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Created February 3, 2020 15:24
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(defclass parent () ())
(defclass child (parent) ())
(defparameter p1 (make-instance 'parent))
(defparameter c1 (make-instance 'child))
(defgeneric say (self word))
(defmethod say ((self parent) word)
(format t "~A says ~A~%" self word))
(defmethod say ((self child) word)
(format t "In child. ")
(say p1 "hoge") ; => #<PARENT {1006518C23}> says hoge
(say c1 "mage") ; => In child. #<CHILD {1006528C23}> says mage
(defmethod say ((self child) word)
(format t "In child. ")
(call-next-method self (string-upcase word)))
(say p1 "hoge") ; => #<PARENT {1006518C23}> says hoge
(say c1 "mage") ; => In child. #<CHILD {1006528C23}> says MAGE
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