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Created August 31, 2019 05:37
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"question": "What is JQuery?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"JS Libraries"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 242,
"id": "uorwuur"
"question": "What's the difference between UX and UI Design?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"User Experience",
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 281,
"id": "7bl2ums"
"question": "What are child selectors?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 182,
"id": "gpgybc"
"question": "What is Github?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 258,
"id": "6q7be0q"
"question": "What is an arrow function in JavaScript?",
"answer": "Arrow functions, new to ES6, are ways to write Lambda functions. These functions however, do not have their own this value. They are bound to the enclosing scope.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 21,
"id": "v3w9mj"
"question": "What is a framework?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"JS Libraries"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 253,
"id": "tnc2dxj"
"question": "How can you remove an element from an array in JavaScript?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Code",
"number": 189,
"id": "otgvjxf"
"question": "Why is using innerHTML discouraged?",
"answer": "There is no method to append content already defined with innnerHTML. The entire innerHTML content is re-parsed and bult into elements, therefore its much slower. innerHTML does not provide validation so if we insert invalid or broken HTML we can break the document.",
"tags": [
"type": "Explanation",
"number": 78,
"id": "hunyfsa"
"question": "What is documentation?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 251,
"id": "54n8r5"
"question": "What's the difference between troubleshooting and debugging?",
"answer": "Troubleshooting is solving a problem while debugging refers to the process or steps to solve that problem.",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 306,
"id": "es2fym3s"
"question": "What is HTTP?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 260,
"id": "olq9ps"
"question": "What is a language?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 263,
"id": "h74jep"
"question": "Why was JQuery so popular?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"JS Libraries"
"type": "Explanation",
"number": 244,
"id": "cjax144"
"question": "What is SEO?",
"answer": "SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of a webebsite traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 36,
"id": "a945jyi"
"question": "What is Cohesion?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 137,
"id": "5a4a1y"
"question": "What is a web app?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 282,
"id": "vkx3jr0r"
"question": "What's the difference between black box testing and white box testing?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 140,
"id": "o1nh53e"
"question": "What's the difference betwen visibility: hidden and display: none in CSS?",
"answer": "Visibility hidden renders in the DOM while display none does not.",
"tags": [
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 18,
"id": "p6js7e"
"question": "What is Software Project Estimation?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 127,
"id": "g2i0vf"
"question": "What is the purpose of the history object?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 162,
"id": "93gy2j"
"question": "What's the difference between attribute and element selectors?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 181,
"id": "qa8mnhn"
"question": "What is an IIFE in JavaScript?",
"answer": "An IIFE is an Immediately Invoked Function Expression which runs as soon as it's defined by adding ( ) to the end of the function scope. These functions don't need names so the most common form is an anonymous function.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 35,
"id": "7h9x8fl"
"question": "How can you prevent a submit button from refreshing the page when clicked using JavaScript?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Code",
"number": 203,
"id": "js40uib"
"question": "What is responsive design",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"User Experience",
"type": "Definition",
"number": 273,
"id": "i2x0f9"
"question": "What is the role of a Software Project Manager?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 125,
"id": "hndiub"
"question": "What is a data structure?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 249,
"id": "9dmt7uk"
"question": "What is the difference between an expression and a statement in JavaScript?",
"answer": "An expression is any reference to a variable or value, or a set of variables and values combined with operators. Statements are made up of expressions and are defined as a group of words, numbers, and operators that performs a specific task.",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 106,
"id": "nz6uigo"
"question": "What are the 3 types of errors in JavaScript?",
"answer": "-Syntax Errors: (Parsing Errors) occur at interpret time. -Runtime Errors: (Exceptions) occur during execution, the syntax could be right but the code might not execute properly. -Logical Errors: Errors that occur due to improper code, most difficult to debug.",
"tags": [
"type": "List",
"number": 79,
"id": "10qgphm"
"question": "What is event bubbling?",
"answer": "When a user interacts with a nested element and the event \"bubbles\" to the top through its ancestor elements.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 12,
"id": "66ks56"
"question": "What is the purpose of the trim( ) command?",
"answer": "Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 177,
"id": "anc4mfc"
"question": "What are the 3 types of popup boxes?",
"answer": "1. Alert. 2. Confirm 3. Prompt",
"tags": [
"Front End"
"type": "List",
"number": 175,
"id": "skcrblb"
"question": "What is an Anit-Corruption Layer?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Design Patterns"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 217,
"id": "m5rd8"
"question": "What is the depency inversion principle?",
"answer": "High level modules should not depend on low level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. These abstractions should not depend on details the details should depend on abstractions.",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 67,
"id": "68tbjwa"
"question": "What is a CSS property?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 179,
"id": "5knaiwu"
"question": "What is the open/closed principle?",
"answer": "Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. The base functionality shouldn't change but additional features can be added.",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 64,
"id": "fr08j5g"
"question": "What is the purpose of the isNaN function in JavaScript?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 171,
"id": "q3npd"
"question": "What is HTML?",
"answer": "HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to markup webpages through nesting elements.",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 92,
"id": "uzcquf"
"question": "What is Inversion of Control?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Design Patterns"
"type": "Explanation",
"number": 212,
"id": "pkpevzg"
"question": "What is mobile first development?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 266,
"id": "trhvy6"
"question": "What's the difference between classical and prototypal inheritance?",
"answer": "Classical relies on classes and prototypal relies on prototypes. Classes are immutable, you can't modify or add new methods at runtime while prototypes can be either. Classes may or may not support multiple inheritance where objects can inherit from multiple prototypes.",
"tags": [
"Object Oriented Programming",
"Functional Programming"
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 24,
"id": "b5yf47h"
"question": "What's the difference between a DOS and a DDOS attack?",
"answer": "A DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is more threatening because it means the attempts to override the target with traffic are coming from multiple IP Addresses. This makes it difficult to distinguish legitimate traffic from malicious.",
"tags": [
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 47,
"id": "bl8ay5n"
"question": "What are the 4 rules for determining what \"this\" refers to in JavaScript?",
"answer": "1. Called with new? Use the newly constructed object. 2. Called with call, apply, or bind? Use that specified object. 3. Called with a context object owning the call? Use that context object. 4. Default: undefined in strict mode and global object otherwise.",
"tags": [
"type": "List",
"number": 30,
"id": "8gkoaid"
"question": "What is code refactoring",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Design Patterns"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 226,
"id": "3155i1d"
"question": "What is a bug?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 246,
"id": "0kovdkf"
"question": "What are CASE tools?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"Software Engineering"
"type": "Definition",
"number": 142,
"id": "uf52gpa"
"question": "What's the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?",
"answer": "When trying to grab data in synchronous you would need to wait until all the data has been received but with asynchronous you won't need to wait (block), you will be alerted later when the data has been returned.",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals",
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 63,
"id": "xsn9zys"
"question": "What's the difference between a shallow copy and deep copy?",
"answer": "Shallow copies do not consider the fields of an object that are references to other objects so it keeps the same memory addresses. Deep copies make a copy of dynamically allocated memory that is pointed to by the fields.",
"tags": [
"Programming Fundamentals"
"type": "Comparison",
"number": 14,
"id": "q0u9qzk"
"question": "How can you deep clone and object in JavaScript?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Code",
"number": 191,
"id": "l40vui"
"question": "What is Linux?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 234,
"id": "p37q47j"
"question": "What is eventual consistency?",
"answer": "",
"tags": [
"type": "Definition",
"number": 229,
"id": "ho9veyj"
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