cssText', t);
else {
if (('string' == typeof e && a(n, 'cssText', (e = '')), e))
for (l in e) (t && l in t) || a(n, l, '');
for (l in t) (e && t[l] === e[l]) || a(n, l, t[l]);
else if ('o' === l[0] && 'n' === l[1])
(i = l !== (l = l.replace(/Capture$/, ''))),
(l = l.toLowerCase() in n ? l.toLowerCase().slice(2) : l.slice(2)),
n.l || (n.l = {}),
(n.l[l + i] = t),
? e || n.addEventListener(l, i ? p : d, i)
: n.removeEventListener(l, i ? p : d, i);
else if ('dangerouslySetInnerHTML' !== l) {
if (u) l = l.replace(/xlink[H:h]/, 'h').replace(/sName$/, 's');
else if (
'href' !== l &&
'list' !== l &&
'form' !== l &&
'tabIndex' !== l &&
'download' !== l &&
l in n
try {
n[l] = null == t ? '' : t;
break n;
} catch (n) {}
'function' == typeof t ||
(null != t && (!1 !== t || ('a' === l[0] && 'r' === l[1]))
? n.setAttribute(l, t)
: n.removeAttribute(l));
function d(n) {
this.l[n.type + !1](l.event ? l.event(n) : n),
this.t &&
(null == this.value ||
('input' !== n.type && 'change' !== n.type) ||
(this.value = this.u),
null != this.checked && 'change' === n.type && (this.checked = this.u));
function p(n) {
this.l[n.type + !0](l.event ? l.event(n) : n);
function _(n, t, e, u) {
let i,
f = t.type,
o = n ? n.props : t.props;
return (
t && t.__c
? (i = t.__c)
: ((t.__c = i = {
props: o,
context: u,
forceUpdate: t.rerender.bind(null, t)
(t.flags |= 16384)),
n && n.__v === t.__v
? ((i.props = o), void (t.flags |= 32768))
: ((i.context = u),
(t.props = i.props = o),
(r = l.__r) && r(t),
(t.flags &= -16385),
(i.__i = t),
(r =, i.props, i.context)),
null != i.getChildContext &&
(t.c = Object.assign({}, e, i.getChildContext())),
function b(n, e, u, i) {
let r,
a = e.type,
y = n ? n.props : e.props;
if (
(e && e.__c
? (r = e.__c)
: ((e.__c = r = new a(y, i)),
r.state || (r.state = {}),
(f = !0),
(e.flags |= 16384)),
null == r.__s && (r.__s = r.state),
null != a.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
(r.__s == r.state && (r.__s = Object.assign({}, r.__s)),
Object.assign(r.__s, a.getDerivedStateFromProps(y, r.__s))),
(o = r.props),
(c = r.state),
null == a.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
null != r.componentWillMount &&
null != r.componentDidMount && t(e, r.componentDidMount.bind(r));
else {
if (
(null == a.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
y !== o &&
null != r.componentWillReceiveProps &&
r.componentWillReceiveProps(y, i),
(!(8192 & e.flags) &&
null != r.shouldComponentUpdate &&
!1 === r.shouldComponentUpdate(y, r.__s, i)) ||
(n && n.__v === e.__v))
return (r.props = y), (r.state = r.__s), void (e.flags |= 32768);
null != r.componentWillUpdate && r.componentWillUpdate(y, r.__s, i);
return (
(r.context = i),
(e.props = r.props = y),
(r.state = r.__s),
(h = l.__r) && h(e),
(e.flags &= -16385),
(r.__i = e),
(h = r.render(r.props, r.state, r.context)),
(r.state = r.__s),
null != r.getChildContext &&
(e.c = Object.assign({}, u, r.getChildContext())),
f ||
(null != r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate &&
(s = r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(o, c)),
null != r.componentDidUpdate &&
t(e, () => {
r.componentDidUpdate(o, c, s);
let v = 0;
const k = new Set(),
g = n => {
k.delete(n) ||
k.forEach(l => {
j = (n, l) => {
const t = {
__c: (l = '__cC' + v++),
__: n,
Consumer: (n, l) => n.children(l),
Provider(n, t) {
return (
? n.value !== this.p && this.s.forEach(C)
: ((this.s = new Set()),
((t = {})[l] = this),
