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Created May 30, 2014 17:42
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Should generate a String that graph does not have a label, not 'null'.
* Created: 10th of November 2003
* File Version: 0.4
* History:
* --------
* - The methods are implemented, They were not implemented before, Tomas Saxeggen and Lars Johansson, 20031118
* - changed JavaDoc, MH, 20031205
* - modified tailDfs to handle edgeTypes more correct, now and empty Set is interpreted as all types allowed, RL, 040120
package grail.interfaces;
import grail.iterators.EdgeIterator;
import grail.iterators.NodeIterator;
import grail.iterators.NullNodeIterator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
* All graphs should inherit from this class, although it is not requiered it is
* strongly recommended. It implements many methods that you would have to
* implement yourself if you don't inherit this class. These methods is not
* always the most efficient since they can't assume anything about the
* underlying implementation. If the underlying implementations provides a way
* of optimizing any method, just override it.
* @author Tomas Saxeggen and Lars Johansson
* @version 0.4
public abstract class AbstractGraph extends AbstractElement implements
GraphInterface {
// ~ Static fields/initializers
// ---------------------------------------------
// ~ Instance fields
// --------------------------------------------------------
protected boolean isacyclic = false;
protected boolean isconnected = false;
protected boolean iscyclic = false;
protected boolean isnotconnected = false;
private Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
protected Vector visited = new Vector();
// ~ Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public final boolean isCyclic() {
return iscyclic;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public boolean isAcyclic() {
return isacyclic;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public boolean isConnected() {
return isconnected;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public boolean isNotConnected() {
return isnotconnected;
// /**
// * @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The graph
// * objects property is changed
// */
// public void setProperty(GraphProperties key, Object value) {
// if ((key == null) || (value == null))
// return;
// if (!key.isValidValue(value))
// throw new ClassCastException();
// propertyKeys.add(key);
// properties.put(key, value);
// }
// /*
// * @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
// * of the graph object remains unchanged
// */
// public Object getProperty(GraphProperties passKey) {
// return properties.get(passKey);
// }
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected and fromNode and
* toNode must belong to the graph object @post The state of the graph
* object remains unchanged
public boolean isReachable(NodeInterface fromNode, NodeInterface toNode) {
if (isDirected()) {
return isReachableDirectedRecursive(fromNode, toNode);
return isReachableUndirectedRecursive(fromNode, toNode);
private boolean isReachableUndirectedRecursive(NodeInterface from,
NodeInterface to) {
if (from == to)
return true;
NodeIterator ni = ((UndirectedGraphInterface) this)
.neighbors((UndirectedNodeInterface) from);
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
NodeInterface n = ni.getNode();
if (to == n)
return true;
else if (!visited.contains(n)) {
if (isReachableUndirectedRecursive(n, to))
return true;
return false;
private boolean isReachableDirectedRecursive(NodeInterface from,
NodeInterface to) {
if (from == to)
return true;
NodeIterator ni = ((DirectedGraphInterface) this)
.getSuccessors((DirectedNodeInterface) from);
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
NodeInterface n = ni.getNode();
if (to == n)
return true;
else if (!visited.contains(n)) {
if (isReachableDirectedRecursive(n, to))
return true;
return false;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public NodeIterator bfs(NodeInterface startNode, Set edgeTypes) {
final Set rt = edgeTypes;
if (!this.containsNode(startNode))
return new NodeIterator() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public void next() {
