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Created June 27, 2023 21:58
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A* search in Java and Ada
-- compile it: (small)
-- gnatmake -O2 astar.adb -bargs -largs -s
-- (normal)
-- gnatmake astar.adb
-- run in cmd (not powershell)
-- type input.txt | astar.exe
-- using powershell:
-- Invoke-command "gnatmake astar.adb && type input.txt | astar.exe"
-- or simply run:
-- build-run.bat
-- or
-- build_run.ps1
-- or
-- to clean folder: gnatclean
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers;
with Ada.Strings.Hash;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with graphs;
procedure astar is
package tio renames Ada.Text_IO;
package nio renames Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
type Dimension is range 1 .. 10;
subtype Risk_level is Integer range 1 .. 10;
type Risk_Map is array(Dimension, Dimension) of Risk_level;
type Dir is (Up, Left, Down, Right);
type Coord is record
x, y: Dimension;
risk: Risk_level;
end record;
function "=" (c1, c2: in Coord) return Boolean is
(c1.x = c2.x and c1.y = c2.y and c1.risk = c2.risk);
function Cycle(c: in Coord) return Boolean is (false);
function To_String(c: in Coord) return String is
("((" & c.x'image & ',' & c.y'image & ") =>" & c.risk'image & ')');
function Hash(c: in Coord) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is
cave: Risk_Map := (others => (others => 1));
package Move_Graph is new Graphs
(Index_Type => Positive, Node_Type => Coord, Is_Cycle => Cycle);
package mg renames Move_Graph;
cave_graph: mg.Graph;
procedure Read_Map is
line: String(1..11);
length: Natural;
last: Positive;
for I in Dimension loop
tio.Get_Line(line, length);
when tio.Data_Error => exit;
when tio.End_Error => exit;
exit when length = 0 or length > Integer(Dimension'last);
for J in Dimension loop
nio.Get(line(Integer(J)) & "", cave(I, J), last);
end loop;
end loop;
end Read_Map;
procedure Populate_Graph is
edge: mg.Edge;
co1, co2: Coord;
for I in Dimension loop
for J in Dimension loop
co1 := (I, J, cave(I, J));
mg.Add(cave_graph, co1);
if Integer(I) - 1 >= Integer(Dimension'first) then
co2 := (I-1, J, cave(I-1, J));
edge := (co1, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge);
end if;
if Integer(I) + 1 <= Integer(Dimension'last) then
co2 := (I+1, J, cave(I+1, J));
edge := (co1, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge);
end if;
if Integer(J) - 1 >= Integer(Dimension'first) then
co2 := (I, J-1, cave(I, J-1));
edge := (co1, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge);
end if;
if Integer(J) + 1 <= Integer(Dimension'last) then
co2 := (I, J+1, cave(I, J+1));
edge := (co1, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2);
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
start_Node : Coord;
end_Node : Coord;
paths: mg.nv.Vector;
function Zero_Cost return Integer is (0);
function Cost(c1, c2: in Coord) return Integer is (c2.risk);
function Distance(c1, c2: in Coord) return Integer is
(abs(Integer(c1.x) - Integer(c2.x)) + abs(Integer(c1.y) - Integer(c2.y)));
function Dijkstra_search is new mg.Uniform_Search
(Cost_Type => Natural);
function A_star is new mg.A_Star_Search
(Cost_Type => Natural);
start_Node := (Dimension'first, Dimension'first,
cave(Dimension'first, Dimension'first));
end_Node := (Dimension'last, Dimension'last,
cave(Dimension'last, Dimension'last));
for I in Dimension loop
for J in Dimension loop
tio.Put(cave(I, J)'image);
end loop;
end loop;
for C in cave_graph.nodes.Iterate loop
tio.Put(To_String(mg.Nodes_vector.Element(C)) & ", ");
end loop;
tio.Put_Line("The total nodes are" & Integer(cave_graph.nodes.Length)'image);
edge: mg.Edge;
for E in cave_graph.edges.Iterate loop
edge := mg.Edges_vector.Element(E);
tio.Put_Line(To_String(edge.Node1) & " => " & To_String(edge.Node2));
end loop;
tio.Put_Line ("The total edges are" & Integer(cave_graph.edges.Length)'image);
paths := A_Star(cave_graph, start_Node, end_Node);
total_cost: Natural := 0;
for V in paths.Iterate loop
if mg.nv.To_Index(V) /= paths.First_Index then
total_cost := total_cost + paths(V).risk;
end if;
end loop;
tio.Put_Line("The total risk path is" & total_cost'image);
total_cost := 0;
paths := Dijkstra_search(cave_graph, start_Node, end_Node);
for V in paths.Iterate loop
if mg.nv.To_Index(V) /= paths.First_Index then
total_cost := total_cost + paths(V).risk;
end if;
end loop;
tio.Put_Line("The total risk path is" & total_cost'image);
end astar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
Compile and run:
$ javac *.java
$ java AstarMain < input.txt
or simply:
class CoordCost implements Comparable<CoordCost>, Addable<CoordCost>, Copyable<CoordCost> {
int value;
public int compareTo(CoordCost other) {
return, other.value);
CoordCost(int value) {
this.value = value;
public void addFrom(CoordCost other) {
this.value += other.value;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%3d", value);
public CoordCost copy() {
