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def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
y_true : (N batch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor, 4 + 1 + N classes)
y_true[irow, i_gridh, i_gridw, i_anchor, :4] = center_x, center_y, w, h
center_x : The x coordinate center of the bounding box.
Rescaled to range between 0 and N gird w (e.g., ranging between [0,13)
center_y : The y coordinate center of the bounding box.
Rescaled to range between 0 and N gird h (e.g., ranging between [0,13)
w : The width of the bounding box.
Rescaled to range between 0 and N gird w (e.g., ranging between [0,13)
h : The height of the bounding box.
Rescaled to range between 0 and N gird h (e.g., ranging between [0,13)
y_true[irow, i_gridh, i_gridw, i_anchor, 4] = ground truth confidence
ground truth confidence is 1 if object exists in this (anchor box, gird cell) pair
y_true[irow, i_gridh, i_gridw, i_anchor, 5 + iclass] = 1 if the object is in category else 0
total_recall = tf.Variable(0.)
# Step 1: Adjust prediction output
cell_grid = get_cell_grid(GRID_W,GRID_H,BATCH_SIZE,BOX)
pred_box_xy, pred_box_wh, pred_box_conf, pred_box_class = adjust_scale_prediction(y_pred,cell_grid,ANCHORS)
# Step 2: Extract ground truth output
true_box_xy, true_box_wh, true_box_conf, true_box_class = extract_ground_truth(y_true)
# Step 3: Calculate loss for the bounding box parameters
loss_xywh, coord_mask = calc_loss_xywh(true_box_conf,LAMBDA_COORD,
true_box_xy, pred_box_xy,true_box_wh,pred_box_wh)
# Step 4: Calculate loss for the class probabilities
loss_class = calc_loss_class(true_box_conf,LAMBDA_CLASS,
# Step 5: For each (grid cell, anchor) pair,
# calculate the IoU between predicted and ground truth bounding box
true_box_conf_IOU = calc_IOU_pred_true_assigned(true_box_conf,
true_box_xy, true_box_wh,
pred_box_xy, pred_box_wh)
# Step 6: For each predicted bounded box from (grid cell, anchor box),
# calculate the best IOU, regardless of the ground truth anchor box that each object gets assigned.
best_ious = calc_IOU_pred_true_best(pred_box_xy,pred_box_wh,true_boxes)
# Step 7: For each grid cell, calculate the L_{i,j}^{noobj}
conf_mask = get_conf_mask(best_ious, true_box_conf, true_box_conf_IOU,LAMBDA_NO_OBJECT, LAMBDA_OBJECT)
# Step 8: Calculate loss for the confidence
loss_conf = calc_loss_conf(conf_mask,true_box_conf_IOU, pred_box_conf)
loss = loss_xywh + loss_conf + loss_class
return loss
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