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Last active September 4, 2018 02:45
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mui-datatables types
declare module 'mui-datatables' {
interface CulumnOption {
display: boolean
filter: boolean
sort: boolean
customHeadRender: Function
customBodyRender: Function
interface ColumnProps {
name: string
options?: Partial<CulumnOption>
type responsiveType = 'stacked' | 'scroll'
type filterType = 'dropdown' | 'checkbox' | 'multiselect'
// Localization
interface TextLabels {
body: Partial<{
noMatch: string // "Sorry, no matching records found",
toolTip: string // "Sort",
pagination: Partial<{
next: string // "Next Page",
previous: string // "Previous Page",
rowsPerPage: string // "Rows per page:",
displayRows: string // "of",
toolbar: Partial<{
search: string // "Search",
downloadCsv: string // "Download CSV",
print: string // "Print",
viewColumns: string // "View Columns",
filterTable: string // "Filter Table",
filter: Partial<{
all: string // "All",
title: string // "FILTERS",
reset: string // "RESET",
viewColumns: Partial<{
title: string // "Show Columns",
titleAria: string // "Show/Hide Table Columns",
selectedRows: Partial<{
text: string // "rows(s) selected",
delete: string // "Delete",
deleteAria: string // "Delete Selected Rows",
interface MuiDatatablesOptions {
page: number
count: number
serverSide: boolean
filterList: any[]
rowsSelected: number[] // row index array
filterType: filterType
textLabels: Partial<TextLabels>
pagination: boolean
selectableRows: boolean
resizableColumns: boolean
customToolbar: () => React.ReactNode
customToolbarSelect: (
selectedRows: { data: React.ReactNode[][]; lookup: { [index: number]: boolean } }
) => React.ReactNode
customFooter: (
count: number,
page: number,
rowsPerPage: number,
changeRowsPerPage: (rowsPerPage: number) => void,
changePage: (page: number) => void
) => React.ReactNode
caseSensitive: boolean
responsive: responsiveType
rowsPerPage: number
rowsPerPageOptions: number[]
rowHover: boolean
sortFilterList: boolean
sort: boolean
filter: boolean
search: boolean
print: boolean
download: boolean
viewColumns: boolean
onRowsSelect: Function
onRowsDelete: Function
onRowClick: (row: React.ReactNode[], rowMeta: { rowIndex: number; dataIndex: number }) => void
onCellClick: (colIndex: number, rowIndex: number) => void
onChangePage: (currentPage: number) => void
onChangeRowsPerPage: (numberOfRows: number) => void
onSearchChange: (searchText: string) => void
onFilterChange: (changedColumn: string, filterList: any[]) => void
onColumnSortChange: (changedColumn: string, direction: string) => void
onColumnViewChange: (changedColumn: string, action: string) => void
onServerRequest: (action: string, tableState: any) => void
interface MuiDatatablesProps {
title: string
data: React.ReactNode[][]
columns: (string | ColumnProps)[]
options?: Partial<MuiDatatablesOptions>
className?: string
import * as React from 'react'
const MUIDatatables: React.SFC<MuiDatatablesProps>
export = MUIDatatables
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