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Last active May 28, 2021 23:14
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SVG avatar generator from sha256 hash values
package com.ashurex
import java.math.BigDecimal
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.round
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.math.sqrt
// Kotlin version of hashvatar described at
class AvatarGenerator
fun main(vararg args: String) {
// Replace this with args[0] for input... this is the value to be hashed.
val id = "315f5bdb76d078c43b8ac0064e4a0164612b1fce77c869345bfc94c75894edd3"
// [0.0 - 1.0] The bigger the number the larger the innermost circle is.
val radiusFactor = 0.75
val primaryRadius = 1.0
val radii = (0 until 4).map {
when (it) {
1 -> mix((primaryRadius * sqrt(3.0)) / 2, primaryRadius * 0.75, radiusFactor)
2 -> mix((primaryRadius * sqrt(2.0)) / 2, primaryRadius * 0.5, radiusFactor)
3 -> mix(primaryRadius * 0.5, primaryRadius * 0.25, radiusFactor)
else -> primaryRadius
val innerRadii = arrayOf(*radii.slice(1..3).toTypedArray(), 0.0)
val outerRadii = arrayOf(*radii.toTypedArray())
// Peel off 2 string chars at a time
val bytes = ( { i ->
val next = i + 1
if (Math.floorMod(i, 2) == 0 && next < id.length) {
} else {
val horcruxes = computeCrux(bytes)
val sections = bytes.mapIndexed { index, s ->
val circleIndex = floor(index / 8.0).toInt()
val innerRadius = innerRadii[circleIndex]
val outerRadius = outerRadii[circleIndex]
val crux = horcruxes.ringCruxes[circleIndex]
"section" to sectionPath(index, outerRadius, innerRadius, crux),
"color" to mapValueToColor(s.toInt(16), horcruxes.hashCrux, crux)
val svgStringBuilder =
StringBuilder("<svg xmlns=\"\" role=\"img\" viewBox=\"-1 -1 2 2\">\n<g>\n")
svgStringBuilder.append(sections.joinToString("\n") { s ->
val section = s["section"] as Section
val d = section.path
val fill = s["color"] as String
val strokeColor = "white"
val style = when (section.transform.isBlank()) {
true -> "transition: .15s ease-out;"
else -> "transition: .15s ease-out; transform: ${section.transform};"
"""<path d="$d" stroke="$strokeColor" stroke-width="0.02" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="$fill" style="$style"/>"""
FileWriter("./output.svg").use {
fun sectionPath(index: Int, outerRadius: Double, innerRadius: Double, crux: Double, stagger: Boolean = true): Section {
val angleA = index / 8.0
val angleB = (index + 1) / 8.0
val angleOffset = when(stagger) {
true -> crux / 8.0
else -> 0.0
val path = arrayOf(
Point(0.0, 0.0).moveTo(),
Point.polarPoint(outerRadius, angleA).lineTo(),
Point.polarPoint(outerRadius, angleB).arcTo(outerRadius),
).joinToString(separator = " ")
return Section(
path = path,
transform = when (angleOffset.compareTo(0.0) != 0) {
true -> "rotate(${BigDecimal.valueOf(angleOffset).toPlainString()}turn)"
else -> ""
fun reduceCrux(value: Int, byte: String): Int {
return (value xor byte.toInt(16))
fun computeCrux(bytes: Array<String>): Cruxes {
val len = round(bytes.size.toDouble() / 4).toInt()
val rings = arrayOf(
bytes.slice(0 until len),
bytes.slice(len until (2 * len)),
bytes.slice((2 * len) until (3 * len)),
bytes.slice((3 * len) until (4 * len))
val hashCrux = (bytes.fold(0) { acc, s ->
reduceCrux(acc, s)
}.toDouble() / 0xFF) * 2 - 1
val ringCruxes = {
(it.fold(0) { acc, s ->
reduceCrux(acc, s)
}.toDouble() / 0xFF) * 2 - 1
return Cruxes(hashCrux, ringCruxes)
fun mapValueToColor(value: Int, hashCrux: Double, ringCrux: Double): String {
// 4bits
val hue = value shr 4
// 2bits
val saturation = (value shr 2) and 0x03
// 2bits
val lightness = value and 0x03
val h = 360 * hashCrux + 120 * ringCrux + (30 * hue) / 16
// Between 50 - 100%
val s = 50 + (50 * saturation) / 4
// Between 50 - 90%
val l = 50 + (40 * lightness) / 8
return "hsl($h, $s%, $l%)"
fun mix(a: Double, b: Double, radiusFactor: Double = 0.42): Double {
return a * radiusFactor + b * (1 - radiusFactor)
data class Cruxes(val hashCrux: Double, val ringCruxes: List<Double>)
data class Section(
val path: String,
val transform: String,
data class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
fun moveTo(): String {
return "M $this"
fun lineTo(): String {
return "L $this"
fun arcTo(radius: Number): String {
return "A $radius $radius 0 0 1 $this"
override fun toString(): String {
return "$x $y"
companion object {
fun polarPoint(radius: Double, angle: Double): Point {
// Angle is expressed as [0, 1]
// Subtract pi / 2 to start at 12 o'clock and go clock wise
// Trig rotation + inverted Y = clockwise rotation
val rotation = (2 * PI * angle - PI / 2)
return Point(
x = radius * cos(rotation),
y = radius * sin(rotation)
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