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Created October 25, 2019 06:10
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  • Save mashirozx/b7bd6dfabdfb0aee5119175579a5bd14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mashirozx/b7bd6dfabdfb0aee5119175579a5bd14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
10/25 13:36:14: Launching 'app' on Xiaomi MI NOTE LTE.
$ adb shell am start -n "ceui.lisa/ceui.lisa.activities.CoverActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D
Connecting to ceui.lisa
Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page.
W/ActivityThread: Application ceui.lisa is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
I/System.out: Sending WAIT chunk
I/art: Debugger is active
I/System.out: Debugger has connected
waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
Connected to the target VM, address: 'localhost:8600', transport: 'socket'
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: debugger has settled (1444)
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:496] - can't find SDK Properties key:autoTm
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:29] - ............ start registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks.
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:73] - ............ end registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks.
[main(1): SourceFile:1024] - enableAutoMonitorActivityCycle:true,isAntoActivityLifecycleStat:true
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:47] - set up java crash handler:com.tencent.stat.a@629ed23
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:264] - NETWORK name:WIFI
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:203] - read the new one
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__3
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:270] - firstRead
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__3
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:1505] - SQLiteOpenHelper tencent_analysis.db_ceui.lisa
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:1505] - SQLiteOpenHelper pri_tencent_analysis.db_ceui.lisa
W/art: Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
D/AccessibilityManager: current package=ceui.lisa, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:168] - delNum=1,queryNum=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:176] - test db passed, db name:tencent_analysis.db_ceui.lisa
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/MiuiContentCatcher/lib/arm
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$2>
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$2>
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:168] - delNum=1,queryNum=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:176] - test db passed, db name:pri_tencent_analysis.db_ceui.lisa
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:241] - update 0 unsent events.
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:241] - update 0 unsent events.
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:325] - try to load user info from sp.
E/MtaSDK: Could not get permission of android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2118] - commitEvents, maxNumber=-1
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:278] - Init MTA StatService success with sdk version3.4.2
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@9237576
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@1272777
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@dc97302
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@55cc413
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@cfadc67
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@324cf43
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@ea4d9c0
I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:178354535
I/MtaSDK: [nt(23816): SourceFile:264] - NETWORK name:WIFI
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:50] - onActivityResumed LoginActivity
I/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:940] - went foreground
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:625] - inerTrackBeginPage:ceui.lisa.activities.LoginActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:505] - start new session.
E/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:591] - Could not get permission of android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0xffffffff
W/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:982] - can not get the permission of android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0xffffffff
I/Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. (I48a9d37399)
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.29.00.00
Build Date: 11/17/16 Thu
Local Branch:
Remote Branch: refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1.
Local Patches: NONE
Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2782] - sendFailedCount=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:2538] - strategy=INSTANT
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
W/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:67] - App install tracking is disable.
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:212] - []Send request(1141bytes), content:[{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":2,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1001,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981812,"lts":1571981812713,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":1,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":4,"h5":0,"hs":1,"cfg":{"1":{},"2":{}},"ev":{"sr":"1080*1920","dpi":"386.366*387.047","wf":"{\"bs\":\"50:d2:f5:09:80:85\",\"ss\":\"\\\"sufe-609\\\"\"}","pcn":"ceui.lisa","osn":"6.0.1","av":"1.0.39","ch":"google play","mf":"Xiaomi","sv":"3.4.2","osd":"MMB29M","prod":"virgo","tags":"release-keys","id":"MMB29M","fng":"Xiaomi\/virgo\/virgo:6.0.1\/MMB29M\/V9.2.3.0.MXECNEK:user\/release-keys","lch":"com.teslacoilsw.launcher","ov":"23","os":1,"lg":"en","md":"MI NOTE LTE","tz":"Asia\/Shanghai","apn":"ceui.lisa","cpu":"{\"n\":4,\"na\":\"ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l) \",\"fn\":300}","abi":"armeabi-v7a","abi2":"armeabi","ram":"996\/3001","rom":"8075\/59174","asg":"63:DB:BE:6C:1A:BE:E9:C6:AC:74:4E:0D:FC:31:71:DC:87:60:DA:B3","cn":"WIFI","tn":0}}]
D/MtaSDK: [NetworkMonitorTask(23831): SourceFile:496] - can't find SDK Properties key:__MTA_TEST_SPEED__
D/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:268] - before Gzip:1141 bytes, after Gzip:663 bytes
I/MtaSDK: [NetworkMonitorTask(23831): SourceFile:2410] - empty domain list.
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/com.qualcomm.qti.GBAHttpAuthentication.jar
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:29
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
D/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:496] - can't find SDK Properties key:autoAL
[StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:1911] - next_al_report_time:1572068115793
D/ JNI_OnLoad successed.
I/retrofit: --> POST
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I/retrofit: Content-Length: 211
--> END POST (211-byte body)
I/X: Setting SNI hostname
D/X: Established TLSv1.2 connection with using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
I/retrofit: <-- 200 OK (1814ms)
Server: nginx
I/retrofit: Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:37:13 GMT
I/retrofit: Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
I/retrofit: {"response":{个人信息}}
<-- END HTTP (877-byte body)
I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:178375197
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:57] - onActivityPaused LoginActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:684] - inerTrackEndPage:ceui.lisa.activities.LoginActivity,startTime:1571981812710
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2710] - clear methodsCalledLimitMap, nextLimitCallClearTime=1571981843273
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2782] - sendFailedCount=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:2538] - strategy=INSTANT
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@f2d2fe7
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@e7ff794
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@a63b23d
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@4efaa32
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@492e383
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:212] - []Send request(473bytes), content:[{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":1,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1002,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981833,"lts":1571981833273,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":1,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":5,"auto":1,"h5":0,"pi":"ceui.lisa.activities.LoginActivity","du":20.561}]
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@112e818
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@2545271
W/Glide: Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule. You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:9
[StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:178375447
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:50] - onActivityResumed CoverActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:625] - inerTrackBeginPage:ceui.lisa.activities.CoverActivity
I/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:950] - still foreground
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:57] - onActivityPaused CoverActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:684] - inerTrackEndPage:ceui.lisa.activities.CoverActivity,startTime:1571981833510
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2782] - sendFailedCount=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:2538] - strategy=INSTANT
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:212] - []Send request(514bytes), content:[{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":1,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1003,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981833,"lts":1571981833515,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":1,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":6,"auto":1,"h5":0,"pi":"ceui.lisa.activities.CoverActivity","rf":"ceui.lisa.activities.LoginActivity","du":0.005}]
D/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:268] - before Gzip:514 bytes, after Gzip:335 bytes
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:29
[StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
I/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:979] - went background
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:776] - trackBackground lastForegroundTs:1571981812709
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:810] - trackBackground duration:20.808
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2782] - sendFailedCount=0
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:2538] - strategy=INSTANT
I/MID: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
D/MID: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:982] - insert 1 event, content:{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":4,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1004,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981834,"lts":1571981834321,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":0,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":7,"h5":0,"bc":1,"ft":1,"du":20.808}
I/MID: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
D/MID: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
D/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:1012] - directStoreEvent insert event to db, event:{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":4,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1004,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981834,"lts":1571981834321,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":0,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":8,"h5":0,"bc":1,"ft":1,"du":20.808}
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:1243] - sentStoreEventsByDb sendNumbers=1,important=false,maxSendNumPerFor1Period=10800,maxCount=0,restNumbers=1
[StatStore(23817): SourceFile:1186] - Load 1 unsent events
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:798] - peek event, id=3,send_count=0,timestamp=1571981834
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:1193] - Peek 1 unsent events.
