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Last active May 1, 2024 10:21
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nghttp2 の HPACK エンコードの例です
#include <stdio.h>
#include <nghttp2/nghttp2.h>
#define MAKE_NV(K, V) \
{ \
(uint8_t *)K, (uint8_t *)V, sizeof(K) - 1, sizeof(V) - 1, \
int main() {
size_t i;
size_t sum;
size_t nvlen;
uint8_t *buf;
size_t buflen;
size_t outlen;
int rv;
nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater;
nghttp2_nv nva[] = {
MAKE_NV(":scheme", "https"), MAKE_NV(":authority", ""),
MAKE_NV(":path", "/"), MAKE_NV("user-agent", "libnghttp2"),
MAKE_NV("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate")};
nvlen = sizeof(nva) / sizeof(nva[0]);
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nvlen; ++i) {
sum += nva[i].namelen + nva[i].valuelen;
printf("Input (%zu byte(s)):\n\n", sum);
for (i = 0; i < nvlen; ++i) {
fwrite(nva[i].name, 1, nva[i].namelen, stdout);
printf(": ");
fwrite(nva[i].value, 1, nva[i].valuelen, stdout);
rv = nghttp2_hd_deflate_new(&deflater, 4096);
buflen = nghttp2_hd_deflate_bound(deflater, nva, nvlen);
buf = malloc(buflen);
rv = nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd(deflater, buf, buflen, nva, nvlen);
outlen = (size_t)rv;
printf("\nDeflate (%zu byte(s), ratio %.02f):\n\n", outlen,
sum == 0 ? 0 : (double)outlen / (double)sum);
for (i = 0; i < outlen; ++i) {
if ((i & 0x0fu) == 0) {
printf("%08zX: ", i);
printf("%02X ", buf[i]);
if (((i + 1) & 0x0fu) == 0) {
return 0;
zig run test.c -lc -lnghttp2
Input (87 byte(s)):
:scheme: https
:path: /
user-agent: libnghttp2
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Deflate (22 byte(s), ratio 0.25):
00000000: 87 41 88 2F 91 D3 5D 05 5C F6 4D 84 7A 87 A0 D1
00000010: D5 34 E9 4D 62 90
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