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Last active December 29, 2024 09:23
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"Proper" area screenshot in Hyprland, uses grim, slurp, imv and imagemagick
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - Take a screenshot of the active monitor
# - View said screenshot in fullscreen
# - Ask the user for the region to crop
# - Pass the crop geometry for ImageMagick to crop and copy it
# + Grab the active workspace's window geometries for suggested crops
CURRENT_OUTPUT=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name')
CURRENT_SCALE=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .scale')
CURRENT_WORKSPACE=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r 'map(')
ACTIVE_WINDOWS=$(hyprctl clients -j | jq -r --argjson workspaces "$CURRENT_WORKSPACE" 'map(select([] | inside($workspaces)))')
WINDOW_GEOMETRIES=$(echo "$ACTIVE_WINDOWS" | jq -r '.[] | "\(.at[0]),\(.at[1]) \(.size[0])x\(.size[1])"')
TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp --suffix=.png)
imv -f $TEMP_FILE &
# Fullscreen won't work without waiting 0.1s for whatever reason
sleep 0.1
kill $PID
if [ "$PICKED_GEOMETRY" ]; then
IM_GEOM=$(echo '"'$PICKED_GEOMETRY'"' | jq -r --argjson scale $CURRENT_SCALE '. | split("[ ,x]"; "") | map(tonumber * $scale | floor) | "\(.[2])x\(.[3])+\(.[0])+\(.[1])"')
echo $IM_GEOM
convert $TEMP_FILE -crop $IM_GEOM png:- | wl-copy -t image/png
rm -f $TEMP_FILE
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