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:659] - update sql:update events set status=2, send_count=send_count+1 where event_id in (3)
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:212] - []Send request(436bytes), content:[{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":4,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1004,"si":7164868,"ts":1571981834,"lts":1571981834321,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":0,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":7,"h5":0,"bc":1,"ft":1,"du":20.808}]
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:9
[StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:576] - Delete 1 events, important:false
I/MtaSDK: [StatStore(23817): SourceFile:596] - delete 1 event event_id in (3), success delete:1
D/a line of my log: FragmentLeft 生成了一个实例
FragmentCenter 生成了一个实例
D/a line of my log: FragmentRight 生成了一个实例
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@9449217
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b7f6604
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@43b05e9
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@35e4ada
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@59e0094
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@eeb873d
D/a line of my log: FragmentRankHorizontal new instance
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@2fa28a7
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@5106154
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:50] - onActivityResumed CoverActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:625] - inerTrackBeginPage:ceui.lisa.activities.CoverActivity
I/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:940] - went foreground
D/a line of my log: FragmentR new instance
D/a line of my log: FragmentHotTag new instance
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@f4fd003
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@baeab80
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@6a035b9
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@d6badd1
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@674e036
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@bd81b37
I/retrofit: --> GET
Authorization: Bearer zCwnnWIjDrZikZqchYBqDlP0wp4JmQoBMOk05rien1k
I/X: Setting SNI hostname
D/X: Established TLSv1.2 connection with using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
I/retrofit: <-- 200 OK (2772ms)
Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:37:28 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
X-UserId: 16990705
Vary: X-UserId,Accept-Encoding
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I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:29
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 139MB to 128MB
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 457(28KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 9% free, 115MB/128MB, paused 728us total 6.346ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 179MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 629(29KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 9% free, 115MB/128MB, paused 655us total 20.800ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 181MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14(12KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 8% free, 117MB/128MB, paused 788us total 24.455ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 14MB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 186MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18(728B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 4% free, 122MB/128MB, paused 668us total 22.902ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 14745612 byte allocation with 5505336 free bytes and 5MB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 186MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12(304B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 4% free, 122MB/128MB, paused 741us total 19.344ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 646us total 22.622ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 14MB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 11.706ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 666us total 5.112ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 666us total 19.673ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 566us total 20.168ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1600KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 537us total 19.913ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 580024 free bytes and 566KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 21(608B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 535us total 16.632ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 545us total 19.595ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1600KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 546us total 18.969ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 125.897ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC HomogeneousSpaceCompact
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 539us total 19.096ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 14745612 byte allocation with 580120 free bytes and 566KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 9.382ms for cause HomogeneousSpaceCompact
Starting a blocking GC HomogeneousSpaceCompact
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
HomogeneousSpaceCompact marksweep + semispace GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 71.832ms total 71.832ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 576888 free bytes and 559KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/Glide: Load failed for with size [1080x1920]
class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
There was 1 cause:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 576888 free bytes and 559KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 1): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 576888 free bytes and 559KB until OOM
I/Glide: Root cause (1 of 1)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 576888 free bytes and 559KB until OOM
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.internal.FastBlur.blur(
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation.transform(
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
E/GlideExecutor: Request threw uncaught throwable
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1638412 byte allocation with 576888 free bytes and 559KB until OOM
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.internal.FastBlur.blur(
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation.transform(
at jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 31.784ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 172MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 182(30KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(18MB) LOS objects, 15% free, 108MB/128MB, paused 878us total 45.711ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15(1072B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 860us total 6.976ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 189MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33(1392B) AllocSpace objects, 1(2MB) LOS objects, 2% free, 125MB/128MB, paused 709us total 21.488ms
I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:178542853
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:57] - onActivityPaused ViewPagerActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:684] - inerTrackEndPage:ceui.lisa.activities.ViewPagerActivity,startTime:1571981953401
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2710] - clear methodsCalledLimitMap, nextLimitCallClearTime=1571982010916
[StatService(23815): SourceFile:2782] - sendFailedCount=0
I/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:2538] - strategy=INSTANT
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:38] - read mid from sharedPreferences, key=__MTA_DEVICE_INFO__1000001
I/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:52] - read mid from InternalStorage
D/MID: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:89] - readNewVersionMidEntity:null
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@e227461
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@8274b86
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:212] - []Send request(525bytes), content:[{"ky":"AY1W99A3DTAF","et":1,"ui":"889025678","mc":"02:00:00:00:00:00","ut":0,"av":"1.0.39","osn":"6.0.1","midver":"3.73","ch":"google play","mid":"5442053cc9d259d047109bfadd85160a850955f2","idx":1007,"si":7164868,"ts":1571982000,"lts":1571982000916,"dts":0,"os":1,"osst":1571759280585,"sut":1571759280585,"pcn":"ceui.lisa","ov":"23","md":"MI NOTE LTE","jb":0,"mf":"Xiaomi","ifg":1,"sv":"3.4.2","ot":11,"auto":1,"h5":0,"pi":"ceui.lisa.activities.ViewPagerActivity","rf":"ceui.lisa.activities.CollectionActivity","du":47.515}]
D/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:268] - before Gzip:525 bytes, after Gzip:343 bytes
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@634ac74
D/a line of my log: UserDetailActivity 没执行
D/a line of my log: FragmentLikeIllust new instance
FragmentUserIllust new instance
D/a line of my log: FragmentAboutUser new instance
I/retrofit: --> GET
Authorization: Bearer zCwnnWIjDrZikZqchYBqDlP0wp4JmQoBMOk05rien1k
D/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:50] - onActivityResumed UserDetailActivity
D/MtaSDK: [StatService(23815): SourceFile:625] - inerTrackBeginPage:ceui.lisa.activities.UserDetailActivity
I/MtaSDK: [main(1): SourceFile:950] - still foreground
I/X: Setting SNI hostname
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@7185088
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@f13ea21
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@356ee46
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@4f5c515
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@1ef802a
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@6828e1b
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@ab90b64
BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@59a81cd
I/MtaSDK: [StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:284] - http recv response status code:200, content length:29
[StatDispatcher(23820): SourceFile:325] - http get response data:{"ret":0}
I/WebViewFactory: Loading version 77.0.3865.116 (code 386511605)
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<s3>
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<s3>
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<R3>
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<R3>
I/cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 3202-3203)
I/chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
I/cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "77.0.3865.116", actual native library version number "77.0.3865.116"
I/cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
E/chromium: [] stat /data/user/0/ceui.lisa/cache/WebView/Crashpad: No such file or directory (2)
[] mkdir /data/user/0/ceui.lisa/cache/WebView/Crashpad: No such file or directory (2)
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 178MB to 128MB
I/Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
I/retrofit: --> GET
Authorization: Bearer zCwnnWIjDrZikZqchYBqDlP0wp4JmQoBMOk05rien1k
I/retrofit: --> GET
Authorization: Bearer zCwnnWIjDrZikZqchYBqDlP0wp4JmQoBMOk05rien1k
I/X: Setting SNI hostname
I/X: Setting SNI hostname
D/X: Established TLSv1.2 connection with using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
I/retrofit: <-- 200 OK (1789ms)
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Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:40:03 GMT
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<-- END HTTP (2554-byte body)
D/X: Established TLSv1.2 connection with using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
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I/retrofit: Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:40:04 GMT
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I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54123(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 10(912KB) LOS objects, 4% free, 122MB/128MB, paused 1.203ms total 42.369ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 190MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3908(224KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 126MB/128MB, paused 923us total 63.194ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 248(17KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 126MB/128MB, paused 1.749ms total 8.922ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 731(37KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 722us total 33.349ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 62.272ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 847us total 6.086ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 26(784B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 854us total 25.619ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 31.580ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 47.707ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 749us total 5.386ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14(432B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 731us total 26.094ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 734us total 25.681ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1382KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 58.407ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 105.162ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.089ms total 7.715ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 888us total 30.816ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 897us total 30.614ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 861us total 29.923ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 92.916ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 100.079ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(592B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 737us total 26.650ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1415412 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 27.120ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 187.199ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(624B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.100ms total 43.325ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 983us total 32.690ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 72.720ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 296.356ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(592B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 741us total 26.253ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 99.685ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(528B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 714us total 5.616ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 716us total 22.922ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 712us total 25.716ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 761us total 25.730ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 80.881ms for cause Background