(this.getChildContext = () => t),
(this.p = n.value),
return (t.Provider.__ = t.Consumer.contextType = t);
function w(n, t, e) {
let u,
i = 0;
if (
(l.unmount && l.unmount(n),
(n.flags |= 2048),
(u = n.ref) && ((u.current && u.current !== n.__e) || h(null, u, null, t)),
(u = n.__c) && (g(n), u.componentWillUnmount))
try {
} catch (n) {
l.__e(n, t);
if ((u = n.__k))
for (; u.length > i; i++)
u[i] && w(u[i], t, e ? 16 & ~n.flags : 3 & n.flags);
!e && 3 & n.flags && n.__e.remove(), (n.__e = null);
function O(l, t, e, u) {
let i,
a = (e.__k && e.__k.slice()) || n,
y = a.length,
d = y,
p = 0;
const _ = [];
for (i = 0; t.length > i; i++) {
if (((s = f(t[i])), null == s)) {
_[i] = null;
let n,
h = i + p,
y = m(s, a, h, d);
-1 === y ? (c = void 0) : ((c = a[y]), (a[y] = void 0), d--);
let b = null == c;
? ((c = U(s, e)), F(l, s, c, u, z(e, h)))
: 160 == (160 & c.flags)
? ((n = c.ref), F(l, s, c, u, c.__e))
: ((n = c.ref), S(l, s, c, u)),
(r = c.__e),
(s.ref || n) &&
(o || (o = []),
(c.ref = s.ref),
o.push(n, s.ref, (28 & c.flags && c.__c) || r, c));
n: if (b) {
if ((-1 == y && p--, 3 & c.flags)) {
let n = z(e, h);
l.insertBefore(c.__e, n);
} else if (y !== h) {
if (y === h + 1) {
break n;
if (y > h) {
if (d > t.length - h) {
p += y - h;
break n;
} else p = h > y && y == h - 1 ? y - h : 0;
if (((h = i + p), y == i)) break n;
let n = z(e, h + 1);
3 & c.flags ? l.insertBefore(c.__e, n) : x(c, n, l);
_[i] = c;
if (((e.__k = _), d > 0)) for (i = y; i--; ) null != a[i] && w(a[i], a[i]);
if (o) for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) h(o[i], o[++i], o[++i], o[++i]);
function m(n, l, t, e) {
const u = 'string' == typeof n ? null : n.type,
i = null !== u ? n.key : void 0;
let r = -1,
f = t - 1,
o = t + 1,
c = l[t];
if (null === c || (null != c && c.type === u && c.key == i)) r = t;
else if (e > (null != c ? 1 : 0))
for (;;) {
if (f >= 0) {
if (((c = l[f]), null != c && c.type === u && c.key == i)) {
r = f;
if (l.length > o) {
if (((c = l[o]), null != c && c.type === u && c.key == i)) {
r = o;
} else if (0 > f) break;
return r;
function x(n, l, t) {
if (null != n.__k)
for (let e = 0; n.__k.length > e; e++) {
let u = n.__k[e];
u &&
((u.__ = n),
28 & u.flags ? x(u, l, t) : u.__e != l && t.insertBefore(u.__e, l));
function A(n, l) {
if (((l = l || []), null == n || 'boolean' == typeof n));
else if (Array.isArray(n)) for (n of n) A(n, l);
else l.push(n);
return l;
function S(n, t, e, u) {
let i,
r = e.__e,
f = e.flags;
if (1 & f) return void (t !== e.props && (( = t), (e.props = t)));
if (void 0 !== t.constructor) return null;
l.__b && l.__b(e, t),
2 & f &&
(t.__v !== e.__v && (T(r, t, e, u), (e.__v = t.__v)),
l.diffed && l.diffed(e),
(e.flags &= -42465));
let o = n;
16 & f &&
((n = t.props.__P), e.props.__P !== t.props.__P) &&
x(e, n == o ? z(e) : null, n);
try {
512 & e.flags && (e.flags ^= 1536);
const l = D(e);
let r = t.type.contextType,
f = r && l[r.__c],
o = r ? (f ? f.props.value : r.__) : l,
s = !e || !e.__c;
if (((i = 4 & e.flags ? b(t, e, l, o) : _(t, e, l, o)), 32768 & e.flags))
(e.props = t.props),
(e.flags &= -32769),
t && t.__v !== e.__v && (e.flags &= -16385);
else {
let l = null != i && i.type === c && null == i.key ? i.props.children : i;
null == e.__k
? J(
Array.isArray(l) ? l : [l],
160 == (160 & e.flags) ? e.__e : s || 32 & e.flags ? null : z(e)
: O(n, Array.isArray(l) ? l : [l], e, u);
null != e.__h && e.__h.length && u.push(e);
} catch (n) {
