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Last active December 9, 2018 13:44
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(Broken) Exploration of `Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP` package used to parse SQL create table syntax.
module SqlParser where
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
--import Data.String.Utils
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
data FieldProperty = FpNotNull | FpPrimaryKey |
FpUnique | FpIndex | FpForeignKey
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
data FieldRelation = OneToOne | OneToMany
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
data SqlDb = PostgreSql | MySql | Sqlite | MariaDb
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
data SqlForeign = SqlForeign {
schema, table, field, kind :: String
, relatedField :: String
, isUnique :: Bool
} --deriving (Show)
instance Show SqlForeign where
show _ = "SqlForeign not available yet"
data SqlField = SqlField {
name :: String
, fieldType :: String
, options :: Set.Set FieldProperty
, defaultValue :: String
, dbType :: SqlDb
, foreignTable :: SqlForeign
} deriving (Show)
data SqlTable = SqlTable {
tableSchema, tableName :: String
, fields :: M.Map String SqlField
, referers :: M.Map String SqlForeign
} deriving (Show)
strip :: String -> String
strip = T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack
chomp :: ReadP String
chomp =
munch (\x -> (isAlpha(x) || x == '_') && (x /= '(' || x /= ')'))
tablenameP :: ReadP String
tablenameP = do
string "create"
string "table"
optional (string "if")
optional (string "not")
optional (string "exists")
tableName <- chomp
return (strip tableName)
exprParser = do
expr1 <- munch (\c -> c /= ';')
satisfy (== ';')
return (strip expr1)
skipOptional c = optional $ skipMany1 (char c)
skipWord :: ReadP ()
skipWord = do
skipOptional ' '
return ()
chompTo c = do
expr <- munch (\chr -> chr /= c)
return (strip expr)
varcharParsing :: ReadP String
varcharParsing = do
varying <- chompTo '('
val <- chompTo ')'
if "varying" `isInfixOf` (strip varying)
then return ("varchar(" ++ (strip val) ++ ")")
if val == ""
then return ("char(1)")
else return ("char(" ++ (strip val) ++ ")")
vcValP :: ReadP String
vcValP = do
val <- munch (\x -> x /= ')')
return ("varchar(" ++ (strip val) ++ ")")
timeParsing :: String -> ReadP String
timeParsing s = do
withword <- option "" chomp
case withword of
"with" -> do
skipOptional ' '
return (s ++ "tz")
"without" -> do
skipOptional ' '
return s
_ -> do
skipOptional ' '
return s
fieldTypeParser :: ReadP String
fieldTypeParser = do
let isCompundType str = ("character" `isPrefixOf` str) ||
("time" `isPrefixOf` str)
fieldtypename <- chomp
if not $ isCompundType (strip fieldtypename)
then do
if fieldtypename == "varchar"
then vcValP
else return fieldtypename
else do
if fieldtypename `isPrefixOf` "character"
then varcharParsing
else (timeParsing fieldtypename)
fieldOptParser :: ReadP (Set.Set FieldProperty, String)
fieldOptParser = do
rest <- munch (\c -> c /= ',')
optional get
let optStr = ["null", "index", "key", "references", "unique"]
let insertOp x acc | x == "null" = FpNotNull:acc
| x == "index" = FpIndex:acc
| x == "key" = FpPrimaryKey:acc
| x == "unique" = FpUnique:acc
| x == "references" = FpForeignKey:acc
| True = acc
let opts = foldr (\a b -> if a `isInfixOf` rest
then (insertOp a b)
else b) [] optStr
return (Set.fromList opts, "")
fieldParser :: ReadP SqlField
--fieldParser :: ReadP (String, String)
fieldParser = do
skipOptional ' '
skipOptional '('
skipOptional ' '
fieldname <- chompTo ' '
skipOptional ' '
typename <- fieldTypeParser
char '('
fieldname <- chomp
typename <- fieldTypeParser
(opts, defval) <- fieldOptParser
return SqlField {
name = fieldname,
fieldType = typename,
options = opts,
defaultValue = defval,
dbType = PostgreSql,
foreignTable = SqlForeign{}
tableParser :: ReadP SqlTable
tableParser = do
tablename <- tablenameP
sqlfield <- fieldParser
--let field = M.insert (name sqlfield) sqlfield M.empty
return SqlTable {
tableSchema = "",
tableName = tablename,
fields = M.insert (name sqlfield) sqlfield M.empty,
referers = M.empty
testIt x = do
readP_to_S tablenameP x
parseExpr :: String -> [String]
parseExpr s =
case readP_to_S exprParser s of
[] -> []
lst@((found, remaining): _) ->
map (strip . fst) lst
- example to run
- map parseTablename (parseExpr "create table if not exists my_table ()\
\ ; create table if my_table_again \
\ () ;")
- > ["my_table", "my_table_again"]
parseTablename s =
case readP_to_S tablenameP s of
[] -> ""
lst@(_) -> (fst $ last lst)
parseTable s =
case readP_to_S tableParser s of
[] -> Nothing
((sqltable, _):_) -> Just sqltable
formatter :: (Show a1, Show a2, Show a3) => (a1, a2, a3) -> String
formatter info =
let (tbl, fldname, fldtype) = info in
"tabel: " ++ show tbl ++ ", field name: " ++ show fldname ++
", field type: " ++ show fldtype
formatterField field =
"\tField name: " ++ (name field) ++
"\n\t\ttype: " ++ (fieldType field) ++
"\n\t\toptions: " ++ (show $ options field)
formatterSql sqltable =
"Table name: " ++ (tableName sqltable) ++ "\n" ++
(foldr (++) "" $ map (formatterField . snd) $ M.toList (fields sqltable))
see prompt s = do
putStrLn (prompt ++ show s)
testParseTable = do
let str1 = "create table if not exists my_table();"
str2 = "create table my_table(id int);"
str3 = "create table my_table(name varchar(20) primary key not null index);"
case parseTable str3 of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing to show"
Just (info) -> do
see "example: " str3
putStrLn $ formatterSql info
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