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/Glide: Load failed for with size [540x600]
class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
There was 1 cause:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 1): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 149.525ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 190MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20(664B) AllocSpace objects, 1(1484KB) LOS objects, 1% free, 126MB/128MB, paused 926us total 31.196ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 154.684ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.046ms total 8.567ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 94(4KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 921us total 28.202ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(304B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 820us total 30.220ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 93.481ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 323.366ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 813us total 5.776ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 746us total 24.328ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18(512B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 732us total 24.634ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1382KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 177.473ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 178.970ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
E/GlideExecutor: Request threw uncaught throwable
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 55.810ms for cause Alloc
I/Glide: Root cause (1 of 1)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 90872 free bytes and 88KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 544(137KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.070ms total 35.505ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 35.904ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 28(896B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 886us total 38.468ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1415412 byte allocation with 308504 free bytes and 301KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 39.479ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 47(1888B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 547us total 19.081ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 62(2112B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 550us total 33.179ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(176B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 545us total 20.903ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 308792 free bytes and 301KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 119(8KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 552us total 18.506ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(224B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 562us total 20.959ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 227(14KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 936us total 23.613ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 912(41KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 909us total 10.677ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 156(6KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 912us total 34.285ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 31(960B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 849us total 34.268ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 696us total 26.404ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 82.973ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 305288 free bytes and 298KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(576B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 698us total 5.276ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 701us total 21.554ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(48B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 808us total 26.005ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 53.489ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 2.722ms total 29.366ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.020ms total 33.950ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 845us total 34.093ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1626KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 98.953ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 711us total 24.994ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 305288 free bytes and 298KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 264.935ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(528B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 840us total 7.341ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.295ms total 26.803ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 713us total 29.393ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 632us total 26.315ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 305288 free bytes and 298KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 90.779ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(496B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 699us total 5.430ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 699us total 22.724ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 643us total 23.400ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 587us total 22.922ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 305288 free bytes and 298KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 193.747ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15(336B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 717us total 28.073ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 304632 free bytes and 297KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 105.725ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(144B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 4.289ms total 15.566ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(304B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 905us total 45.845ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 898us total 32.324ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 913us total 30.883ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 304216 free bytes and 297KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 152.738ms for cause Alloc
W/Glide: Load failed for with size [540x600]
class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
There was 1 cause:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 304216 free bytes and 297KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 1): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 304216 free bytes and 297KB until OOM
E/GlideExecutor: Request threw uncaught throwable
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 304216 free bytes and 297KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/Glide: Root cause (1 of 1)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 304216 free bytes and 297KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 462(154KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.094ms total 11.855ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 12.307ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 144.382ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 190MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 60(2264B) AllocSpace objects, 1(1612KB) LOS objects, 1% free, 126MB/128MB, paused 881us total 59.022ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 44.264ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33(1040B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 844us total 44.422ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(400B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 822us total 32.456ms
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 817us total 31.343ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 288376 free bytes and 281KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 95.247ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(528B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.770ms total 26.785ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.009ms total 39.031ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 859us total 32.787ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 819us total 31.518ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 288680 free bytes and 281KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 132.802ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(576B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 4.051ms total 26.625ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 852us total 34.739ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 810us total 34.342ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 753us total 39.673ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 288376 free bytes and 281KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15(352B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 670us total 7.794ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13(368B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 609us total 23.476ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 577us total 25.039ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 753us total 25.271ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 287192 free bytes and 280KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 224.707ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(576B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 753us total 7.525ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 749us total 48.849ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 780us total 28.389ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1265KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 85.304ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 855us total 6.622ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 850us total 27.800ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 823us total 32.032ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 805KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 746us total 30.573ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 98.823ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 825132 byte allocation with 287192 free bytes and 280KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 814us total 28.024ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 283640 free bytes and 276KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 27.293ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/Glide: Load failed for with size [540x600]
class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
There were 3 causes:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 283640 free bytes and 276KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 2): class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed LoadPath{DirectByteBuffer->Object->Drawable}, REMOTE,
There were 2 causes:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 3): class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed DecodePath{DirectByteBuffer->GifDrawable->Drawable}
Cause (2 of 3): class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed DecodePath{DirectByteBuffer->Bitmap->Drawable}
There was 1 cause:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 1): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM
Cause (3 of 3): class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed DecodePath{DirectByteBuffer->BitmapDrawable->Drawable}
There was 1 cause:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM)
call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
Cause (1 of 1): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM
Cause (2 of 2): class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 283640 free bytes and 276KB until OOM
I/Glide: Root cause (1 of 3)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 307784 free bytes and 300KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/Glide: Root cause (2 of 3)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1665372 byte allocation with 290328 free bytes and 283KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapDrawableDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 500(200KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.852ms total 11.181ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 190MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 56(21KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(1628KB) LOS objects, 1% free, 126MB/128MB, paused 862us total 40.448ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 50.360ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/Glide: Root cause (3 of 3)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 283640 free bytes and 276KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.DrawableTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
E/GlideExecutor: Request threw uncaught throwable
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296012 byte allocation with 283640 free bytes and 276KB until OOM
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
