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Created December 24, 2012 01:50
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Check whether an IMAP Mailbox reaches for the quota. Should setup ~/.check-imap-quota.yml as follows: ``` host: localhost port: 143 user: masao password: XXXXXXXX ```
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "net/imap"
require "yaml"
CONFIG = File.join( ENV["HOME"], ".check-imap-quota.yml" )
if $0 == __FILE__
config = YAML.load( open( CONFIG ){|i| } )
config[ "port" ] = config[ "port" ].to_i
config[ "port" ] = 143 if config[ "port" ] == 0
# If quota usage reaches this ratio, an alert is printed:
config[ "alert" ] ||= 0.9
# Net::IMAP.debug = true
imap = config[ "host" ], config[ "port" ] )
imap.login( config[ "user" ], config[ "password" ] )
quota = imap.getquota( "ROOT" ).first
#p quota
ratio = quota.usage.to_i / quota.quota.to_f
if ratio > config[ "alert" ]
#puts "ALERT: Mailbox for #{ config["user"] }@#{ config["host"] }: reaches quota (#{ "%.1f%%" % (ratio*100) } = #{ quota.usage }/#{ quota.quota})"
open( "|Mail -s 'ALERT: Mailbox for #{ config["user"] }@#{ config["host"] }' #{ config[ "email" ] }", "w" ) do |io|
io.puts "ALERT: Mailbox for #{ config["user"] }@#{ config["host"] }: reaches quota (#{ "%.1f%%" % (ratio*100) } = #{ quota.usage }/#{ quota.quota})"
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