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masak/report.txt Secret

Created December 15, 2015 13:38
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Spectest summary report
Test Summary Report
t/spec/S17-supply/syntax.t (Wstat: 6 Tests: 49 Failed: 0)
Non-zero wait status: 6
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 55 tests but ran 49.
t/spec/S17-supply/throttle.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 47 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 18
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/spec/integration/error-reporting.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 768 Tests: 22 Failed: 3)
Failed tests: 2-3, 8
Non-zero exit status: 3
t/spec/S02-types/isDEPRECATED.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 21 Failed: 4)
Failed tests: 2, 4, 12, 14
Non-zero exit status: 4
t/spec/S03-metaops/cross.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 512 Tests: 75 Failed: 2)
Failed tests: 72-73
Non-zero exit status: 2
t/spec/S03-metaops/zip.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 75 Failed: 4)
Failed tests: 72-75
Non-zero exit status: 4
t/spec/S06-advanced/callframe.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 Tests: 15 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/spec/S10-packages/precompilation.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 Tests: 21 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 1
Non-zero exit status: 1
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 22 tests but ran 21.
t/spec/S24-testing/line-numbers.t (Wstat: 3328 Tests: 13 Failed: 13)
Failed tests: 1-13
Non-zero exit status: 13
t/spec/S32-array/adverbs.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 606 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 21
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/spec/S32-container/roundrobin.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 6 Failed: 2)
Failed tests: 5-6
Non-zero exit status: 2
t/spec/S32-io/IO-Socket-Async-UDP.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 255
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 2 tests but ran 0.
t/spec/S32-io/IO-Socket-Async.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 255
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 4.
Files=1091, Tests=51256, 1145 wallclock secs ( 7.69 usr 1.15 sys + 859.43 cusr 70.88 csys = 939.15 CPU)
Result: FAIL
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