at Method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.get(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.TransformationUtils.centerCrop(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.DrawableTransformation.transform(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob$DecodeCallback.onResourceDecoded(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 23.644ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 466(67KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.305ms total 47.525ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 50.641ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 48.352ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12(224B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.077ms total 17.186ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 247(10KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 679us total 35.720ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33(960B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 571us total 27.913ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(224B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 577us total 23.492ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 217192 free bytes and 212KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 80.343ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(416B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 557us total 20.783ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(224B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.065ms total 24.956ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 568us total 23.634ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 217288 free bytes and 212KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 181.854ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(528B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 868us total 5.652ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8(256B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 732us total 23.102ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1541KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 625us total 27.193ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1578972 byte allocation with 217192 free bytes and 212KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(224B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 573us total 20.630ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.048ms total 27.640ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1541KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 743us total 31.536ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1578972 byte allocation with 217192 free bytes and 212KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 219.933ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(144B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 798us total 5.783ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19(656B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 738us total 28.892ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 942us total 31.842ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 809us total 28.526ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 216904 free bytes and 211KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 242.457ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(144B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.733ms total 26.063ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 26.428ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 117(8KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 882us total 32.459ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 839us total 6.330ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12(368B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 923us total 44.373ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 2.138ms total 58.442ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 212968 free bytes and 207KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(624B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 897us total 7.066ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 229(10KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 862us total 35.517ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 64(2000B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 827us total 36.348ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 769us total 30.430ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 214872 free bytes and 209KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 379.281ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15(352B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 6.357ms total 30.716ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(288B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 880us total 38.940ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.389ms total 36.162ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1541KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 842us total 32.001ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1578972 byte allocation with 213752 free bytes and 208KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 395.963ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(624B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 859us total 42.081ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 878us total 32.806ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 829us total 30.895ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 213864 free bytes and 208KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 247.334ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(176B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.084ms total 20.831ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(288B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.102ms total 31.081ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 851us total 32.174ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18(512B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.212ms total 32.737ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 212904 free bytes and 207KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(576B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 789us total 5.842ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 681us total 23.918ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 614us total 24.791ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 587us total 24.360ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 213096 free bytes and 208KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 200.760ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(176B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.305ms total 19.719ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 110(7KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 851us total 31.341ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 17(784B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 844us total 31.771ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12(304B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 861us total 31.936ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 134008 free bytes and 130KB until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23(1360B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 775us total 5.977ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 118(5KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 779us total 28.827ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 637us total 26.788ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 595us total 23.536ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 144328 free bytes and 140KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 512.118ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14(352B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 604us total 14.494ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13(368B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 599us total 20.243ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 603us total 22.873ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1541KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 597us total 22.849ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1578972 byte allocation with 73560 free bytes and 71KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 286.546ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(288B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 610us total 5.323ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 5.541ms for cause Background
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10(272B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 617us total 19.953ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 618us total 22.534ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 621us total 21.875ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 2984 free bytes and 2984B until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 65.375ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.369ms total 24.598ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 893us total 47.334ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 862us total 30.896ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 24B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 102.500ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 592us total 20.532ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 606us total 23.876ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 607us total 23.122ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC HomogeneousSpaceCompact
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
HomogeneousSpaceCompact marksweep + semispace GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 72.122ms total 72.122ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 2984 free bytes and 2984B until OOM" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 144.243ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-6" prio=5 tid=30 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b460 self=0x9ce46100
| sysTid=6230 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x89e5f930
| state=R schedstat=( 811630050 189617608 497 ) utm=72 stm=9 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x89d5d000-0x89d5f000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 0012bcc5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap16AllocLargeObjectILb1ENS_6mirror16SetLengthVisitorEEEPNS3_6ObjectEPNS_6ThreadEPPNS3_5ClassEjRKT0_+476)
native: #11 pc 002c89e9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+1004)
native: #12 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
W/art: at
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapDrawableDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 587us total 54.475ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 24 byte allocation with 2984 free bytes and 2984B until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 577us total 5.116ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 564us total 19.481ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 565us total 21.168ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 593.037ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.089ms total 7.748ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 879us total 29.140ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 881us total 30.653ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1609KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 881us total 30.246ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1648092 byte allocation with 2984 free bytes and 2984B until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 519.821ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.852ms total 26.103ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 953us total 32.125ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 834us total 31.169ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 36B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 828us total 29.229ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 36 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 268.462ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 783us total 6.126ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 700us total 25.093ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 628us total 24.738ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1613KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 590us total 22.211ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1652412 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 301.599ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 577us total 22.567ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM" (recursive case)
W/art: "FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07160 self=0xab4c9d00
| sysTid=4974 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3ebc930
| state=R schedstat=( 267976247 74502131 502 ) utm=21 stm=5 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0xb3dba000-0xb3dbc000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
at java.lang.Daemons$
E/System: Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 123.849ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 576us total 18.066ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 580us total 20.449ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 35.173ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 20B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 559us total 17.982ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 569us total 20.648ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 16B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 908.074ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 586us total 7.849ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 586us total 19.142ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 592us total 21.404ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 875us total 57.852ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 852us total 6.264ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 853us total 26.691ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 840us total 29.384ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 767us total 29.308ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 313.950ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-7" prio=5 tid=36 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b4c0 self=0x99ee8c00
| sysTid=6231 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x8d479930
| state=R schedstat=( 620900579 137420935 291 ) utm=56 stm=6 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x8d377000-0x8d379000 stackSize=1038KB
W/art: | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 0012bcc5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap16AllocLargeObjectILb1ENS_6mirror16SetLengthVisitorEEEPNS3_6ObjectEPNS_6ThreadEPPNS3_5ClassEjRKT0_+476)
