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Last active April 6, 2021 04:22
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generator error messages
// - [ ] Revisit severity of diagnostics with latest changes and add for the missing 4, check if severity for all makes sense, check if generic enough to fit in libraries.
// error SYSLIB0000: Logging method names cannot start with _
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void __M1(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0001: Don't include a template for l1 in the logging message since it is implicitly taken care of
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, "M1 {l1} {l2}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger, LogLevel l1, LogLevel l2);
// error SYSLIB0002: Logging method parameter names cannot start with _
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1 {__foo}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger, string __foo);
// error SYSLIB0003: Logging class cannot be in nested types
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
public partial class Nested
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0004: Could not find a required type definition
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
// Sample
// error SYSLIB0005: Multiple logging methods are using event id 0
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void M2(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0006: Logging methods must return void
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
public static partial int M1(ILogger logger);
public static partial int M1(ILogger logger) { return 0; }
// error SYSLIB0007: One of the arguments to a logging method must implement the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger interface
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1 {p1}")]
static partial void M1(int p1);
// error SYSLIB0008: Logging methods must be static
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0009: Logging methods must be partial
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
// error SYSLIB0016: Logging methods cannot have a body
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static void M1(ILogger logger) { }
// error SYSLIB0010: Logging methods cannot be generic
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void M1<T>(ILogger logger);
// warning SYSLIB0011: Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level.
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Information, "INFO: this is an informative message")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// warning SYSLIB0012: No need to supply a DateTime value as argument since the logging infrastructure inserts one implicitly
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1 {timeStamp}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger, System.DateTime timeStamp);
// warning SYSLIB0013: Don't include a template for ex in the logging message since it is implicitly taken care
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1 {ex} {ex2}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger, System.Exception ex, System.Exception ex2);
// As a general rule, the first instance of ILogger, LogLevel, and Exception are treated specially in the log method signature. Subsequent instances are treated like normal args
// error SYSLIB0014: Template foo is not provided as argument to the logging method
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "{foo}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// warning SYSLIB0015: Argument foo is not referenced from the logging message
// DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "This is a message without foo")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger, string foo);
// error SYSLIB0016: Logging methods cannot have a body
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger) { }
// error SYSLIB0017: A LogLevel value must be supplied in the LoggerMessage attribute or as a parameter to the logging method
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, "M1")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0018: Don't include a template for logger in the logging message since it is implicitly taken care of
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
[LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "M1 {logger}")]
static partial void M1(ILogger logger);
// error SYSLIB0019: Couldn't find a field of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger in class {0}
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
public partial class LoggingSampleWithNoILoggerFieldsError
public LoggingSampleWithNoILoggerFieldsError() { }
[LoggerMessage(10, LogLevel.Warning, "Welcome to {city} {province}!")]
public partial void LogMethodSupportsPascalCasingOfNames(string city, string province);
public void TestLogging()
LogMethodSupportsPascalCasingOfNames("Vancouver", "BC");
// error SYSLIB0020: Found multiple fields of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger in class {0}
// DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
public partial class LoggingSampleWithMultipleILoggerFieldsError
private readonly ILogger _loggerX;
private readonly ILogger _loggerY;
public LoggingSampleWithMultipleILoggerFieldsError(ILogger logger1, ILogger logger2)
_loggerX = logger1;
_loggerY = logger2;
[LoggerMessage(10, LogLevel.Warning, "Welcome to {city} {province}!")]
public partial void LogMethodSupportsPascalCasingOfNames(string city, string province);
public void TestLogging()
LogMethodSupportsPascalCasingOfNames("Vancouver", "BC");
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