return new CoordCost(value);
static final CoordCost zeroCost = new CoordCost(0);
class Coord implements Cycleable, Comparable<Coord>, Costable<Coord, CoordCost> {
int x, y;
CoordCost risk;
public Coord(int x, int y, CoordCost risk) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.risk = risk;
public CoordCost zeroCost() { return new CoordCost(0); }
public CoordCost cost(Coord otherVertex) {
return otherVertex.risk;
public boolean isCycle() { return false; }
public int compareTo(Coord other) {
if (x == other.x && y == other.y && risk.compareTo(other.risk) == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (x < other.x || y < other.y || risk.compareTo(other.risk) < 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
public CoordCost distanceTo(Coord targetVertex) {
return new CoordCost(
Math.abs(x - targetVertex.x) +
Math.abs(y - targetVertex.y));
public String toString() {
return String.format("((%2d, %2d) => %2d)", x, y, risk.value);
public class AstarMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var maplist = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord>>();
var buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
var atomicj = new AtomicInteger(1);
var atomici = new AtomicInteger(1);
var graph = new Graph<Coord, CoordCost>();
try {
while(true) {
var s = buf.readLine();
if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) break;
var row = s.
mapToObj(c -> new Coord(
new CoordCost(c - '0'))).
} catch(Exception e) {
for (var i = 0; i < maplist.size(); i++) {
var row = maplist.get(i);
for (var j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) {
populateGraph(graph, maplist);
for (var node : graph.nodes.toArray(Coord[]::new)) {
System.out.println("edges length: " + graph.edges.size());
var count = 1;
for (var edge : graph.edges.toArray(Graph.Edge[]::new)) {
System.out.printf("edge %3d %s\n", count++, edge);
var start = maplist.get(0).get(0);
var end = maplist.get(maplist.size()-1).get(maplist.get(0).size()-1);
var paths = graph.AStar(start, end);
System.out.println("\ntotal path nodes: " + paths.size());
for (var node : paths.toArray(Coord[]::new)) {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) {
total += paths.get(i).risk.value;
System.out.println("Total risk: " + total);
static void populateGraph(Graph<Coord, CoordCost> graph,
ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord>> maplist)
var colsize = maplist.size();
for (var y = 0; y < colsize; y++) {
var rowsize = maplist.get(y).size();
for (var x = 0; x < rowsize; x++) {
if (x - 1 >= 0) {
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y).get(x-1));
if (x + 1 < rowsize) {
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y).get(x+1));
if (y - 1 >= 0) {
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y-1).get(x));
if (y + 1 < rowsize) {
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y+1).get(x));
javac *.java
java AstarMain < input.txt
gnatmake astar.adb
type input.txt | astar.exe
Invoke-command 'gnatmake astar.adb && type input.txt | astar.exe'
gnatmake astar.adb
./astar < input.txt
Invoke-command "javac *.java && java AstarMain < input.txt"
javac *.java
java AstarMain < input.txt
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces;
with Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues;
package body graphs is
package tio renames Ada.Text_IO;
function "="(E1, E2: in Edge) return Boolean is
((E1.Node1 = E2.Node1 and E1.Node2 = E2.Node2) or
(E1.Node1 = E2.Node2 and E1.Node2 = E2.Node1));
function Nodes(g: in Graph) return nv.Vector is (g.nodes);
function Edges(g: in Graph) return ev.Vector is (g.edges);
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; V: in Node_Type) is
if g.nodes.Contains(V) then return; end if;
end Add;
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; E: in Edge) is
if g.edges.Contains(E) then return; end if;
end Add;
function Contains(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean is
function Contains(g: in Graph; E: in Edge) return Boolean is
function Contains(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean is
(V = E.Node1 or V = E.Node2);
function Neighbors(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return nv.Vector is
acc: nv.Vector;
for I in g.edges.First_Index .. g.edges.Last_Index loop
if Contains(g.edges(I), V) then
acc.Append(neighbor(g.edges(I), V));
end if;
end loop;
return acc;
end Neighbors;
function Neighbor(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Node_Type is
if V = E.Node1 then
return E.Node2;
return E.Node1;
end if;
end Neighbor;
procedure Trail(Vs: in nv.Vector; prompt: String := "") is
if prompt /= "" then
end if;
tio.Put(" ");
for I in Vs.First_Index .. Vs.Last_Index loop
tio.Put(To_String(Vs(I)) & ", ");
end loop;
end Trail;
function Paths(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type)
return Paths_Vector.Vector is
result: Paths_Vector.Vector;
function In_Path(Goal, V: in Node_Type; state: in out nv.Vector) return Boolean is