native: #11 pc 002c89e9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+1004)
native: #12 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
W/art: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 611us total 32.106ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 429.544ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 567us total 19.745ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 558us total 19.647ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 594.715ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 284.275ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 561us total 20.393ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 16 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 341.922ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 778us total 23.479ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 20 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 87.619ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.112ms total 78.872ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.152ms total 61.271ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 872us total 33.795ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 273.049ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3016 free bytes and 3016B until OOM" (recursive case)
W/art: "glide-source-thread-6" prio=5 tid=30 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b460 self=0x9ce46100
| sysTid=6230 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x89e5f930
| state=R schedstat=( 1077586558 262523028 596 ) utm=97 stm=10 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x89d5d000-0x89d5f000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 002c8e31 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+2100)
native: #11 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
W/art: at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapDrawableDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 879us total 42.262ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 239.468ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 880us total 9.257ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 858us total 27.254ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 758us total 29.033ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 699us total 24.971ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3096 free bytes and 3KB until OOM" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 100.778ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 308.581ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Runnable
W/art: | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07160 self=0xab4c9d00
| sysTid=4974 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3ebc930
| state=R schedstat=( 420292026 100582186 566 ) utm=36 stm=6 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xb3dba000-0xb3dbc000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #11 pc 0029bd79 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3JNI10NewObjectVEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9__va_list+728)
native: #12 pc 0011389f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI9NewObjectEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDz+910)
native: #13 pc 00002797 /system/lib/ (jniLogException+210)
native: #14 pc 00015fe1 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #15 pc 0026d6d1 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_System_log__CLjava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_Throwable_2+132)
at java.lang.System.log(Native method)
at java.lang.System.logE(
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
at java.lang.Daemons$
E/System: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError; no stack trace available
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.744ms total 63.448ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(64B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 855us total 31.977ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 815us total 30.297ms
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 215.509ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 891us total 42.281ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.159ms total 33.643ms
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 855us total 35.332ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 3160 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 83.771ms for cause HeapTrim
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 231.404ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 760us total 9.162ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 782us total 23.953ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 606us total 24.031ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 567us total 22.177ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3160 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 577us total 20.855ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 558us total 24.588ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 674us total 33.929ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 278.562ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3160 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-6" prio=5 tid=30 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b460 self=0x9ce46100
| sysTid=6230 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x89e5f930
| state=R schedstat=( 1252037748 301751160 682 ) utm=111 stm=14 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x89d5d000-0x89d5f000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.put(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapDrawableDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 654us total 24.951ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 189.189ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3160 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
"RxSchedulerPurge-1" daemon prio=5 tid=26 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c079a0 self=0x9d78f200
| sysTid=5327 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9b359930
| state=R schedstat=( 331081569 49921924 338 ) utm=29 stm=4 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x9b257000-0x9b259000 stackSize=1038KB
W/art: | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at io.reactivex.internal.schedulers.SchedulerPoolFactory$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.057ms total 7.705ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 869us total 29.794ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 835us total 29.955ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 844us total 47.904ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3288 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 900.035ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-7" prio=5 tid=36 Runnable
W/art: | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b4c0 self=0x99ee8c00
| sysTid=6231 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x8d479930
| state=R schedstat=( 876468964 212166403 395 ) utm=79 stm=8 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x8d377000-0x8d379000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 002c8e31 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+2100)
native: #11 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 895us total 61.870ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3288 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 963.735ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-3" prio=5 tid=41 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07e20 self=0x9b4d2f00
| sysTid=5527 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9c33b930
| state=R schedstat=( 2083193128 706837239 1436 ) utm=190 stm=18 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x9c239000-0x9c23b000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 002b787b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror6String21AllocFromModifiedUtf8EPNS_6ThreadEiPKc+2226)
native: #11 pc 002752eb /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3JNI12NewStringUTFEP7_JNIEnvPKc+330)
native: #12 pc 00109f45 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI12NewStringUTFEP7_JNIEnvPKc+404)
native: #13 pc 00093a09 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #14 pc 00093f81 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #15 pc 00a3f4f7 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_graphics_BitmapFactory_nativeDecodeStream__Ljava_io_InputStream_2_3BLandroid_graphics_Rect_2Landroid_graphics_BitmapFactory_00024Options_2+170)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeStream(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.getDimensions(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
W/art: at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
D/skia: --- OOM in getMimeTypeString()
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 851us total 56.613ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 817us total 32.910ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 269.550ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 701us total 5.149ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 683us total 22.047ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 672us total 25.305ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 672us total 25.114ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3368 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 365.859ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.691ms total 26.362ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 827us total 32.989ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.052ms total 30.988ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 52B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 793us total 29.020ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 326.049ms for cause Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 52 byte allocation with 3368 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 652us total 21.265ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 645us total 24.700ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 170.556ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 645us total 20.737ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 660us total 24.275ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 661us total 24.303ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3368 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 326.847ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "RxSchedulerPurge-1" daemon prio=5 tid=26 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c079a0 self=0x9d78f200
| sysTid=5327 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9b359930
| state=R schedstat=( 486660264 51299894 359 ) utm=45 stm=4 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x9b257000-0x9b259000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.addConditionWaiter(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 910us total 53.147ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 53.060ms for cause Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3400 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-0" prio=5 tid=34 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07c40 self=0x9b4d2500
| sysTid=5356 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9aabf930
| state=R schedstat=( 1797272522 743496851 1457 ) utm=160 stm=19 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x9a9bd000-0x9a9bf000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 0012bcc5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap16AllocLargeObjectILb1ENS_6mirror16SetLengthVisitorEEEPNS3_6ObjectEPNS_6ThreadEPPNS3_5ClassEjRKT0_+476)
native: #11 pc 002c89e9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+1004)
native: #12 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
W/art: at
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 656us total 40.670ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.269ms total 29.941ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 741us total 31.250ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 48B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 284.324ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 658us total 5.528ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 650us total 21.792ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 652us total 24.669ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 655us total 25.336ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3400 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 295.005ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-6" prio=5 tid=30 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b460 self=0x9ce46100
| sysTid=6230 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x89e5f930
| state=R schedstat=( 1455172746 336912042 715 ) utm=128 stm=17 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x89d5d000-0x89d5f000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(832B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 992us total 61.998ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 141.328ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.lang.Integer java.lang.Integer.valueOf(int) from waiters=0 for 688ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4(64B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 830us total 36.251ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 34.440ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 247.214ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 902us total 6.203ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 840us total 26.719ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 28.125ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 803us total 6.290ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 813us total 25.653ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 757us total 28.119ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 17B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 604us total 25.218ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 17 byte allocation with 4024 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 81.256ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 849us total 63.078ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1609KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 805us total 34.711ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1648092 byte allocation with 4024 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 98.351ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.652ms total 24.935ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 835us total 39.215ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 836us total 30.724ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 795us total 29.336ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 4024 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 380.357ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "RxSchedulerPurge-1" daemon prio=5 tid=26 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c079a0 self=0x9d78f200
