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Created May 28, 2015 08:34
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1 first!person
2 second!person
3 third!person
A! agent4like!argument!of!canonical!transitive!verb!
ABL ablative
ACC accusative
ACOP adjectival!copula
ADJ adjective
ADN adnominal!!連体形
ADV adverb(ial(izer))
ADVL adverbal! 連用形
AGR agreement
AGT agent
ALL allative
AN adjectival!noun!形容動詞
ANTIP antipassive
AP adverbial!particle,!!adjective!phrase
APPL applicative
ART article
ASP aspect
ATTR attributive
AUX auxiliary 助動詞
AUXV auxiliary!verb!補助動詞
CAUS causative
CLF classifier
COHORT cohortative
COM comitative
COMP complementizer
COMPL completive
CONC concessive
CONCL conclusive 終止形
COND conditional 仮定形
CONJEC conjectural
CONJCT conjunctive
CONT continuative
COP copula
CVB converb
DAT dative
D demonstrative
DECL declarative
DEF definite
DEM demonstrative
GER gerundive! テ形
DET determiner
DESI desiderative
DIST distal
DISTR distributive
DO direct!object
DU! dual
DUR! durative
ERG! ergative
EMPH emphatic
ETOP emphatic!topic
EVID evidential
EXCL exclamatory,!exclusive
EXPL expletive
FOC focus
FUT future
GEN genitive
GER gerund(ive)
H high!(tone!or!pitch)
HON honorific
HUM humble
IMP imperative 命令形
INCL inclusive
IND indicative
INDEF indefinite
INF infinitive
INS instrumental
INT intentional
INTERJEC interjection
INTR intransitive
IO indirect!object
IRR irrealis!未然形
ITERA iterative
k4irr k4irregular!(ka4hen)
L low!(tone!or!pitch)
LB lower!bigrade!(shimo!nidan)
LM lower!monograde!(shimo!ichidan)
LOC locative
MPST modal!past
MVR mid!vowel!raising
N noun
n4irr n4irregular!(na4hen)
NCONJ negative!conjectual
NEC neccessitive
NEG negative
NMLZ nominalization/nominalizer
NMNL nominal
NOM nominative
NONPST nonpast
NP noun!phrase
OBJ object
OBL oblique
OPT optative
P! patient4like!argument!of!canonical!transitive!verb,!preposition,!
PART particle!助詞
PASS passive
PST past
PCONJ present!conjectural
PERF perfective
PL plural
POL polite
POSS possessive
POTEN potential
PP prepositional/postpositional!phrase
PRED! predicative
PRF! perfect
PRS! present
PRES presumptive
PROG progressive
PROH!! prohibitive
PROV provisional
PST past
PSTCONJ past!conjectural
PTCP !participle
PURP purposive
Q question/question!particle/question!marker
QD quadrigrade!(yodan)
QUOT quotative
r4irr r4irregular!(ra4hen)
REAL realis 已然形
RECP reciprocal
REFL reflexive
RES resultative
RESP respect
S! single!argument!of!canonical!intransitive!verb,!sentence
SBJ! subject
SBJV! subjunctive
SFP sentence!final!particle
SG! singular
s4irr s4irregular!(sa4hen)
SG singular
SPON sntaneous
SPST mple!past
STAT stative
TOP Topic
TR transitive
UB upper!bigrade!(kami!nidan)
UM upper!monograde!(kami!ichidan)
V verb,!vowel
VN Verbal!Noun!サ変名詞
VOC vocative
VOL volitional
VP verb!phrase
ConJ contemporary!Japanese
EMC Early!Middle!Chinese
EMJ Early!Middle!Japanese
EOJ Eastern!Old!Japanese
J4Ch Japano4Chinese
LMC Late!Middle!Chinese
LMJ Late!Middle!Japanese
JPN! Japanese
MC Middle!Chinese
MJ Middle!Japanese
MK Middle!Korean
ModJ Modern!Japanese
OC Old!Chinese
OJ Old!Japanese
pJ proto4Japanese
pK proto4Korean
SJ Sino4Japanese
Skt Sanskrit
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