nextbound : nv.Vector;
visiting : Node_Type;
if V = Goal then
if not result.Contains(state) then
end if;
return true;
end if;
nextbound := Neighbors(g, V);
for I in nextbound.First_Index .. nextbound.Last_Index loop
visiting := nextbound(I);
if visiting /= V and (not state.Contains(visiting) or Is_Cycle(visiting)) then
if not In_Path(Goal, visiting, state) then
end if;
end if;
end loop;
return false;
end In_Path;
Unused: Boolean;
state: nv.Vector;
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then return result; end if;
Unused := In_Path(V_end, V_start, state);
return result;
end Paths;
package Node_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
(Element_Type => Node_Type, Key_Type => Node_Type,
Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=");
package nm renames Node_Maps;
function Traceback (V_start, V_end: in Node_Type; path : in nm.Map) return nv.Vector is
result : nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
current : Node_Type;
current := V_end;
exit when current = V_start;
if not path.Contains(current) then return nv.Empty_Vector; end if;
current := path(current);
end loop;
return result;
end Traceback;
function Breadth_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector is
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map;
visiting: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
node, next_node: Node_Type;
found_goal: Boolean := false;
procedure Traverse_Path is
visited.Include(V_start, V_start);
exit when Integer(visiting.Length) = 0;
node := visiting.First_Element;
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node);
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop
next_node := next_visit(N);
if next_node = V_end then found_goal := true; end if;
if not visited.Contains(next_node) or Is_Cycle(next_node) then
visited.Include(next_node, node);
end if;
exit when found_goal;
end loop;
exit when found_goal;
end loop;
end Traverse_Path;
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then
return nv.Empty_Vector;
end if;
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited);
end Breadth_Search;
function Uniform_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector is
type Node_Priority_Cost is record
node: Node_Type;
cost: Cost_Type;
end record;
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost);
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type,
Before => "<");
package np renames Node_Priority;
package Node_Cost is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
(Key_Type => Node_Type, Element_Type => Cost_Type, Hash => Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => "=");
package nc renames Node_Cost;
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map;
visiting: np.Queue;
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
node, next_node: Node_Type;
cost_so_far: nc.Map := nc.Empty_Map;
found_goal: Boolean := false;
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost;
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost;
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then
return nv.Empty_Vector;
end if;
cost_so_far.Include(V_start, Zero_Cost);
visited.Include(V_start, V_start);
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost));
loop select
node := node_cost_of_priority.node;
exit when node = V_end;
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node);
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop
next_node := next_visit(N);
if cost_so_far.Contains(node) then
new_cost := cost_so_far(node);
end if;
new_cost := new_cost + Cost(node, next_node);
--tio.Put_Line("new_cost:" & new_cost'image);
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then
if not cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) then
cost_so_far.Include(next_node, new_cost);
elsif cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) and new_cost < cost_so_far(next_node) then
cost_so_far(next_node) := new_cost;
end if;
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, new_cost));
visited.Include(next_node, node);
end if;
end loop;
else exit;
end select;
end loop;
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited);
end Uniform_Search;
function Greedy_Best_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector is
type Node_Priority_Cost is record
node: Node_Type;
cost: Cost_Type;
end record;
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost);
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type,
Before => "<");
package np renames Node_Priority;
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map;
visiting: np.Queue;
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
node, next_node: Node_Type;
found_goal: Boolean := false;
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost;
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost;
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then
return nv.Empty_Vector;
end if;
visited.Include(V_start, V_start);