| sysTid=5327 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9b359930
| state=R schedstat=( 798016671 69637550 426 ) utm=73 stm=6 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x9b257000-0x9b259000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at io.reactivex.internal.schedulers.RxThreadFactory.newThread(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.<init>(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.addWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.processWorkerExit(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 125.624ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 26.814ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 828us total 27.613ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 54.814ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 818us total 6.351ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 6.579ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4(64B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.013ms total 7.639ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 7.675ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 830us total 32.147ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 820us total 6.996ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 809us total 31.194ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 76B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 744us total 30.471ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 76 byte allocation with 3992 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 100.500ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 926us total 57.311ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 885us total 6.418ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 878us total 31.278ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 838us total 29.378ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 3992 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 242.543ms for cause Background
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 326.684ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.078ms total 9.104ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 862us total 30.729ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 827us total 32.278ms
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 759us total 30.165ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3992 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 258.645ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-0" prio=5 tid=34 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07c40 self=0x9b4d2500
| sysTid=5356 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9aabf930
| state=R schedstat=( 2062070126 779266904 1566 ) utm=182 stm=24 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x9a9bd000-0x9a9bf000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 002c8e31 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+2100)
native: #11 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
W/art: at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ByteBufferBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 4.347ms total 42.246ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 806us total 31.085ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 209.421ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(592B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 821us total 6.050ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 789us total 26.497ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 799us total 28.875ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 1757KB allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 55.598ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 55.625ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 571.980ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 655us total 21.068ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 660us total 24.275ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 667us total 24.272ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3608 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 71.231ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.027ms total 21.572ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 844us total 32.426ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 814us total 33.056ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 76B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 163.677ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 686us total 25.792ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1799292 byte allocation with 3608 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 113.651ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 979us total 6.680ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 795us total 27.277ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 740us total 30.118ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 90.363ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 679us total 25.718ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 90.947ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 76 byte allocation with 3608 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "RxSchedulerPurge-1" daemon prio=5 tid=26 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c079a0 self=0x9d78f200
| sysTid=5327 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9b359930
| state=R schedstat=( 1070419950 100996768 526 ) utm=100 stm=7 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x9b257000-0x9b259000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 0012df7f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror14PrimitiveArrayIiE5AllocEPNS_6ThreadEj+1790)
native: #06 pc 003515eb /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread24CreateInternalStackTraceILb0EEEP8_jobjectRKNS_33ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnableE+122)
native: #07 pc 002dc071 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL32Throwable_nativeFillInStackTraceEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclass+20)
native: #08 pc 0001b4d5 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Throwable_nativeFillInStackTrace__+72)
at java.lang.Throwable.nativeFillInStackTrace!(Native method)
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
at java.lang.Error.<init>(
at java.lang.VirtualMachineError.<init>(
at java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.<init>(
at dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace!(Native method)
W/art: at java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.a(SourceFile:91)
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.debug(SourceFile:345)
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.d(SourceFile:370)
at com.tencent.stat.a.uncaughtException(SourceFile:68)
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 637us total 29.384ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(464B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 651us total 21.798ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 26.401ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 84.220ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6(288B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 811us total 38.132ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 44.317ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.lang.Object com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.get(int, java.lang.Class) from waiters=1 for 1.332s
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(64B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 649us total 25.371ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 25.531ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 813us total 6.779ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 809us total 27.176ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 785us total 30.712ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 89.749ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 682us total 5.589ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 643us total 21.390ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 643us total 24.509ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 142.771ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 117.970ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 685us total 25.361ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3736 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 77.936ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-7" prio=5 tid=36 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b4c0 self=0x99ee8c00
| sysTid=6231 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x8d479930
| state=R schedstat=( 1348114750 302654992 523 ) utm=121 stm=13 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x8d377000-0x8d379000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
W/art: native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 002c8e31 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL28VMRuntime_newNonMovableArrayEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassi+2100)
native: #11 pc 0020694d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_newNonMovableArray__Ljava_lang_Class_2I+104)
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray!(Native method)
at method)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.createBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruBitmapPool.getDirty(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.setInBitmap(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decodeFromWrappedStreams(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapDrawableDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 927us total 55.700ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 74.179ms for cause Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3736 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 903us total 6.984ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 857us total 27.333ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 827us total 29.413ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 145.563ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 680us total 23.713ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 82.092ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.456ms total 8.925ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 893us total 30.417ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 898us total 31.638ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 16B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 70.896ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 1.076ms total 21.470ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 881us total 30.263ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 839us total 31.259ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 836us total 30.915ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 115.101ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-3" prio=5 tid=41 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07e20 self=0x9b4d2f00
| sysTid=5527 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9c33b930
| state=R schedstat=( 2302937918 722760675 1479 ) utm=209 stm=21 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x9c239000-0x9c23b000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.put(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.Downsampler.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResourceWithList(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decodeResource(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
W/art: at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.put(java.lang.Object) from waiters=1 for 997ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 905us total 53.099ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 16 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 924us total 6.254ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 856us total 28.642ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 859us total 31.102ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 713us total 28.787ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3848 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 143.902ms for cause Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "main" prio=5 tid=1 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x74c503c0 self=0xb4cb6500
| sysTid=4966 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb6f27b34
| state=R schedstat=( 8498158435 1734845762 9417 ) utm=759 stm=90 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xbe656000-0xbe658000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.impl.RefreshContentWrapper.onActionDown(
at com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.SmartRefreshLayout.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
at androidx.appcompat.view.WindowCallbackWrapper.dispatchTouchEvent(
at android.view.View.dispatchPointerEvent(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.processPointerEvent(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.onProcess(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.forward(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.apply(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.deliverInputEvent(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doProcessInputEvents(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.enqueueInputEvent(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$WindowInputEventReceiver.onInputEvent(
at android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent(
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
W/art: at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)
E/InputEventReceiver: Exception dispatching input event.
