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Last active August 31, 2017 05:36
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Mary Dickson Diaz

Seattle, WA | 206-853-7095 | | linkedin | github | portfolio

Full-stack software developer specialized in Ruby on Rails and Go, and experienced in web-based apps, REST APIs, microservice architecture, feature development, QA and testing, and working with Agile teams.

Technical Skills

  • Ruby / Ruby on Rails
  • Go
  • JavaScript and JS Frameworks including JQuery, Angular, React & Redux, Backbone
  • HTML / CSS
  • SQL (MySQL, SQlite, PostgreSQL)


Experticity, Software Engineer | March 2016 - present

Full-stack development for marketer platform app used by hundreds of top consumer brands

  • Rebuilt an API for marketer platform from Java -> Go
  • Led Ruby on Rails -> Go transition for marketer platform web app
  • Added feature for marketers to download content as a CSV (via email) through an Azkaban job
  • Developed a script to create a full-featured demo brand for Experticity sales executives

Code Fellows, Teaching Assistant | November 2015 - February 2016

Ensure student success and support instructors in Code Fellows 301 class, Intermediate Software Development. Class covers common core of software development, including MVC, Object-Oriented Programming, functional programming, and asynchronous programming via HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

University of Washington Information School, Corporate & Foundation Relations | 2013 – 2015

Communicated iSchool research and teaching initiatives to Seattle area tech companies to build private/public partnerships and secure financial and in-kind support, including a lead gift to support the iSchool's DataLab research team. Doubled revenue to iAffiliates program from previous year.

Fight for the Future, Annual Funds Manager | 2012 – 2013

Fundraising development strategy and execution for a national non-profit working to preserve freedom of expression online, including: creation of annual strategic plan, list-based online appeals, campaign funding, crowd-fundin­g, corporate partnerships, and foundation and major gift strategy.

Teach For America & Citizen Schools, Corporate & Foundation Relations | Houston, TX: 2005 – 2012

Held a variety of roles with increasing responsibility from 2005-2012 leading up to strategy and execution for annual corporate and foundation funding goal of up to $5 million. Increased corporate giving at Teach For America by 81% and special event revenue by 86% in one year. Managed a portfolio of more than 100 corporate and foundation donors.

Houston Independent School District, Teacher, English Language Arts | Houston, TX: 2002 – 2005

Taught first under the auspices of national service corps of outstanding recent college graduates who commit two years to teach in under-resourced public schools, then continued teaching in original assignment for a third year.


Code Fellows, Seattle, WA

  • Code 501: React & Redux
  • Ruby on Rails Advanced Software Development – Certificate awarded October 2015
  • Foundations II: Ruby
  • Foundations II: Python
  • Foundations I: HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery

Kal Academy

  • Data Structures & Algorithms

University of Maryland

College Park, MD – Bachelor of Arts cum laude

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