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Created May 26, 2010 09:30
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import re
from System import String
from System.Text import Encoding
from System.IO import StringReader
from System.Net import WebClient, WebException
from Misuzilla.Applications.TwitterIrcGateway import NilClasses, Status, Statuses, User, Users
from Misuzilla.Applications.TwitterIrcGateway.AddIns import TypableMapSupport, ShortenUrlService
from Misuzilla.Applications.TwitterIrcGateway.AddIns.DLRIntegration import DLRIntegrationAddIn
class TypableMapError(Exception):
class TypableMap(object):
def instance(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, '__instance'):
cls.__instance = TypableMap()
return cls.__instance
def __init__(self):
CurrentSession.AddInManager.GetAddIn[DLRIntegrationAddIn]().BeforeUnload += self.on_before_unload
self.typablemap_commands = CurrentSession.AddInManager.GetAddIn[TypableMapSupport]().TypableMapCommands
self.shorten_url_service = CurrentSession.AddInManager.GetAddIn[ShortenUrlService]()
self.registered_commands = []
def on_before_unload(self, sender, e):
for command in self.registered_commands:
self.registered_commands = []
def register(self, command, desc, proc):
self.typablemap_commands.AddCommand(command, desc, proc)
def apply_typablemap(self, status, text=None):
if text == None:
text = status.Text
if CurrentSession.Config.EnableTypableMap:
cno = CurrentSession.Config.TypableMapKeyColorNumber
id = self.typablemap_commands.TypableMap.Add(status)
if cno < 0:
text += ' (%s)' % (id)
text += ' %c%d(%s)%c' % (chr(0x03), cno, id, chr(0x03))
return text
def send_notice(cls, receiver, nick, content):
CurrentSession.SendChannelMessage(receiver, nick, content, True, False, False, True)
def run_check(cls, msg, command, error):
return CurrentSession.RunCheck(command, error)
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
cls.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, str(type))
cls.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, str(value))
return False
def post(cls, url, data=''):
return CurrentSession.TwitterService.POST(url, data)
def get(cls, url):
return CurrentSession.TwitterService.GET(url)
def deserialize(cls, type, xml):
if NilClasses.CanDeserialize(xml):
return None
return type.Serializer.Deserialize(StringReader(xml))
def register_methods(self):
# 公式 RT する
def retweet(p, msg, _status, args):
def command():
status = self.deserialize(Status,'/statuses/retweet/%d.xml' % _status.Id))
retweeted = status.RetweetedStatus
text = self.apply_typablemap(status, text=retweeted.Text)
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'ユーザ %s のステータス "%s" を RT しました。' % (retweeted.User.ScreenName, text))
def error(e):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: RT に失敗しました。')
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, e.Message)
self.run_check(msg, command, error)
return True
# 非公式 RT する
def unofficial_retweet(p, msg, status, args):
def command():
comment = ''
if args != None and len(args) > 0:
comment = '%s ' % args
target = ''
if True:
target = '@%s ' % status.User.ScreenName
url = '' % (status.User.ScreenName, status.Id)
if self.shorten_url_service != None:
url = self.shorten_url_service.ShortenUrl(url, self.shorten_url_service.Timeout)
update_text = '%sRT: %s%s' % (comment, target, url)
update_status = CurrentSession.UpdateStatus(update_text)
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, update_text)
CurrentSession.UpdateStatusWithReceiverDeferred(msg.Receiver, update_text)
def error(e):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: 非公式 RT に失敗しました。')
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, e.Message)
self.run_check(msg, command, error)
return True
# の Show Conversation を表示する
def show_conversation(p, msg, status, args):
def command():
empty = False
client = WebClient()
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
client.Headers['Accept'] = 'text/html'
client.Headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)'
body = client.DownloadString('' % status.Id)
divs = re.findall(r'<div class="msg">(.*?)</div>', body, re.S)
if len(divs) > 0:
for div in divs:
match ='<a[^>]*>(.*?)</a>.*<span[^>]*>(.*?)</span>', div)
name =
text = re.sub(r'<[^>]*>', '',
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, name, text)
empty = True
except WebException, e:
if e.Response.StatusCode == 404:
empty = True
if empty:
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: 会話が存在しません。')
def error(e):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: 会話の取得に失敗しました。')
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, e.Message)
self.run_check(msg, command, error)
return True
# 返信を表示する
def show_reply_to_status(recursive=False):
def inner(p, msg, _status, args):
def command():
def has_reply_to_status_id(s):
id = s.InReplyToStatusId
return id != None and len(id) > 0
status = _status
if not has_reply_to_status_id(status):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: 返信先のステータスが存在しません。')
statuses = []
while True:
reply_to_status = self.deserialize(Status, self.get('/statuses/show/%d.xml' % int(status.InReplyToStatusId)))
text = self.apply_typablemap(reply_to_status)
statuses.append((reply_to_status, text))
if not recursive or not has_reply_to_status_id(reply_to_status):
status = reply_to_status
# 逆順で流す
for status, text in statuses:
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, status.User.ScreenName, text)
def error(e):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: 返信先のステータスの取得に失敗しました。')
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, e.Message)
self.run_check(msg, command, error)
return True
return inner
# タイムラインを表示する
def show_timeline(p, msg, status, args):
def command():
count = 5 if String.IsNullOrEmpty(args) else int(args)
statuses = self.deserialize(Statuses, self.get('/statuses/user_timeline.xml?user_id=%d&max_id=%d&count=%d' % (status.User.Id, status.Id, count)))
statuses = list(statuses.Status)
for s in statuses:
text = self.apply_typablemap(s)
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, s.User.ScreenName, text)
def error(e):
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, 'エラー: タイムラインの取得に失敗しました。')
self.send_notice(msg.Receiver, CurrentSession.CurrentNick, e.Message)
self.run_check(msg, command, error)
return True
# register typablemap commands
self.register('rt', 'Retweet command', retweet)
self.register('mrt', 'Unofficial retweet command', unofficial_retweet)
self.register('cv', 'Show conversation command', show_conversation)
self.register('res', 'Show reply to status command', show_reply_to_status())
self.register('rres', 'Show recursive reply to status command', show_reply_to_status(True))
self.register('tl', 'Show timeline command', show_timeline)
# instanciate
typablemap = TypableMap.instance()
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