E/MessageQueue-JNI: Exception in MessageQueue callback: handleReceiveCallback
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 974us total 37.142ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(32B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 921us total 30.570ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 801us total 33.162ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 75.062ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 816us total 5.979ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 794us total 28.204ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 740us total 30.841ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 16B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 531.077ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 749us total 29.603ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 89.691ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3960 free bytes and 3KB until OOM; failed due to fragmentation (required continguous free 4096 bytes for a new buffer where largest contiguous free 0 bytes)" (recursive case)
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "glide-source-thread-6" prio=5 tid=30 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c0b460 self=0x9ce46100
| sysTid=6230 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x89e5f930
| state=R schedstat=( 1829818374 397794909 852 ) utm=165 stm=17 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x89d5d000-0x89d5f000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$StreamFactory$1.close(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$StreamFactory$1.close(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.cleanup(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.onDataFetcherReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ByteBufferFileLoader$ByteBufferFetcher.loadData(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.SourceGenerator.startNext(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(720B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 603us total 37.470ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 385.019ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 66.633ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.put(java.lang.Object) from waiters=1 for 704ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2(80B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 533us total 23.216ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 16 byte allocation with 296 free bytes and 296B until OOM"
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 28.029ms for cause Background
E/MessageQueue-JNI: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError; no stack trace available
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9(480B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 665us total 22.039ms
D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 5.955ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(320B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 676us total 22.850ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1(256B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 963us total 6.448ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4(480B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 665us total 23.504ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 925us total 26.702ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 76B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 173.845ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 686us total 5.193ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 717us total 23.779ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 616us total 25.663ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 52B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 54.485ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 600us total 26.897ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 76 byte allocation with 3976 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 213.579ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 672us total 22.380ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 610us total 25.047ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 52.871ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 675us total 5.549ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 609us total 22.112ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 244.524ms for cause Background
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 27.387ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 543us total 21.828ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3976 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 317.348ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 806us total 5.474ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 537us total 21.235ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 505us total 22.343ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 505us total 20.846ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3976 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 201.507ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 522us total 21.664ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 115.339ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 52 byte allocation with 3976 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 713us total 29.416ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 678us total 27.949ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3976 free bytes and 3KB until OOM" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 79.986ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "main" prio=5 tid=1 Runnable
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x74c503c0 self=0xb4cb6500
| sysTid=4966 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb6f27b34
| state=R schedstat=( 8802388693 1757217012 9556 ) utm=789 stm=91 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xbe656000-0xbe658000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
native: #01 pc 0034c079 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
native: #02 pc 003527cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+176)
native: #03 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #04 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #05 pc 001270c3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror5Class11AllocObjectEPNS_6ThreadE+1218)
native: #06 pc 00351fd3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread24ThrowNewWrappedExceptionEPKcS2_+506)
native: #07 pc 0035281b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPKc+254)
native: #08 pc 001b94bd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap21ThrowOutOfMemoryErrorEPNS_6ThreadEjNS0_13AllocatorTypeE+416)
native: #09 pc 001bf341 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22AllocateInternalWithGcEPNS_6ThreadENS0_13AllocatorTypeEjPjS5_S5_PPNS_6mirror5ClassE+4344)
native: #10 pc 0012df7f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6mirror14PrimitiveArrayIiE5AllocEPNS_6ThreadEj+1790)
native: #11 pc 003515eb /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread24CreateInternalStackTraceILb0EEEP8_jobjectRKNS_33ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnableE+122)
native: #12 pc 002cadc7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL14GetThreadStackERKNS_28ScopedFastNativeObjectAccessEP8_jobject+2046)
native: #13 pc 002caed5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL27VMStack_getThreadStackTraceEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP8_jobject+28)
native: #14 pc 0002ddc1 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMStack_getThreadStackTrace__Ljava_lang_Thread_2+92)
W/art: at dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace!(Native method)
at java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.a(SourceFile:91)
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.error(SourceFile:261)
at com.tencent.stat.common.StatLogger.e(SourceFile:309)
W/art: at com.tencent.stat.a.uncaughtException(SourceFile:64)
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 4.041ms total 45.180ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(688B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 670us total 25.051ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 44.457ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 227.893ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 122.849ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.LruArrayPool.put(java.lang.Object) from waiters=1 for 565ms
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 5.849ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(304B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 628us total 23.688ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 629us total 5.192ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 642us total 27.190ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 21B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 645us total 27.754ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 21 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 91.175ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 3.504ms total 25.353ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 720us total 37.780ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 695us total 30.705ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 12B allocation
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 967us total 29.322ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM"
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 216.582ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 962us total 6.179ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 562us total 23.185ms
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 509us total 27.661ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 183.593ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 52B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 755us total 36.674ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 886us total 29.133ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 129.771ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 471us total 18.414ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 474us total 20.865ms
Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 28B allocation
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 384.129ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 465us total 18.948ms
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 483us total 20.898ms
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 89.098ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 60B allocation
Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Clamp target GC heap from 191MB to 128MB
Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 0(0B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 127MB/128MB, paused 483us total 20.253ms
W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 3816 free bytes and 3KB until OOM" (recursive case)
I/art: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 65.045ms for cause Alloc
Starting a blocking GC Alloc
W/art: "HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Runnable
W/art: | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c071c0 self=0xab4cac00
| sysTid=4976 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3cb2930
| state=R schedstat=( 792829274 285628326 641 ) utm=76 stm=3 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0xb3bb0000-0xb3bb2000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
at libcore.util.CollectionUtils$1.iterator(
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.removeThread(
A/art: art/runtime/] No pending exception expected: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError; no stack trace available
art/runtime/] (Throwable with empty stack trace)
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
I/art: Waiting for a blocking GC Alloc
A/art: art/runtime/] Runtime aborting...