public NodeInterface getNode() {
return null;
final Vector worklist = new Vector();
final Vector visited2 = new Vector();
final GraphInterface g = this;
return new NodeIterator() {
private NodeInterface node = null;
private boolean isRelevant(EdgeInterface e) {
boolean res = ((rt == null) || rt.contains(e
return res;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !worklist.isEmpty();
public void next() {
node = (NodeInterface) worklist.firstElement();
if (isDirected()) {
EdgeIterator ei = ((DirectedGraphInterface) g)
.outEdges((DirectedNodeInterface) node);
while (ei.hasNext()) {;
DirectedEdgeInterface ve = (DirectedEdgeInterface) ei
if (isRelevant(ve) && !visited2.contains(ve.getTo())
&& !worklist.contains(ve.getTo()))
} else { // is undirected
EdgeIterator ei = ((UndirectedGraphInterface) g)
.edges((UndirectedNodeInterface) node);
while (ei.hasNext()) {;
UndirectedEdgeInterface ve = (UndirectedEdgeInterface) ei
if (isRelevant(ve)
&& !visited2.contains(ve.getSecondNode())
&& !worklist.contains(ve.getSecondNode()))
if (isRelevant(ve)
&& !visited2.contains(ve.getFirstNode())
&& !worklist.contains(ve.getFirstNode()))
public NodeInterface getNode() {
return node;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
public NodeIterator dfs(NodeInterface node, Set edgeTypes) {
if (node == null || !this.containsNode(node))
return new NullNodeIterator();
Vector visited2 = new Vector();
Vector worklist = new Vector();
Vector temp = new Vector();
// NodeIterator nodes = this.nodes();
temp = tailDfs(node, edgeTypes, visited2, worklist, temp);
final Vector result = temp;
return new NodeIterator() {
private NodeInterface sbgn = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !result.isEmpty();
public void next() {
sbgn = (NodeInterface) result.firstElement();
public NodeInterface getNode() {
return sbgn;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The value
* of the attributes isconnected and isnotconnected in the graph object is
* changed
public void testIsConnected() {
int number = this.nodeCount();
NodeIterator ni = this.nodes();
NodeInterface node;
Vector check = new Vector();
if (isDirected()) {
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
node = ni.getNode();
NodeIterator dni = myDfs(node);
check = toVector(dni);
if (check.size() == number) {
isconnected = true;
isnotconnected = false;
} else {;
node = ni.getNode();
NodeIterator uni = myDfs(node);
check = toVector(uni);
if (check.size() == number) {
isconnected = true;
isnotconnected = false;
* Public test command for cyclic. Determines the state of the isCyclic and
* isAcyclic attributes. @pre There exists a graph either directed or
* undirected @post The value of the attributes iscyclic and isacyclic in
* the graph object is changed
public void testIsCyclic() {
boolean temp = true;
if (isDirected()) {
DirectedGraphInterface d = (DirectedGraphInterface) this;
Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable();
DirectedNodeInterface root;
DirectedNodeInterface nod;
NodeIterator ni = d.nodes();
int indegree;
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
nod = (DirectedNodeInterface) ni.getNode();
indegree = d.inDegree(nod);
nodes.put(nod, Integer.valueOf(indegree));
while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
root = findRoot(nodes);
if (root != null) {
EdgeIterator ei = d.outEdges(root);
while (ei.hasNext()) {;
nod = (DirectedNodeInterface) ((DirectedEdgeInterface) ei
indegree = ((Integer) nodes.get(nod)).intValue();
indegree -= 1;
nodes.put(nod, Integer.valueOf(indegree));
} else {
iscyclic = true;
isacyclic = false;
temp = false;
if (temp) {
iscyclic = false;
isacyclic = true;
} else {
UndirectedGraphInterface ud = (UndirectedGraphInterface) this;
Vector nodes = new Vector();
Vector edges = new Vector();
UndirectedNodeInterface node;
NodeIterator ni;
ni = ud.nodes();
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
node = (UndirectedNodeInterface) ni.getNode();
if (hasUndirectedCycle(node, nodes, edges)) {
iscyclic = true;
isacyclic = false;
temp = false;
if (temp) {
iscyclic = false;
isacyclic = true;
* @pre There exists a graph either directed or undirected @post The state
* of the graph object remains unchanged
* Returns the label of the graph.
