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Created July 6, 2015 12:52
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Python script to clean up and update the Jenkins AMIs after a successful Packer run
import requests
import os
import boto.ec2
import sys
import re
build_url = os.environ['BUILD_URL']
jenkins_base_url = os.environ['JENKINS_URL']
ami_profile_name = os.environ['AMI_PROFILE_NAME']
jenkins_auth_user = os.environ['JENKINS_AUTH_USER']
jenkins_auth_password = os.environ['JENKINS_AUTH_PASSWORD']
aws_region = os.getenv('AWS_REGION', 'us-east-1')
ec2_cloud_instance = os.getenv('EC2_CLOUD_INSTANCE', 'aws_us-east-1')
output_error_string = os.getenv('OUTPUT_ERROR_STRING', 'Error:')
build_output_text = ""
def get_jenkins_build_output():
global build_url
global build_output_text
if build_output_text:
return build_output_text
if not build_url.endswith('/'):
build_url = '%s/' % build_url
jenkins_url = '%slogText/progressiveText' % build_url
payload = {'start': '1'}
r =, verify=False, data=payload)
if not r.status_code == 200:
print 'HTTP POST to Jenkins URL %s resulted in %s' % (jenkins_url, r.status_code)
print r.headers
print r.text
return r.text
def get_error_lines(build_output):
retval = ""
regex = re.compile(r'(.*%s.*)' % output_error_string, re.MULTILINE)
matches = [m.groups() for m in regex.finditer(build_output)]
if matches:
retval = "**************************************************\n"
retval += " Error string: '%s'\n" % output_error_string
retval += " Found the following errors in the build output\n"
retval += "**************************************************\n"
for m in matches:
retval += '%s\n' % m[0]
retval += "**************************************************\n"
return retval
def get_packer_ami_id(build_output):
regex = re.compile(r'.*,amazon-ebs,artifact,.*(ami-.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
matches = [m.groups() for m in regex.finditer(build_output)]
for m in matches:
return m[0].strip()
def delete_ami(ami_id):
ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(aws_region)
ec2_conn.deregister_image(ami_id, delete_snapshot=True)
def get_groovy_url():
groovy_url = jenkins_base_url.replace('https://', '');
if not groovy_url.endswith('/'):
groovy_url = '%s/' % groovy_url
return 'https://%s:%s@%sscriptText' % (
def get_jenkins_ami_id():
groovy_url = get_groovy_url()
groovy_script = """
def foundAmi = ""
Jenkins.instance.clouds.each {
if (it.displayName == '%s') {
it.getTemplates().each {
if (it.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().contains("%s".toLowerCase())) {
// By definition, this will return the last result it finds
// You better make sure you supply a unique ami_profile_name ;)
foundAmi = it.getAmi();
""" % (ec2_cloud_instance, ami_profile_name)
payload = {'script': groovy_script}
r =, verify=False, data=payload)
if not r.status_code == 200:
print 'HTTP POST to Jenkins URL %s resulted in %s' % (groovy_url, r.status_code)
print r.headers
print r.text
return r.text.strip()
def update_jenkins_ami_id(ami_id):
groovy_url = get_groovy_url()
groovy_script = """
def foundAmi = ""
Jenkins.instance.clouds.each {
if (it.displayName == '%s') {
it.getTemplates().each {
if (it.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().contains("%s".toLowerCase())) {
// By definition, this will update all the results it finds
// You better make sure you supply a unique ami_profile_name ;)
foundAmi = "yes"
""" % (ec2_cloud_instance, ami_profile_name, ami_id)
payload = {'script': groovy_script}
r =, verify=False, data=payload)
if not r.status_code == 200:
print 'HTTP POST to Jenkins URL %s resulted in %s' % (groovy_url, r.status_code)
print r.headers
print r.text
return r.text.strip() == "yes"
def main():
# Very high level overview of how this is supposed to work:
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Get the Jenkins build output and check for errors
# - If there were errors,
# - delete the ami that was created
# - fail the build
# - If there were no errors,
# - Update Jenkins with the newly created AMI ID
# - Delete the old AMI in AWS
# - Pass the build
error_lines = get_error_lines(get_jenkins_build_output())
packer_ami_id = get_packer_ami_id(get_jenkins_build_output())
if error_lines:
print error_lines
print "Deleting newly created AMI %s" % packer_ami_id
old_jenkins_ami_id = get_jenkins_ami_id()
if not old_jenkins_ami_id:
print "Could not find (current) Jenkins AMI ID -- moving on"
update_success = update_jenkins_ami_id(packer_ami_id)
if not update_success:
print "Ran into an error when attempting to update the Jenkins AMI ID"
print "Deleting newly created AMI %s" % packer_ami_id
if old_jenkins_ami_id:
print "Deleting previous Jenkins AMI %s in AWS" % old_jenkins_ami_id
if __name__ == '__main__':
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See jenkinsci/ec2-plugin#154 for more context on what this script is for!

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emoshaya commented Aug 6, 2015

Hi there, I'm interested in using your script... Could you please explain what EC2_CLOUD_INSTANCE and AMI_PROFILE_NAME variables represent? Should I set AMI_PROFILE_NAME to the instance description in jenkins' global configuration page?

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emoshaya commented Aug 6, 2015


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emoshaya commented Aug 6, 2015

Is the description what I use for AMI_PROFILE_NAME?

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@marvinpinto could you clarify what the copyright and license are for this bit of code? It would be great if this were explicitly MIT licensed for example.

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@obscurerichard The MIT license sounds reasonable 👍

@emoshaya I haven't touched this in a very long time so I'm afraid I can't help you, sorry about that.

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