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost));
loop select
node := node_cost_of_priority.node;
exit when node = V_end;
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node);
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop
next_node := next_visit(N);
--tio.Put_Line("new_cost:" & new_cost'image);
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then
new_cost := Distance(V_end, next_node);
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, new_cost));
visited.Include(next_node, node);
end if;
end loop;
else exit;
end select;
end loop;
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited);
end Greedy_Best_Search;
function A_Star_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector is
type Node_Priority_Cost is record
node: Node_Type;
cost: Cost_Type;
end record;
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost);
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type,
Before => "<");
package np renames Node_Priority;
package Node_Cost is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
(Key_Type => Node_Type, Element_Type => Cost_Type, Hash => Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => "=");
package nc renames Node_Cost;
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map;
visiting: np.Queue;
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector;
node, next_node: Node_Type;
cost_so_far: nc.Map := nc.Empty_Map;
found_goal: Boolean := false;
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost;
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost;
priority : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost;
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then
return nv.Empty_Vector;
end if;
cost_so_far.Include(V_start, Zero_Cost);
visited.Include(V_start, V_start);
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost));
exit when Integer(visiting.Current_Use) = 0;
node := node_cost_of_priority.node;
exit when node = V_end;
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node);
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop
next_node := next_visit(N);
if cost_so_far.Contains(node) then
new_cost := cost_so_far(node);
end if;
new_cost := new_cost + Cost(node, next_node);
--tio.Put_Line("next visit:" & To_String(next_node) & ", new_cost:" & Integer'image(new_cost));
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then
if not cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) then
cost_so_far.Include(next_node, new_cost);
elsif cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) and new_cost < cost_so_far(next_node) then
cost_so_far(next_node) := new_cost;
end if;
priority := new_cost + Distance(V_end, next_node);
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, priority));
visited.Include(next_node, node);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited);
end A_Star_Search;
end graphs;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with Ada.Containers;
type Node_Type is private;
type Index_Type is range <>;
with function "=" (Left, Right: in Node_Type)
return Boolean is <>;
with function Is_Cycle(V: in Node_Type)
return Boolean is <>;
with function To_String(V: in Node_Type)
return String is <>;
with function Hash(V: in Node_Type)
return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is <>;
package Graphs is
type Edge is record
Node1, Node2: Node_Type;
end record;
function "="(E1, E2: in Edge) return Boolean;
package Nodes_vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
(Element_Type => Node_Type, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => "=");
package nv renames Nodes_vector;
package Edges_vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
(Element_Type => Edge, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => "=");
package ev renames Edges_vector;
package Paths_Vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
(Element_Type => nv.Vector, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => nv."=");
type Graph is record
nodes: nv.Vector;
edges: ev.Vector;
end record;
function Nodes(g: in Graph) return nv.Vector;
function Edges(g: in Graph) return ev.Vector;
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; V: in Node_Type);
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; E: in Edge);
function Contains(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean;
function Contains(g: in Graph; E: in Edge) return Boolean;
function Contains(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean;
function Neighbors(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return nv.Vector;
function Paths(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type)
return Paths_Vector.Vector;
type Cost_Type is private;
with function Cost(V1, V2: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
with function "+"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
with function "<"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>;
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>;