* @return String containing some basic information about the graph, like
* its label, count of nodes and edges and status.
public String toString() {
return (String) getProperty(GraphProperties.LABEL);
private DirectedNodeInterface findRoot(Hashtable ht) {
Integer zero = Integer.valueOf(0);
Integer temp = Integer.valueOf(0);
DirectedNodeInterface root;
if (ht.containsValue(zero)) {
Enumeration e = ht.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
root = (DirectedNodeInterface) e.nextElement();
temp = (Integer) ht.get(root);
if (temp.intValue() == 0) {
return root;
return null;
private boolean hasUndirectedCycle(UndirectedNodeInterface n1,
Vector visitedNodes, Vector visitedEdges) {
UndirectedGraphInterface ud = (UndirectedGraphInterface) this;
EdgeIterator ei = ud.edges(n1);
UndirectedEdgeInterface edge;
UndirectedNodeInterface n2;
while (ei.hasNext()) {;
edge = (UndirectedEdgeInterface) ei.getEdge();
if (!visitedEdges.contains(edge)) {
n2 = edge.getSecondNode();
if (n1 == n2) {
n2 = edge.getFirstNode();
if (visitedNodes.contains(n2)) {
return true;
if (hasUndirectedCycle(n2, visitedNodes, visitedEdges)) {
return true;
return false;
private NodeIterator myDfs(NodeInterface nod) {
NodeIterator ni = myrecDfs(nod);
return ni;
private NodeIterator myrecDfs(NodeInterface nod) {
if (!this.containsNode(nod))
return new NodeIterator() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public void next() {
public NodeInterface getNode() {
return null;
NodeIterator ni = null;
if (isDirected()) {
DirectedGraphInterface d = (DirectedGraphInterface) this;
ni = d.getSuccessors((DirectedNodeInterface) nod);
} else {
UndirectedGraphInterface ud = (UndirectedGraphInterface) this;
ni = ud.neighbors((UndirectedNodeInterface) nod);
while (ni.hasNext()) {;
NodeInterface node = ni.getNode();
if (!visited.contains(node)) {
return new NodeIterator() {
Enumeration e = visited.elements();
NodeInterface node;
public boolean hasNext() {
return e.hasMoreElements();
public void next() {
node = (NodeInterface) e.nextElement();
public NodeInterface getNode() {
return node;
private Vector tailDfs(NodeInterface node, Set edgeTypes, Vector visitedP,
Vector worklist, Vector result) {
EdgeIterator edges;
if (isDirected()) {
DirectedGraphInterface d = (DirectedGraphInterface) this;
edges = d.outEdges((DirectedNodeInterface) node);
} else {
UndirectedGraphInterface ud = (UndirectedGraphInterface) this;
edges = ud.edges((UndirectedNodeInterface) node);
// TODO: replace inefficient Vector with a Set, this improves contains
// operation
if (worklist.contains(node) && !visitedP.contains(node)) {
while (edges.hasNext()) {;
EdgeInterface edge = edges.getEdge();
if (isDirected()) {
// interpret null or an empty edgTypes set as all types
// allowed.
if ((edgeTypes == null)
|| (edgeTypes.isEmpty())
|| edgeTypes.contains(edge
.getProperty(GraphProperties.TYPE))) {
DirectedNodeInterface successor = ((DirectedEdgeInterface) edge)
result = tailDfs(successor, edgeTypes, visitedP,
worklist, result);
} else {
UndirectedNodeInterface otherNode = null;
if (((UndirectedEdgeInterface) edge).getFirstNode().equals(
node)) {
otherNode = ((UndirectedEdgeInterface) edge)
} else {
otherNode = ((UndirectedEdgeInterface) edge)
result = tailDfs(otherNode, edgeTypes, visitedP, worklist,
return result;
private Vector toVector(NodeIterator ni) {
Vector graphpart = new Vector();
NodeIterator temp = ni;
while (temp.hasNext()) {;
NodeInterface nod = temp.getNode();
return graphpart;
protected HashSet propertyKeys = new HashSet();
// public Collection getProperties() {
// return propertyKeys;
// }
// @Override
// public abstract Object clone();
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