(e.flags |= n.then ? 128 : 256), l.__e(n, e);
l.diffed && l.diffed(e), (e.flags &= -42465), (e.__v = t.__v);
function T(n, l, t, e) {
let u,
s = t.props,
h = (t.props = l.props),
a = 4096 & t.flags;
for (u in s)
(i = s[u]),
'key' === u ||
'children' === u ||
('dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === u
? (o = i)
: u in h || y(n, u, null, i, a));
for (u in h)
(i = h[u]),
'key' === u ||
('children' === u
? (c = i)
: 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === u
? (f = i)
: (i === (r = s[u]) &&
(('checked' !== u && 'value' !== u) ||
null == i ||
i === n[u])) ||
y(n, u, i, r, a));
? ((i = f.__html),
(!o || (i !== o.__html && i !== n.innerHTML)) && (n.innerHTML = i),
(t.__k = null))
: (o && (n.innerHTML = ''), O(n, c && Array.isArray(c) ? c : [c], t, e)),
null != h.value && n.t
? (n.u = h.value)
: null != h.checked && n.t && (n.u = h.checked);
function H(n, l) {
(this.props = n), (this.context = l);
function I(n) {
if (2048 & ~n.flags && 16384 & n.flags) {
const l = [];
S(E(n), r(n.type, n.props, n.key, n.ref, 0), n, l), e(l, n);
(H.prototype.setState = function(n, l) {
let e;
(e =
null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state
? this.__s
: (this.__s = Object.assign({}, this.state))),
'function' == typeof n && (n = n(Object.assign({}, e), this.props)),
n && Object.assign(e, n),
null != n &&
this.__i &&
(l && t(this.__i, l.bind(this)), this.__i.rerender(this.__i));
(H.prototype.forceUpdate = function(n) {
this.__i &&
((this.__i.flags |= 8192),
n && t(this.__i, n.bind(this)),
(H.prototype.render = c);
let P,
L = [];
const M = Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve());
function C(n) {
((16384 & n.flags || !(n.flags |= 16384) || !L.push(n) || N.__r++) &&
P === l.debounceRendering) ||
((P = l.debounceRendering), (P || M)(N));
function N() {
for (; ($ = N.__r = L.length); )
for (L.sort((n, l) => n.__b - l.__b); $--; ) I(L.shift());
let $ = (N.__r = 0);
function U(n, t) {
let e,
r = null,
f = t ? 4192 & t.flags : 0,
o = NaN;
'string' == typeof n
? ((f |= 1), (e = n))
: void 0 !== n.constructor
? ((f |= 1), (e = ''))
: ((r = n.type),
(e = n.props || {}),
(u = n.key),
(i = n.ref),
(o = n.__v),
(f |=
'function' == typeof r
? r.prototype && 'render' in r.prototype
? 4
: e.__P
? 16
: 8
: 2),
2 & f && 'svg' === r
? (f |= 4096)
: t && 4096 & t.flags && 'foreignObject' === t.type && (f &= -4097));
const c = {
type: r,
props: e,
key: u,
ref: i,
data: 'function' == typeof r ? {} : null,
rerender: C,
flags: f,
__k: null,
__: t,
__v: o,
__e: null,
__c: null,
c: null,
__b: t ? t.__b + 1 : 0
return l.__i && l.__i(c, n), c;
const q = n => 28 & n.flags && (!(16 & n.flags) || n.props.__P == E(n.__));
function z(n, l) {
return null == l
? z(n.__, n.__.__k.indexOf(n) + 1)
: B(n, l) || (n.__ && q(n) ? z(n) : null);
function B(n, l) {
if (null == n.__k) return null;
for (l = l || 0; n.__k.length > l; l++) {
let t = n.__k[l];
if (null != t) {
if (3 & t.flags) return t.__e;
if (q(t)) {
let n = B(t);
if (n) return n;
return null;
function D(n) {
let l = n.c,
t = n.__;
for (; null == l && t; ) (l = t.c), (t = t.__);
return l;
function E(n) {
let l = 16 & n.flags ? n.props.__P : null,
t = n.__;
for (; null == l && t; )
16 & t.flags ? (l = t.props.__P) : 2 & t.flags && (l = t.__e), (t = t.__);
return l;
function F(n, t, e, u, i) {
let r;
l.__b && l.__b(e, t);
try {
if (28 & e.flags) {
let l = i,
f = n;
16 & e.flags && (n = t.props.__P) !== f && (i = null);
