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Last active August 30, 2019 15:17
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Pool connection test
import std/[deques, asyncdispatch, httpclient, tables, math, times]
Pool = ref object
conns: TableRef[int, AsyncHttpClient]
available: Deque[int]
method getConn(p: Pool): Future[(int, AsyncHttpClient)] {.base, async.} =
while true:
if p.available.len != 0:
let id = p.available.popLast
return (id, p.conns[id])
#discard sleepAsync 100
try: poll(100)
except: discard
method returnConn(p: Pool, id: int) {.base.} =
p.available.addFirst id
proc newPool(size: int): Pool =
new result
result.conns = newTable[int, AsyncHttpClient](size)
result.available = initDeque[int](size)
for i in 0 ..< size:
result.conns[i] = newAsyncHttpClient()
result.available.addLast i
proc ops(pool: Pool, conn: AsyncHttpClient, id, count: int): Future[string] {.async.} =
result = await conn.getContent("http://localhost:3000/" & $count)
pool.returnConn id
proc main {.async.} =
let opsSize = 8
var pool = newPool((opsSize div 2).nextPowerOfTwo)
var clientops = newseq[Future[string]]()
#var clientops = newseq[string]()
for i in 1 .. opsSize:
echo "ops: ", i
let (id, conn) = await pool.getConn
#clientops.add(await pool.ops(conn, id, i))
clientops.add(pool.ops(conn, id, i))
#echo await pool.ops(conn, id, i)
discard await all(clientops)
let start = cpuTime()
waitFor main()
echo "ended after: ", cpuTime() - start
import std/[asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch]
var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
echo "got request of path: ", req.url.path
discard sleepAsync(500) # to emulate slow operation
let responsetext = "Hello 異世界" & req.url.path
await req.respond(Http200, responsetext)
echo "serving on port 3000"
waitFor server.serve(Port 3000, cb)
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