function Uniform_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector;
type Cost_Type is private;
with function Distance(Goal, Point: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
with function "<"(D1, D2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>;
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>;
function Greedy_Best_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector;
type Cost_Type is private;
with function Cost(V1, V2: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
with function "+"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
with function "<"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>;
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>;
with function Distance(Goal, Point: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>;
function A_Star_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector;
function Breadth_Search (g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type)
return nv.Vector;
function Neighbor(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Node_Type;
procedure Trail(Vs: nv.Vector; prompt : String := "");
end Graphs;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
interface Cycleable {
boolean isCycle();
interface Addable<C> {
void addFrom(C other);
interface Copyable<C> {
C copy();
interface Costable<V, C extends Comparable<C>> {
C zeroCost();
C cost(V otherVertex);
C distanceTo(V targetVertex);
public class Graph<
V extends Comparable<V> & Cycleable & Costable<V, C>,
C extends Comparable<C> & Addable<C> & Copyable<C>>
public class Edge {
V node1, node2;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s -> %s", node1, node2);
public Edge(V n1, V n2) {
node1 = n1;
node2 = n2;
public ArrayList<V> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<V, ArrayList<V>> internalEdges = new HashMap<>();
public void addVertex(V v) {
if (nodes.contains(v)) return;
public void addEdge(V v1, V v2) {
if (!nodes.contains(v1)) nodes.add(v1);
if (!nodes.contains(v2)) nodes.add(v2);
if (internalEdges.containsKey(v1) && internalEdges.get(v1).contains(v2)) {
if (internalEdges.containsKey(v2) && internalEdges.get(v2).contains(v1)) {
var v1v2 = internalEdges.getOrDefault(v1, new ArrayList<>());
var v2v1 = internalEdges.getOrDefault(v2, new ArrayList<>());
internalEdges.put(v1, v1v2);
internalEdges.put(v2, v2v1);
var e = new Edge(v1, v2);
public void addVertices(V[] vs) {
for (var v : vs) {
public boolean contains(V v) {
return nodes.contains(v);
public boolean contains(Edge e) {
return edges.contains(e);
public void addEdges(Edge[] es) {
for (var e : es) {
addEdge(e.node1, e.node2);
public ArrayList<V> neighbors(V node) {
var neighbors = new ArrayList<V>();
for (var e : edges) {
if (e.node1 == node) {
} else if (e.node2 == node) {
return neighbors;
public ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> paths(V start, V end) {
if (!nodes.contains(start) || !nodes.contains(end)) {
return null;
var state = new ArrayDeque<V>();
ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> res = new ArrayList<>();
inPath(end, start, state, res);
return res;
boolean inPath(V goal, V node, ArrayDeque<V> state, ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> acc) {
if (node == goal) {
var thelist =<V>::new));
if (!acc.contains(thelist)) {
return true;
var nextbound = neighbors(node); -> {
if (v != node && (!state.contains(v) || v.isCycle())) {
if (!inPath(goal, v, state, acc)) {
} else {
//System.out.printf("Cannot visit neighbor (%s)\n", v);
return false;
class NodePriority {
V node;
C cost;
NodePriority(V node, C cost) {
this.node = node;
this.cost = cost;
ArrayList<V> traceback(V start, V end, HashMap<V, V> path) {
var retpath = new ArrayList<V>();
var current = end;
while(true) {
retpath.add(0, current);
if (current == start) break;
if (!path.containsKey(current)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
current = path.get(current);
return retpath;
public ArrayList<V> AStar (V start, V end) {
if (!nodes.contains(start) || !nodes.contains(end)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
var visited = new HashMap<V, V>();
var costSoFar = new HashMap<V, C>();
var visiting = new PriorityQueue<NodePriority>(
(n1, n2) -> n1.cost.compareTo(n2.cost));
visited.put(start, start);
visiting.add(new NodePriority(start, start.zeroCost()));
C newcost = start.zeroCost();
costSoFar.put(start, start.zeroCost());
while (true) {
if (visiting.size() == 0) {
var v = visiting.poll();
if (v.node == end) {
var nextvisit = neighbors(v.node);
for (var i = 0; i < nextvisit.size(); i++) {
var nextnode = nextvisit.get(i);
newcost = costSoFar.get(v.node).copy();
if (!costSoFar.containsKey(nextnode) || newcost.compareTo(costSoFar.get(nextnode)) < 0) {
costSoFar.put(nextnode, newcost);
var priority = newcost.copy();
visiting.add(new NodePriority(nextnode, priority));
visited.put(nextnode, v.node);
return traceback(start, end, visited);
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