const o = D(e);
let s = t.type.contextType,
h = s && o[s.__c],
a = s ? (h ? h.props.value : s.__) : o;
h && h.s.add(e), (r = 4 & e.flags ? b(null, e, o, a) : _(null, e, o, a));
let y = null != r && r.type === c && null == r.key ? r.props.children : r;
(r = J(n, Array.isArray(y) ? y : [y], e, u, i)),
null != e.__h && e.__h.length && u.push(e),
16 & e.flags && f !== n && (r = l);
} else r = G(96 & e.flags ? i : null, e, u);
l.diffed && l.diffed(e), (e.flags &= -42465);
} catch (n) {
(e.__v = 0),
(e.flags |= n.then ? 128 : 256),
32 & e.flags && ((r = i && i.nextSibling), (e.__e = i)),
l.__e(n, e);
return r;
function G(n, l, t) {
let e,
i = l.props,
r = l.type,
f = l.flags,
o = 4096 & f,
c = 32 & ~f;
if (96 & f)
for (; n && (r ? n.localName !== r : 3 !== n.nodeType); ) n = n.nextSibling;
let s = null == n;
if (1 & f)
s ? (n = document.createTextNode(i)) : !== i && ( = i),
(l.__e = n);
else {
if (
(s &&
((n = o
? document.createElementNS('', r)
: document.createElement(r, && i)),
(l.flags = f &= -42465),
(c = 1)),
64 & f)
for (e = 0; n.attributes.length > e; e++)
(u = n.attributes[e].name), u in i || n.removeAttribute(u);
let h, a, d;
for (e in (('input' !== l.type &&
'textarea' !== l.type &&
'select' !== l.type) ||
(!i.onInput && !i.onChange) ||
(null != i.value
? ((n.t = !0), (n.u = i.value))
: null != i.checked && ((n.t = !0), (n.u = i.checked))),
(u = i[e]),
'key' === e ||
('children' === e
? (d = u)
: 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === e
? (h = u)
: 'value' === e
? (a = u)
: null == u ||
(!c && 'function' != typeof u) ||
y(n, e, u, null, o));
(l.__e = n),
? (c && h.__html && (n.innerHTML = h.__html), (l.__k = null))
: null != d &&
J(n, d && Array.isArray(d) ? d : [d], l, t, s ? null : n.firstChild),
c && null != a && y(n, 'value', a, null, 0);
return s ? null : n.nextSibling;
function J(n, l, t, e, u) {
let i,
a = (t.__k = []);
for (i = 0; l.length > i; i++)
(r = f(l[i])),
null != r
? ((o = U(r, t)),
(a[i] = o),
(s = F(n, r, o, e, u)),
(c = o.__e),
28 & o.flags || c == u ? (u = s) : null != c && n.insertBefore(c, u),
o.ref && h(null, o.ref, o.__c || c, o))
: (a[i] = null);
if (96 & t.flags && 2 & t.flags)
for (; u; ) (i = u), (u = u.nextSibling), i.remove();
return u;
function K(n) {
let t,
f = 0;
function o(o) {
l.__ && l.__(o, n),
(o = i(c, { __P: n }, [o])),
(r = n.firstChild),
(u = []),
? S(n, o, t, u)
: ((t = U(o)),
(n.__k = t),
r && (f = f || 64),
void 0 !== n.ownerSVGElement && (f |= 4096),
(t.flags |= f),
(t.c = {}),
F(n, o, t, u, r)),
e(u, t);
return {
hydrate(n) {
(f |= 32), o(n);
render: o
function Q(n, l) {
let t = l && l.__;
t || (t = K(l)), t.render(n), (l.__ = t);
function R(n, l) {
let t = l && l.__;
t || (t = K(l)), t.hydrate(n), (l.__ = t);
function V(n, l, t) {
let e,
f = Object.assign({}, n.props);
for (i in l)
'key' == i ? (e = l[i]) : 'ref' == i ? (u = l[i]) : (f[i] = l[i]);
if (arguments.length > 3)
for (t = [t], i = 3; arguments.length > i; i++) t.push(arguments[i]);
return (
arguments.length > 2 && (f.children = t),
r(n.type, f, e || n.key, u || n.ref, 0)
function W(n) {
return n.children;
function X(n, l) {
return i(W, { __P: l }, n);
export {
H as Component,
c as Fragment,
V as cloneElement,
j as createContext,
i as createElement,
X as createPortal,
o as createRef,
K as createRoot,
i as h,
R as hydrate,
s as isValidElement,
l as options,
Q as render,
A as toChildArray
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