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Last active August 4, 2023 07:28
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LLM inference with FasterTransformer FP16 A - Int4 B GEMM kernel

What is it?

Standard GEMM kernels in cuBLAS or CUTLASS operate on the matrix A and B of the same dtype. So we need to dequantize the weight into fp16 to apply the vendor-optimized fp16 GEMM kernels. This adds significant memory-bandwidth overhead.

NVIDIA developed a custom GEMM kernel that operates directly on the quantized B matrix. It computes C_fp16 = A_fp16 * dequantize(B_int4) in one, fused kernel. It was originally released as part of the FasterTransformer repo. We use the same kernel extracted into a self-contained repo.

For more info, see the paper and GTC 23 presentations

Integration into mlc-llm

The FT kernel has been easily integrated in the branch via:

  • A new quantization pass to prepare weights and scales as expected by the FT kernel
  • Relax BYOC to offload the decode -> matmul sequence to the FT kernel

The integration has been validated (generates good tokens) on

  • Vicuna
  • Dolly v2 12B
  • GPTJ-6B
  • GPT2-XL

Perf results on Vicuna and Dolly

  • Implemented two optimized compilation flows where the only difference is the matmul implementation (with a matching quantization scheme):
    • FT matmul with rowwise quantization
    • Dlight GEMV with group quantization
  • Note that dlight is at an early stage of development and its perf changes rapidly at the moment. The data was taken using the commit
  • Compares tok / sec for encoding 128 len prompt + generating 128 tokens.
  • Also shows exllama numbers for reference (combined encode / decode time)
  • All numbers on RTX 4080

Vicuna 7B, int4

seqlen tok / s
FT 128 121.7
dlight 128 141.9
exllama 128 121-122

This looks disappointing… but we can understand this result as follows:

  • In the decoder, the core computation is vector x matrix, GEMV. For example, in Vicuna 7B the vector is of shape (1, 1, 4096).
  • The FT kernel uses tensor core to compute vector x matrix via GEMM.
  • On the Ampere architecture, the tensor core instruction operates on the A matrix with a tile size of 16 x 8.
  • So we end up doing zero padding to create 16 x 8 tiles from 1 x 8 for the matrix A. 15 out of 16 rows-worth of tensor core computation are wasted.
  • On the other hand, dlight and exllama implement a GEMV kernel. No wasteful computation, simple and lean.

Comparing decode profile at seqlen 128


                                                               Time (ms)   Count   Total time (ms)   Percentage (%)
fused_decode3_relax_matmul_cutlass                               0.0769      32      2.4594            31.57
fused_decode4_relax_matmul_relax_add_cutlass                     0.0684      32      2.1889            28.09
fused_decode1_relax_matmul_cutlass                               0.0519      32      1.6613            21.32
fused_decode2_relax_matmul_relax_add_cutlass                     0.0273      32      0.8749            11.23
fused_relax_nn_attention_cutlass1                                0.0100      32      0.3208            4.12
fused_rms_norm1_cutlass                                          0.0020      65      0.1323            1.70
fused_decode5_relax_matmul_cutlass                               0.1046      1       0.1046            1.34
fused_split_silu_multiply                                        0.0014      32      0.0456            0.58
take_decode1                                                     0.0020      1       0.0020            0.03
Total time: 7.7913 ms

Using Dlight GEMV

                                                               Time (ms)   Count   Total time (ms)   Percentage (%)
fused_fused_decode4_NT_matmul2                                   0.0721      32      2.3069            38.99
fused_fused_decode2_NT_matmul                                    0.0419      32      1.3404            22.66
fused_fused_decode5_fused_NT_matmul3_add                         0.0367      32      1.1731            19.83
fused_fused_decode3_fused_NT_matmul1_add                         0.0153      32      0.4910            8.30
fused_relax_nn_attention_cutlass1                                0.0099      32      0.3178            5.37
fused_rms_norm1_cutlass                                          0.0019      65      0.1265            2.14
fused_fused_decode1_fused_NT_matmul4_cast                        0.1132      1       0.1132            1.91
fused_split_silu_multiply                                        0.0014      32      0.0459            0.78
fused_fused_decode1_take                                         0.0018      1       0.0018            0.03
Total time: 5.9166 ms

FT is the fastest for other models, despite the wasted computation.

Vicuna 7B, int8

seqlen tok / s
FT 128 83.7
dlight 128 79.2

Vicuna 13B, int4

seqlen tok / s
FT 128 74.6
dlight 128 67.8
exllama 128 68.5

Dolly v2 12B, int4

seqlen tok / s
FT 128 65.5
dlight 128 44.6

Batched inference performance

Since the FT kernel is based on tensor core matmul, its performance is expected to get a lot better with batched inference. In particular, there is no wasted zero padding for a batch size which is a multiple of 16.

For a batch size of 16, FT gets only 1.5 lower tok / s per batch compared to the single batch case.

Vicuna 7B

mode batch seqlen tok / s (per batch)
FT 1 128 121.7
FT 16 128 77.6
dlight 1 128 141.9
dlight 16 128 25.9

Note: The way KV cache is organized in the current mlc-llm necessitates expensive runtime transpositions of the batched KV cache at each decoding step. This kills batched perf as shown below.

The above numbers are computed without this transpose cost.

  • Batched decode profile at seqlen 128

    ======================= Decoding Profiling =======================
    Name                                                             Time (ms)   Count   Total time (ms)   Percentage (%)
    transpose3                                                       0.1829      64      11.7062           52.71
    fused_decode3_relax_matmul1_cutlass                              0.0863      32      2.7623            12.44
    fused_decode4_relax_matmul_relax_add1_cutlass                    0.0760      32      2.4314            10.95
    fused_relax_nn_attention1_cutlass1                               0.0599      32      1.9168            8.63
    fused_decode1_relax_matmul1_cutlass                              0.0583      32      1.8645            8.40
    fused_decode2_relax_matmul_relax_add1_cutlass                    0.0300      32      0.9601            4.32
    fused_rms_norm1_cutlass                                          0.0028      65      0.1797            0.81
    split2                                                           0.0049      32      0.1566            0.70
    fused_decode5_relax_matmul_cutlass                               0.1250      1       0.1250            0.56
    fused_split3_silu1_multiply1                                     0.0032      32      0.1012            0.46
    cast                                                             0.0035      1       0.0035            0.02
    take_decode                                                      0.0020      1       0.0020            0.01
    Total time: 22.2093 ms

Other optimizations

  • Combining parallel matmuls in QKV projections and MLP - 20 tok / s improvement
  • CUDA Graph - Putting MLP and QKV projections into a graph gives 1 tok / s improvement
  • Attention - Use the CUTLASS attention kernel with causal mask optimization

For attention, there is a further room for improvement:

  • After a combined QKV matmul, we have split - > rotary embedding -> KV cache update -> attention
  • The CUTLASS kernel supports fusing split into attention. Ideally we want to fuse all of split, rotary, KV cache update into attention.
  • Such kernel exists in FasterTransformer
  • Moreover, since it is specialized for the single-query case, it does two matmuls with GEMV - Another reason this attention impl is expected to be faster than the standard attention implementations that use tensor core for matmul.
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sleepwalker2017 commented Aug 4, 2023

Hi masahi, I note that you mentioned the int4 implementation in FT for Llama. Could you tell me where you find the implementaion?

I found a PR implementing llama using fp16, it's here, but no int4 supported.

Hope for your reply, thank you!

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