art/runtime/] Aborting thread:
art/runtime/] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Runnable
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c071c0 self=0xab4cac00
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4976 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3cb2930
art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 792829274 285628326 641 ) utm=76 stm=3 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3bb0000-0xb3bb2000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 003504a9 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+164)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00333935 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState10DumpThreadERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEPNS_6ThreadE+28)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00333c23 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+646)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000f470b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0034d625 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread24AssertNoPendingExceptionEv.part.170+372)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0026bbcb /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14ObjectRegistry11InternalAddINS_6mirror6ObjectEEEyNS_6HandleIT_EE+94)
art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 0026c029 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14ObjectRegistry3AddEPNS_6mirror6ObjectE+80)
A/art: art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0014b3f5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3Dbg11GetThreadIdEPNS_6ThreadE+268)
art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 0025f2b9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState16PostThreadChangeEPNS_6ThreadEb+496)
art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 0014999b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3Dbg15PostThreadDeathEPNS_6ThreadE+30)
art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 0034b8b1 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread7DestroyEv+996)
art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 0035ab2d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList10UnregisterEPNS_6ThreadE+132)
art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 00353333 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread14CreateCallbackEPv+646)
art/runtime/] native: #14 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #15 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
art/runtime/] Pending exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError; no stack trace available
art/runtime/] (Throwable with empty stack trace)Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock
art/runtime/] All threads:
art/runtime/] DALVIK THREADS (52):
art/runtime/] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Runnable
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c071c0 self=0xab4cac00
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4976 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3cb2930
art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 828718025 285665930 642 ) utm=78 stm=4 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3bb0000-0xb3bb2000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00371037 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 003504a9 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+164)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0035a4c7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+446)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0035b073 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+210)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0035b603 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+154)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00333b49 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+428)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 000f470b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 0034d625 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread24AssertNoPendingExceptionEv.part.170+372)
art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0026bbcb /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14ObjectRegistry11InternalAddINS_6mirror6ObjectEEEyNS_6HandleIT_EE+94)
art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 0026c029 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14ObjectRegistry3AddEPNS_6mirror6ObjectE+80)
art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 0014b3f5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3Dbg11GetThreadIdEPNS_6ThreadE+268)
art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 0025f2b9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState16PostThreadChangeEPNS_6ThreadEb+496)
art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 0014999b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art3Dbg15PostThreadDeathEPNS_6ThreadE+30)
art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0034b8b1 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread7DestroyEv+996)
art/runtime/] native: #14 pc 0035ab2d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList10UnregisterEPNS_6ThreadE+132)
art/runtime/] native: #15 pc 00353333 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art6Thread14CreateCallbackEPv+646)
art/runtime/] native: #16 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #17 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
art/runtime/] "Signal Catcher" prio=5 tid=2 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c070a0 self=0xb41c5000
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4971 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb41bf930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 1284583 2126042 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb40c3000-0xb40c5000 stackSize=1014KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00040c70 /system/lib/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+12)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001ca57 /system/lib/ (sigwait+22)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0033a74d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13WaitForSignalEPNS_6ThreadERNS_9SignalSetE+76)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0033b8af /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+218)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
art/runtime/] "JDWP" prio=5 tid=3 WaitingInMainDebuggerLoop
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07100 self=0xab4c7500
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4972 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb40c0930
A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 54912188 7431511 39 ) utm=2 stm=3 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3fc4000-0xb3fc6000 stackSize=1014KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00040b8c /system/lib/ (__pselect6+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001bda9 /system/lib/ (select+60)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 004014db /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState15ProcessIncomingEv+218)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00266e7f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState3RunEv+314)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00267cfd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWPL15StartJdwpThreadEPv+16)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
art/runtime/] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=4 Waiting
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07160 self=0xab4c9d00
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4974 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3ebc930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 445983799 102031455 580 ) utm=36 stm=8 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3dba000-0xb3dbc000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017640 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6c59 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002bec49 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002bf9a7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002d12ad /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL13Object_waitJIEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectxi+44)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x0d48c11e> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait(
art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
art/runtime/] - locked <0x0d48c11e> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=6 Sleeping
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07220 self=0xab4ca700
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4975 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3db7930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 1146719 5905886 12 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3cb5000-0xb3cb7000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017644 /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6ed9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable9TimedWaitEPNS_6ThreadExi+120)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002be99f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+462)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002bf9a7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001b8db /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Thread_sleep__Ljava_lang_Object_2JI+126)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep!(Native method)
art/runtime/] - sleeping on <0x0e058dff> (a java.lang.Object)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep(
art/runtime/] - locked <0x0e058dff> (a java.lang.Object)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep(
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepFor(
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForFinalization(
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=7 Waiting
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07280 self=0xab4c9800
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4973 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3fc1930
A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 67991406 29361401 641 ) utm=2 stm=4 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3ebf000-0xb3ec1000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017640 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6c59 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002bec49 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002bf9a7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002d1273 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0000036f /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x0fd236e8> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
art/runtime/] - locked <0x0fd236e8> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] "Binder:4966_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c072e0 self=0xb41c6400
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4977 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3aa9930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 108621349 575163338 1009 ) utm=3 stm=7 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb39ad000-0xb39af000 stackSize=1014KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00040ac4 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00047541 /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001e9e9 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0001eed7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001eff1 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0002393d /system/lib/ (???)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00010075 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 00063a87 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
art/runtime/] "Binder:4966_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07340 self=0xab4cb100
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4978 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb39a5930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 102812269 592957508 1022 ) utm=4 stm=6 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb38a9000-0xb38ab000 stackSize=1014KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00040ac4 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00047541 /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001e9e9 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0001eed7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001eff1 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0002393d /system/lib/ (???)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00010075 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 00063a87 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003f567 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 00019c37 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
A/art: art/runtime/] "FileObserver" prio=5 tid=10 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c073a0 self=0xab539800
art/runtime/] | sysTid=4979 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb389f930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 481406 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xb379d000-0xb379f000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041978 /system/lib/ (read+12)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000b28f1 /system/lib/ (???)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001bb6b /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_FileObserver_00024ObserverThread_observe__I+78)
art/runtime/] at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native method)
art/runtime/] at android.os.FileObserver$
art/runtime/] "StatService" prio=5 tid=11 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07400 self=0xab4c7a00
A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=5127 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xaeda7930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 128701830 116734528 396 ) utm=6 stm=6 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xaeca5000-0xaeca7000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004099c /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00019f63 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00019f71 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ce7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00012f63 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00086b05 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] "nt" prio=5 tid=12 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07460 self=0xab53a200
art/runtime/] | sysTid=5128 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xaeb7f930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 2373852 5425939 14 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xaea7d000-0xaea7f000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004099c /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00019f63 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00019f71 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ce7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00012f63 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00086b05 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
art/runtime/] at
A/art: art/runtime/]
art/runtime/] "StatStore" prio=5 tid=13 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c074c0 self=0xab53a700
art/runtime/] | sysTid=5129 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9e945930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 22680833 18299064 71 ) utm=2 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0x9e843000-0x9e845000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004099c /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00019f63 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00019f71 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ce7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00012f63 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00086b05 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] "interceptor-thread" prio=5 tid=14 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07520 self=0xab53bb00
art/runtime/] | sysTid=5132 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9e840930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 22015464 37555414 140 ) utm=1 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0x9e73e000-0x9e740000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004099c /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00019f63 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00019f71 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ce7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00012f63 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00086b05 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
art/runtime/] at
A/art: art/runtime/] "StatDispatcher" prio=5 tid=15 Native
art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c07580 self=0xab53b100
art/runtime/] | sysTid=5137 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x9e73b930
art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 40661667 13828025 95 ) utm=4 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0x9e639000-0x9e63b000 stackSize=1038KB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004099c /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00019f63 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00019f71 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ce7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00012f63 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00086b05 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0000055d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
art/runtime/] at
art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 8850171766 1759649615 9577 ) utm=791 stm=94 core=3 HZ=100
art/runtime/] | stack=0xbe656000-0xbe658000 stackSize=8MB
art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017640 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6c59 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002bec49 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002bf9a7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002d1273 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38)
art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0000036f /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.join(
art/runtime/] - locked <0x066f92e7> (a java.lang.Object)
art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.stop(
A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 4976 (HeapTaskDaemon)
Disconnected from the target VM, address: 'localhost:8600', transport: 'socket'
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