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Created February 19, 2009 07:33
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How to generate HTML and pdf from DocBook in Japanese

How to generate pdf from DocBook in Japanense


Ubuntu 8.10

install Sun Java

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

check Java version:

java -version


java version "1.6.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)

install build tools

sudo apt-get install fop xsltproc

install docbook stylesheets

sudo apt-get install docbook docbook-xsl docbook-dsssl

generate html with xsltproc

xsltproc -o output.html --stringparam html.stylesheet main.css /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl input.xml

generate pdf with Apache FOP

fop -xsl /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/fo/docbook.xsl -xml input.xml -pdf output.pdf

If you want to another language except Englich, you need to set fonts configuration.

fop -c config.xml -xsl config.xsl -xml input.xml -pdf output.pdf

generate fonts metrics files(config.xml)

For example, you want to use VL Gothic(Japanese):

fop-ttfreader /usr/share/fonts/truetype/vlgothic/VL-PGothic-Regular.ttf VL-PGothic-Regular.xml

VL Gothic is installed by

sudo apt-get install ttf-vlgothic

See Also

DocBook - Community Ubuntu Documentation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
<xsl:param name="paper.type">A4</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="">VLPGothic</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="">VLPGothic</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="">VLPGothic</xsl:param>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<fop version="1.0">
<renderer mime="application/pdf">
embed-url="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/vlgothic/VL-PGothic-Regular.ttf" >
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="100"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="200"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="300"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="400"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="500"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="600"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="700"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="800"/>
<font-triplet name="VLPGothic" style="normal" weight="900"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "">
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$xsl = new DOMDocument();
$xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
$html = $xslt->transformToXML($xml);
$config = array(
'indent' => true,
'output-xhtml' => true,
'wrap' => 200
$tidy = new tidy;
$tidy->parseString($html, $config, 'utf8');
echo $tidy;
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